When Elias ishungry andthirsty, he willeat a cookieand drink water.Emiliogoes tothe doctorfor a shot.Some peopleare nervouswhen theysee thedentist.Paulenjoys hisnewclasses.I crywhenI'm sad.We arehappy it'stheweekend!Citlali isalways sadwhen it'sMonday.Somepeople get afever andhightemperature.Sorry andplease aretwo differentsigns.Wheredoes ithurt?Mariasprained herankle whenshe wasdancing.If Gary issick, he willtakemedicine tofeel better. I feelnauseousand want tothrow up.We aretired atthe end ofthe day.Cammy wasembarrassedwhen she felldown.Somepeople areshy whenthey are in anew school.Andrew getsexcited whenit's time to gohome.Ares has acold and hesneezes andcoughs a lot.Erik felldown andbroke hisarm.Fernandogoes to thehospitalwhen hefeels dizzy.Areyouokay?I go to thenurse to getmy bloodpressurechecked.I don't like itwhen Silviais mad atme.When Isee blood,I getworried.When Elias ishungry andthirsty, he willeat a cookieand drink water.Emiliogoes tothe doctorfor a shot.Some peopleare nervouswhen theysee thedentist.Paulenjoys hisnewclasses.I crywhenI'm sad.We arehappy it'stheweekend!Citlali isalways sadwhen it'sMonday.Somepeople get afever andhightemperature.Sorry andplease aretwo differentsigns.Wheredoes ithurt?Mariasprained herankle whenshe wasdancing.If Gary issick, he willtakemedicine tofeel better. I feelnauseousand want tothrow up.We aretired atthe end ofthe day.Cammy wasembarrassedwhen she felldown.Somepeople areshy whenthey are in anew school.Andrew getsexcited whenit's time to gohome.Ares has acold and hesneezes andcoughs a lot.Erik felldown andbroke hisarm.Fernandogoes to thehospitalwhen hefeels dizzy.Areyouokay?I go to thenurse to getmy bloodpressurechecked.I don't like itwhen Silviais mad atme.When Isee blood,I getworried.

ASL Emotions/Medical - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. When Elias is hungry and thirsty, he will eat a cookie and drink water.
  2. Emilio goes to the doctor for a shot.
  3. Some people are nervous when they see the dentist.
  4. Paul enjoys his new classes.
  5. I cry when I'm sad.
  6. We are happy it's the weekend!
  7. Citlali is always sad when it's Monday.
  8. Some people get a fever and high temperature.
  9. Sorry and please are two different signs.
  10. Where does it hurt?
  11. Maria sprained her ankle when she was dancing.
  12. If Gary is sick, he will take medicine to feel better.
  13. I feel nauseous and want to throw up.
  14. We are tired at the end of the day.
  15. Cammy was embarrassed when she fell down.
  16. Some people are shy when they are in a new school.
  17. Andrew gets excited when it's time to go home.
  18. Ares has a cold and he sneezes and coughs a lot.
  19. Erik fell down and broke his arm.
  20. Fernando goes to the hospital when he feels dizzy.
  21. Are you okay?
  22. I go to the nurse to get my blood pressure checked.
  23. I don't like it when Silvia is mad at me.
  24. When I see blood, I get worried.