Falls off the map August uses "real voice" Diffed a sniper Wins Kiriko 1v1 Chat spams meow Suzu saves someone from dying from Junktire NO ELP Plays Circuit Royale and loses >30 min queue Mods ban someone Complains about the state of the game First time sub augWiggle Pyramid August barks on stream TP Cancel Streamer raid Brits in chat revealing themselves Toxic teammate Queue vid about Japan !oce/ !face August raves about kebabs Fortnite Cola vid (YIPEE) Misses suzu or sleepdart KEYS Falls off the map August uses "real voice" Diffed a sniper Wins Kiriko 1v1 Chat spams meow Suzu saves someone from dying from Junktire NO ELP Plays Circuit Royale and loses >30 min queue Mods ban someone Complains about the state of the game First time sub augWiggle Pyramid August barks on stream TP Cancel Streamer raid Brits in chat revealing themselves Toxic teammate Queue vid about Japan !oce/ !face August raves about kebabs Fortnite Cola vid (YIPEE) Misses suzu or sleepdart KEYS
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
O- Falls off the map
G-August uses "real voice"
B-Diffed a sniper
N-Wins Kiriko 1v1
B-Chat spams meow
I-Suzu saves someone from dying from Junktire
I-Plays Circuit Royale and loses
B->30 min queue
B-Mods ban someone
I-Complains about the state of the game
G-First time sub
G-augWiggle Pyramid
I-August barks on stream
O-TP Cancel
N-Streamer raid
O-Brits in chat revealing themselves
G-Toxic teammate
G-Queue vid about Japan
B-!oce/ !face
O-August raves about kebabs
I-Fortnite Cola vid (YIPEE)
N-Misses suzu or sleepdart