Read a book inyour class orthe library thathas a dinosauron its cover.Read a book toone of your pets,or if you don't havea pet, then read toa stuffed animal.Make your veryown bookmarkand decorate itusing coloredpencils, markers,or stickers.Read afictional book(which meansthat it is not atrue story).Sing a songfrom a popularfairytale, or saythe lines from apopular nurseryrhyme.Read a non-fiction book(which meansthat it is abouttrue or realthings).Tell Miss Kaitlinthe name of theauthor whowrote "Elephant& Piggie."Visit a publiclibrary and sayhello to one ofthe librariansthere.Draw a pictureof your favoritestorybookcharacter andshow MissKaitlin.Tell an adultthe name ofyour favoritestorybookcharacter.Read a bookthat has a maincharacter whois a young girlor a woman.Read agraphicnovel, or readan entirechapter book.Find a biographyand write downyour favorite factabout the person,then share the factwith an adult.Read a bookaloud withone (or more)of your friendsor family.Read a bookthat includesone or moreanimals thattalk in it.Dress up like astorybookcharacter thatyou really likeor think is cool.Read a book inyour class orthe library thathas a dinosauron its cover.Read a book toone of your pets,or if you don't havea pet, then read toa stuffed animal.Make your veryown bookmarkand decorate itusing coloredpencils, markers,or stickers.Read afictional book(which meansthat it is not atrue story).Sing a songfrom a popularfairytale, or saythe lines from apopular nurseryrhyme.Read a non-fiction book(which meansthat it is abouttrue or realthings).Tell Miss Kaitlinthe name of theauthor whowrote "Elephant& Piggie."Visit a publiclibrary and sayhello to one ofthe librariansthere.Draw a pictureof your favoritestorybookcharacter andshow MissKaitlin.Tell an adultthe name ofyour favoritestorybookcharacter.Read a bookthat has a maincharacter whois a young girlor a woman.Read agraphicnovel, or readan entirechapter book.Find a biographyand write downyour favorite factabout the person,then share the factwith an adult.Read a bookaloud withone (or more)of your friendsor family.Read a bookthat includesone or moreanimals thattalk in it.Dress up like astorybookcharacter thatyou really likeor think is cool.

Miss Kaitlin's Book Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Read a book in your class or the library that has a dinosaur on its cover.
  2. Read a book to one of your pets, or if you don't have a pet, then read to a stuffed animal.
  3. Make your very own bookmark and decorate it using colored pencils, markers, or stickers.
  4. Read a fictional book (which means that it is not a true story).
  5. Sing a song from a popular fairytale, or say the lines from a popular nursery rhyme.
  6. Read a non-fiction book (which means that it is about true or real things).
  7. Tell Miss Kaitlin the name of the author who wrote "Elephant & Piggie."
  8. Visit a public library and say hello to one of the librarians there.
  9. Draw a picture of your favorite storybook character and show Miss Kaitlin.
  10. Tell an adult the name of your favorite storybook character.
  11. Read a book that has a main character who is a young girl or a woman.
  12. Read a graphic novel, or read an entire chapter book.
  13. Find a biography and write down your favorite fact about the person, then share the fact with an adult.
  14. Read a book aloud with one (or more) of your friends or family.
  15. Read a book that includes one or more animals that talk in it.
  16. Dress up like a storybook character that you really like or think is cool.