Text-to-Text:Explain anysimilaritiesbetween this bookand another bookthat you've read.In your opinion, isthis book better orworse than the lastbook you read?Explain in 3-5sentences.ENDING:How was themain conflictof your storyresolved?CALL TOADVENTURE: Whatevent or actioninterrupts the hero'sordinary world? Whydoes the hero acceptthe call?Illustrate andalternativecover for yourbook by hand,or by using anapp.Google Image searcha character from yourbook. Does theimage look like whatyou imagined?Why/why not?Pick one character,and choose anactor/actress youwould pick to playthat character in amovie. Explain yourchoice in 3-5sentences.Choose acharacter whoreminds you of afriend or familymember. What dothey have incommon?Why did youchoose to readthis book?Explain yourreasoning in 3-5sentences.If you could changethe setting of yourbook, where/whenwould you have ittake place? Why?Explain somethingyour character did intoday's reading, andwhether or not youagree with whathe/she did. Why doyou agree/disagree?Is this bookliving up to yourexpectations sofar? Why/Whynot?Setting: Where/whendoes this story takeplace? Provide aquote from the storythat describes thesetting.MEETING THEMENTOR: Whois the maincharacter'smentor? How doyou know?If this book has asequel, will youread it? If it doesn'thave a sequel,would you like oneto be written?List threequestions youwould like to askyour maincharacter, and whyyou would askeach one.FRIENDS ANDENEMIES: Name threefriends and/or enemiesthat your charactermeets during the storyso far. Give eachfriend/enemy a one-sentence description.ENDING: Idid/did notenjoy this book,because (3-5sentences)CROSSING THETHRESHOLD: Whendoes the maincharacter decide toleave his/her ordinaryworld behind andbegin the journey?THE ULTIMATEORDEAL: Whendoes the maincharacter face his/herfinal showdown thatis the biggestchallenge of thejouney?What is themain conflictof this story?Explain in 3-5 sentences.Pick one characterand give thatcharacter advicethat may help atthis point of thestoryGive today'sreading a rating,from 1-10, andexplain yourrating in 3-5sentences.Summarize thechapter orsection youread today, in3-5 sentences.Text-to-Text:Explain anysimilaritiesbetween this bookand another bookthat you've read.In your opinion, isthis book better orworse than the lastbook you read?Explain in 3-5sentences.ENDING:How was themain conflictof your storyresolved?CALL TOADVENTURE: Whatevent or actioninterrupts the hero'sordinary world? Whydoes the hero acceptthe call?Illustrate andalternativecover for yourbook by hand,or by using anapp.Google Image searcha character from yourbook. Does theimage look like whatyou imagined?Why/why not?Pick one character,and choose anactor/actress youwould pick to playthat character in amovie. Explain yourchoice in 3-5sentences.Choose acharacter whoreminds you of afriend or familymember. What dothey have incommon?Why did youchoose to readthis book?Explain yourreasoning in 3-5sentences.If you could changethe setting of yourbook, where/whenwould you have ittake place? Why?Explain somethingyour character did intoday's reading, andwhether or not youagree with whathe/she did. Why doyou agree/disagree?Is this bookliving up to yourexpectations sofar? Why/Whynot?Setting: Where/whendoes this story takeplace? Provide aquote from the storythat describes thesetting.MEETING THEMENTOR: Whois the maincharacter'smentor? How doyou know?If this book has asequel, will youread it? If it doesn'thave a sequel,would you like oneto be written?List threequestions youwould like to askyour maincharacter, and whyyou would askeach one.FRIENDS ANDENEMIES: Name threefriends and/or enemiesthat your charactermeets during the storyso far. Give eachfriend/enemy a one-sentence description.ENDING: Idid/did notenjoy this book,because (3-5sentences)CROSSING THETHRESHOLD: Whendoes the maincharacter decide toleave his/her ordinaryworld behind andbegin the journey?THE ULTIMATEORDEAL: Whendoes the maincharacter face his/herfinal showdown thatis the biggestchallenge of thejouney?What is themain conflictof this story?Explain in 3-5 sentences.Pick one characterand give thatcharacter advicethat may help atthis point of thestoryGive today'sreading a rating,from 1-10, andexplain yourrating in 3-5sentences.Summarize thechapter orsection youread today, in3-5 sentences.

Quarter 3 Booklove Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.