A dealer bought acellphone for $300and he marked upthe price 200%. If hesold the phone at adiscount of 15%, findthe sale price.A company buysreclining sofas at aprice of $550. Theyimpose a 205%markup on thesofa. Find the sellingprice of the sofa.Ariel weighed an objectand recorded a mass of24.3 grams. Her teachertold her there wassomething wrong and thereading was too low. Theteacher’s key recorded themass as 32.1 grams. Whatis Ariel’s percent error?A burger placemakes 650 cheeseburgers every day. Ifthis is 40% of all thetypes of burgers theymake every day, howmany do they makeeach day?40% of the students inKayla’s class havetried ice-skating. Of thepeople who have nottried ice-skating, 30%have tried skiing. Whatpercentage of peoplewho have not tried ice-skating, tried skiing?A store purchased amattress for $200 and soldit to the customer for 60%more than the cost price.The customer was thencharged 8.125% tax whenthe mattress was sold.What was the customer’stotal purchase price for themattress?Arnold hascompleted 40% of hishomework. If hespent 16 minutes onhis homework so far,how long will hishomework take total?Anna went out to arestaurant with herfriends and her billcame to $73.50. Thisbill includes a 20%tip. What was the billamount before thetip?There are 36carpenters in a crew.On a certain day, 29were present. Whatpercent did not showup for work?Approximately 1%of the 10,000pictures on myphone are from2015. How many ofthe pictures arefrom 2015?Hannah invests $500in a savings plan. Theplan pays 3.8% annualinterest on the $500account balance. Howmuch money willHannah earn ininterest after 10 years?After the summerseason, the cost ofbathing suits arediscounted from $45to $20. Whatpercentage is thisdiscount?Jerry, an electrician,worked 7 monthsout of the year.What percent of theyear did hework?Pamela bought anelectric drill with a15% off coupon. Ifshe paid $32.89 forthe drill, what wasthe selling price?Donna works at a furniturestore and makes a weeklysalary of $500. In addition,she makes 5% commissionon her sales. If she sold$8,000 worth of furniturelast week, how muchmoney did Donna earn intotal?Phil, a cars salesman,has a monthly salary of$1,000 plus 2.5%commission on allsaleshe makes. If he sold$200,000 in cars lastmonth, what was hiscommission?David decided to builda sandcastle that was3.2 feet high. The nextday a tidal wave cameand the castle lost 40%of its height. How highis David’s castle afterthe wave?Kelly wants to buy adesk that is on salefor 30% off. If thesale price is $210,what is theoriginal selling price?A woman put $580into a savingsaccount for 1 year.The rate of intereston the account was6½%. How much wasthe interest for theyear?Donovan took a mathtest and got 35correct answers and10 incorrect. Whatwas the percentageof incorrect answers?The price of adesk before andafter a sale are$800 and $650.Find the percentdecrease in price.A jar contains1200 marbles and24% of themarbles areyellow. How manymarbles are NOTyellow?At a sale, shirtswere sold for $15each. This pricewas 80% of theiroriginal price.What was theoriginal price?A dog loves to eat histreats. From a jar filledwith 150 treats, thedog ate 20% in the firstweek. Of thoseremaining, he ate 30%the second week. Howmany dogs treats areleft?A dealer bought acellphone for $300and he marked upthe price 200%. If hesold the phone at adiscount of 15%, findthe sale price.A company buysreclining sofas at aprice of $550. Theyimpose a 205%markup on thesofa. Find the sellingprice of the sofa.Ariel weighed an objectand recorded a mass of24.3 grams. Her teachertold her there wassomething wrong and thereading was too low. Theteacher’s key recorded themass as 32.1 grams. Whatis Ariel’s percent error?A burger placemakes 650 cheeseburgers every day. Ifthis is 40% of all thetypes of burgers theymake every day, howmany do they makeeach day?40% of the students inKayla’s class havetried ice-skating. Of thepeople who have nottried ice-skating, 30%have tried skiing. Whatpercentage of peoplewho have not tried ice-skating, tried skiing?A store purchased amattress for $200 and soldit to the customer for 60%more than the cost price.The customer was thencharged 8.125% tax whenthe mattress was sold.What was the customer’stotal purchase price for themattress?Arnold hascompleted 40% of hishomework. If hespent 16 minutes onhis homework so far,how long will hishomework take total?Anna went out to arestaurant with herfriends and her billcame to $73.50. Thisbill includes a 20%tip. What was the billamount before thetip?There are 36carpenters in a crew.On a certain day, 29were present. Whatpercent did not showup for work?Approximately 1%of the 10,000pictures on myphone are from2015. How many ofthe pictures arefrom 2015?Hannah invests $500in a savings plan. Theplan pays 3.8% annualinterest on the $500account balance. Howmuch money willHannah earn ininterest after 10 years?After the summerseason, the cost ofbathing suits arediscounted from $45to $20. Whatpercentage is thisdiscount?Jerry, an electrician,worked 7 monthsout of the year.What percent of theyear did hework?Pamela bought anelectric drill with a15% off coupon. Ifshe paid $32.89 forthe drill, what wasthe selling price?Donna works at a furniturestore and makes a weeklysalary of $500. In addition,she makes 5% commissionon her sales. If she sold$8,000 worth of furniturelast week, how muchmoney did Donna earn intotal?Phil, a cars salesman,has a monthly salary of$1,000 plus 2.5%commission on allsaleshe makes. If he sold$200,000 in cars lastmonth, what was hiscommission?David decided to builda sandcastle that was3.2 feet high. The nextday a tidal wave cameand the castle lost 40%of its height. How highis David’s castle afterthe wave?Kelly wants to buy adesk that is on salefor 30% off. If thesale price is $210,what is theoriginal selling price?A woman put $580into a savingsaccount for 1 year.The rate of intereston the account was6½%. How much wasthe interest for theyear?Donovan took a mathtest and got 35correct answers and10 incorrect. Whatwas the percentageof incorrect answers?The price of adesk before andafter a sale are$800 and $650.Find the percentdecrease in price.A jar contains1200 marbles and24% of themarbles areyellow. How manymarbles are NOTyellow?At a sale, shirtswere sold for $15each. This pricewas 80% of theiroriginal price.What was theoriginal price?A dog loves to eat histreats. From a jar filledwith 150 treats, thedog ate 20% in the firstweek. Of thoseremaining, he ate 30%the second week. Howmany dogs treats areleft?

Hauser Percent BINGO 7-1 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A dealer bought a cellphone for $300 and he marked up the price 200%. If he sold the phone at a discount of 15%, find the sale price.
  2. A company buys reclining sofas at a price of $550. They impose a 205% markup on the sofa. Find the selling price of the sofa.
  3. Ariel weighed an object and recorded a mass of 24.3 grams. Her teacher told her there was something wrong and the reading was too low. The teacher’s key recorded the mass as 32.1 grams. What is Ariel’s percent error?
  4. A burger place makes 650 cheese burgers every day. If this is 40% of all the types of burgers they make every day, how many do they make each day?
  5. 40% of the students in Kayla’s class have tried ice-skating. Of the people who have not tried ice-skating, 30% have tried skiing. What percentage of people who have not tried ice-skating, tried skiing?
  6. A store purchased a mattress for $200 and sold it to the customer for 60% more than the cost price. The customer was then charged 8.125% tax when the mattress was sold. What was the customer’s total purchase price for the mattress?
  7. Arnold has completed 40% of his homework. If he spent 16 minutes on his homework so far, how long will his homework take total?
  8. Anna went out to a restaurant with her friends and her bill came to $73.50. This bill includes a 20% tip. What was the bill amount before the tip?
  9. There are 36 carpenters in a crew. On a certain day, 29 were present. What percent did not show up for work?
  10. Approximately 1% of the 10,000 pictures on my phone are from 2015. How many of the pictures are from 2015?
  11. Hannah invests $500 in a savings plan. The plan pays 3.8% annual interest on the $500 account balance. How much money will Hannah earn in interest after 10 years?
  12. After the summer season, the cost of bathing suits are discounted from $45 to $20. What percentage is this discount?
  13. Jerry, an electrician, worked 7 months out of the year. What percent of the year did he work?
  14. Pamela bought an electric drill with a 15% off coupon. If she paid $32.89 for the drill, what was the selling price?
  15. Donna works at a furniture store and makes a weekly salary of $500. In addition, she makes 5% commission on her sales. If she sold $8,000 worth of furniture last week, how much money did Donna earn in total?
  16. Phil, a cars salesman, has a monthly salary of $1,000 plus 2.5% commission on all sales he makes. If he sold $200,000 in cars last month, what was his commission?
  17. David decided to build a sandcastle that was 3.2 feet high. The next day a tidal wave came and the castle lost 40% of its height. How high is David’s castle after the wave?
  18. Kelly wants to buy a desk that is on sale for 30% off. If the sale price is $210, what is the original selling price?
  19. A woman put $580 into a savings account for 1 year. The rate of interest on the account was 6½%. How much was the interest for the year?
  20. Donovan took a math test and got 35 correct answers and 10 incorrect. What was the percentage of incorrect answers?
  21. The price of a desk before and after a sale are $800 and $650. Find the percent decrease in price.
  22. A jar contains 1200 marbles and 24% of the marbles are yellow. How many marbles are NOT yellow?
  23. At a sale, shirts were sold for $15 each. This price was 80% of their original price. What was the original price?
  24. A dog loves to eat his treats. From a jar filled with 150 treats, the dog ate 20% in the first week. Of those remaining, he ate 30% the second week. How many dogs treats are left?