Illustrate analternativecover for yourbook by hand,or by using anapp.SETTING: Whereand when does thisstory take place?Provide one directquote thatdescribes thesetting.Choose a characterwho reminds you ofa friend or familymember. What dothe two of themhave in common?If this book has asequel, will you readit? If it does not havea sequel, would youlike one to bewritten? Explain yourresponse.THE ULTIMATEORDEAL: Describethe scene when themain character facesthe final showdownthat is the biggestchallenge of thejourney.Pick one characterand give thatcharacter advicethat would behelpful at this pointof the story.Google Image searcha character from yourbook. Does theimage look like thecharacter youpictured? Why/Whynot?CALL TOADVENTURE: Whatevent or actioninterrupts the hero'sordinary world? Whydoes the hero acceptthe call?Pick one characterand choose an actoror actress who couldplay that character ina movie version ofyour book. Explainyour choice in 3-5sentences.List threequestions youwould like to askyour maincharacter, and whyyou would askeach one.Is this bookliving up to yourexpectations sofar? Explainwhy/why not in3-5 sentences.Why did youchoose to readthis book?Explain yourreasoning in 3-5sentences.Give today'sreading a ratingfrom 1-10.Explain yourrating in 3-5sentences.If you couldchange the settingof your book,where and whenwould you have ittake place? Why?ENDING: Howwas the mainconflict of yourstory resolved?Explain in 3-5sentences.TEXT-TO-TEXT:Explain anysimilaritiesbetween this bookand another bookthat you've read.In 3-5sentences,summarize thechapter orportion that youread today.FRIENDS ANDENEMIES: Namethree friends and/orenemies that yourcharacter has met sofar. Give eachfriend/enemy a one-sentence description.In your opinion, isthis book better orworse than the lastbook your read?Explain youropinion in 3-5sentences.What is themain conflictof this story?Explain it in 3-5 sentences.MEETING THEMENTOR: Whois the maincharacter'smentor? How doyou know?ENDING: I did/didnot enjoy theending of thisbook, because...(3-5 sentences)Explain something thatthe main character didin today's reading, andwhether or not youagree with what he/shedid/ Why do you agreeor disagree?CROSSING THETHRESHOLD: Whendoes the maincharacter decide toleave his/her ordinaryworld behind andbegin the journey?Illustrate analternativecover for yourbook by hand,or by using anapp.SETTING: Whereand when does thisstory take place?Provide one directquote thatdescribes thesetting.Choose a characterwho reminds you ofa friend or familymember. What dothe two of themhave in common?If this book has asequel, will you readit? If it does not havea sequel, would youlike one to bewritten? Explain yourresponse.THE ULTIMATEORDEAL: Describethe scene when themain character facesthe final showdownthat is the biggestchallenge of thejourney.Pick one characterand give thatcharacter advicethat would behelpful at this pointof the story.Google Image searcha character from yourbook. Does theimage look like thecharacter youpictured? Why/Whynot?CALL TOADVENTURE: Whatevent or actioninterrupts the hero'sordinary world? Whydoes the hero acceptthe call?Pick one characterand choose an actoror actress who couldplay that character ina movie version ofyour book. Explainyour choice in 3-5sentences.List threequestions youwould like to askyour maincharacter, and whyyou would askeach one.Is this bookliving up to yourexpectations sofar? Explainwhy/why not in3-5 sentences.Why did youchoose to readthis book?Explain yourreasoning in 3-5sentences.Give today'sreading a ratingfrom 1-10.Explain yourrating in 3-5sentences.If you couldchange the settingof your book,where and whenwould you have ittake place? Why?ENDING: Howwas the mainconflict of yourstory resolved?Explain in 3-5sentences.TEXT-TO-TEXT:Explain anysimilaritiesbetween this bookand another bookthat you've read.In 3-5sentences,summarize thechapter orportion that youread today.FRIENDS ANDENEMIES: Namethree friends and/orenemies that yourcharacter has met sofar. Give eachfriend/enemy a one-sentence description.In your opinion, isthis book better orworse than the lastbook your read?Explain youropinion in 3-5sentences.What is themain conflictof this story?Explain it in 3-5 sentences.MEETING THEMENTOR: Whois the maincharacter'smentor? How doyou know?ENDING: I did/didnot enjoy theending of thisbook, because...(3-5 sentences)Explain something thatthe main character didin today's reading, andwhether or not youagree with what he/shedid/ Why do you agreeor disagree?CROSSING THETHRESHOLD: Whendoes the maincharacter decide toleave his/her ordinaryworld behind andbegin the journey?

Quarter 3 Booklove Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.