Describe asituation whereyou feltanxious. Howdid you handleit?Mrs. Wittmus textsyou exactly whatyou need to hearright now. Whatdid she say? What would youremotion rightnow look like inphysical form?Draw anddescribe it.Brainstorm allthe big andsmall problemsyou have rightnow. Fill thepage!What do youwish othersknew aboutyou?Draw a cloud.Write yourproblems falling asraindrops onto thegrass. Grow somesolutions!What is the bestcomplimentsomeone has evergiven you? Whatmade it the best?Draw a big box onyour page. Stuffyour negativethoughts into thebox using wordsand pictures.I am agoodfriendbecause...I am lessstressedwhen...I feel mostappreciatedwhen...Make a list ofall the thingsthat are goingright for youtoday. IncludeEVERYTHING!Who are youupset with?(includingyourself)Are petsbetter thanhumans?Defend youranswerWrite all yoursilly thoughtsin a spiral onyour page.What does thepaper from myjournal feel likewhen I rub mychin on it? Bedescriptive!How do youfeel when youare meetingsomeonenew? Why?Is there an appyou hate, butyou still use itanyway? Why?I am mostexcitedby...Write anentry withyour eyesclosed.What areyou feelingright now?Let it all out!Is there a linebetweencreativity andinsanity?Defend youranswer. List your topextreme thoughtsthat trigger you.How you react toeach of them?Whatgrownup doyouappreciate themost? Why?What's the bestsong you'veever heard?Why do youthink this?Mygreatestchallengeis...Using red, orange,and black, createa RAGE PAGE tocontain your rageand angrythoughts.Get crazy!Write yourcrazy ideas aszigzagsthroughout yourpage.Who isyour real-life hero?Why?Who is thefunniest personyou know?What makesthem so funny?Write about attime when youfelt opposite ofhow you feelright now.What issomethingthat triggersyou? Why?What is thebiggest problemmiddle schoolershave today? Howshould it be dealtwith?RHYME WITHOUTREASON! Draw twothings that rhyme, butdon't go together.(hockey player /vampire slayer)What doyou loveaboutyourself?What doyou enjoydoing?Why?Write ajournal entrywith yournon-dominanthand.Mycurrentstruggleis... Create a CAGEPAGE for allyour randomdoodles andcrazy drawings.I feel mostrelaxedwhen...Whatrollercoasterthoughts areyou havingnow?Write anentry withoutcapitalletters andpunctuation.What do youhear when youpress your earto a page in yourjournal. Bedescriptive!It's Opposite Day! Tellwhat happens ormake aschedule/timelinewhen you do theopposite of yourusual day.What is a fun factabout yourself thatno one knowsabout. Write asmuch as you canabout it!Write down themistakes you'restruggling with.Cross them out!Let go and moveon.If you could travelback through timeto visit yourkindergarten self,what advice wouldyou give? Why? Who is theperson youtrust the most?Why do youtrust them?What areyou lookingforward to? Itcan be big orsmall things.How doyou takecare ofyourself?How doyou copewithstress?What animaldo you feellike today?Why? Drawyourself!What doesyour perfectday looklike? Includedetails.Describewhat youthink your lifewill be like in10 yearsWhat wouldit feel goodto leavebehind?Why?How doyou feelaboutyour life?Draw youremotions asfireworks!Use thewhole page.How do youfeel aboutyour name?Does it suityou? Why?What is yourfavoritesmell? Why?I am mostfocusedwhen...List 10 cute petnames andwhat animalsthey go with.Draw a few!Write 1 peaceful,positive, orhappy thoughtfor each letter ofthe alphabet.What is yourirrationalurge rightnow? Why?Write all thethings you needto do thismonth in aspiral on yourpage.Describe asituation whereyou feltanxious. Howdid you handleit?Mrs. Wittmus textsyou exactly whatyou need to hearright now. Whatdid she say? What would youremotion rightnow look like inphysical form?Draw anddescribe it.Brainstorm allthe big andsmall problemsyou have rightnow. Fill thepage!What do youwish othersknew aboutyou?Draw a cloud.Write yourproblems falling asraindrops onto thegrass. Grow somesolutions!What is the bestcomplimentsomeone has evergiven you? Whatmade it the best?Draw a big box onyour page. Stuffyour negativethoughts into thebox using wordsand pictures.I am agoodfriendbecause...I am lessstressedwhen...I feel mostappreciatedwhen...Make a list ofall the thingsthat are goingright for youtoday. IncludeEVERYTHING!Who are youupset with?(includingyourself)Are petsbetter thanhumans?Defend youranswerWrite all yoursilly thoughtsin a spiral onyour page.What does thepaper from myjournal feel likewhen I rub mychin on it? Bedescriptive!How do youfeel when youare meetingsomeonenew? Why?Is there an appyou hate, butyou still use itanyway? Why?I am mostexcitedby...Write anentry withyour eyesclosed.What areyou feelingright now?Let it all out!Is there a linebetweencreativity andinsanity?Defend youranswer. List your topextreme thoughtsthat trigger you.How you react toeach of them?Whatgrownup doyouappreciate themost? Why?What's the bestsong you'veever heard?Why do youthink this?Mygreatestchallengeis...Using red, orange,and black, createa RAGE PAGE tocontain your rageand angrythoughts.Get crazy!Write yourcrazy ideas aszigzagsthroughout yourpage.Who isyour real-life hero?Why?Who is thefunniest personyou know?What makesthem so funny?Write about attime when youfelt opposite ofhow you feelright now.What issomethingthat triggersyou? Why?What is thebiggest problemmiddle schoolershave today? Howshould it be dealtwith?RHYME WITHOUTREASON! Draw twothings that rhyme, butdon't go together.(hockey player /vampire slayer)What doyou loveaboutyourself?What doyou enjoydoing?Why?Write ajournal entrywith yournon-dominanthand.Mycurrentstruggleis... Create a CAGEPAGE for allyour randomdoodles andcrazy drawings.I feel mostrelaxedwhen...Whatrollercoasterthoughts areyou havingnow?Write anentry withoutcapitalletters andpunctuation.What do youhear when youpress your earto a page in yourjournal. Bedescriptive!It's Opposite Day! Tellwhat happens ormake aschedule/timelinewhen you do theopposite of yourusual day.What is a fun factabout yourself thatno one knowsabout. Write asmuch as you canabout it!Write down themistakes you'restruggling with.Cross them out!Let go and moveon.If you could travelback through timeto visit yourkindergarten self,what advice wouldyou give? Why? Who is theperson youtrust the most?Why do youtrust them?What areyou lookingforward to? Itcan be big orsmall things.How doyou takecare ofyourself?How doyou copewithstress?What animaldo you feellike today?Why? Drawyourself!What doesyour perfectday looklike? Includedetails.Describewhat youthink your lifewill be like in10 yearsWhat wouldit feel goodto leavebehind?Why?How doyou feelaboutyour life?Draw youremotions asfireworks!Use thewhole page.How do youfeel aboutyour name?Does it suityou? Why?What is yourfavoritesmell? Why?I am mostfocusedwhen...List 10 cute petnames andwhat animalsthey go with.Draw a few!Write 1 peaceful,positive, orhappy thoughtfor each letter ofthe alphabet.What is yourirrationalurge rightnow? Why?Write all thethings you needto do thismonth in aspiral on yourpage.

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Describe a situation where you felt anxious. How did you handle it?
  2. Mrs. Wittmus texts you exactly what you need to hear right now. What did she say?
  3. What would your emotion right now look like in physical form? Draw and describe it.
  4. Brainstorm all the big and small problems you have right now. Fill the page!
  5. What do you wish others knew about you?
  6. Draw a cloud. Write your problems falling as raindrops onto the grass. Grow some solutions!
  7. What is the best compliment someone has ever given you? What made it the best?
  8. Draw a big box on your page. Stuff your negative thoughts into the box using words and pictures.
  9. I am a good friend because...
  10. I am less stressed when...
  11. I feel most appreciated when...
  12. Make a list of all the things that are going right for you today. Include EVERYTHING!
  13. Who are you upset with? (including yourself)
  14. Are pets better than humans? Defend your answer
  15. Write all your silly thoughts in a spiral on your page.
  16. What does the paper from my journal feel like when I rub my chin on it? Be descriptive!
  17. How do you feel when you are meeting someone new? Why?
  18. Is there an app you hate, but you still use it anyway? Why?
  19. I am most excited by...
  20. Write an entry with your eyes closed.
  21. What are you feeling right now? Let it all out!
  22. Is there a line between creativity and insanity? Defend your answer.
  23. List your top extreme thoughts that trigger you. How you react to each of them?
  24. What grownup do you appreciate the most? Why?
  25. What's the best song you've ever heard? Why do you think this?
  26. My greatest challenge is...
  27. Using red, orange, and black, create a RAGE PAGE to contain your rage and angry thoughts.
  28. Get crazy! Write your crazy ideas as zigzags throughout your page.
  29. Who is your real-life hero? Why?
  30. Who is the funniest person you know? What makes them so funny?
  31. Write about at time when you felt opposite of how you feel right now.
  32. What is something that triggers you? Why?
  33. What is the biggest problem middle schoolers have today? How should it be dealt with?
  34. RHYME WITHOUT REASON! Draw two things that rhyme, but don't go together. (hockey player / vampire slayer)
  35. What do you love about yourself?
  36. What do you enjoy doing? Why?
  37. Write a journal entry with your non-dominant hand.
  38. My current struggle is...
  39. Create a CAGE PAGE for all your random doodles and crazy drawings.
  40. I feel most relaxed when...
  41. What rollercoaster thoughts are you having now?
  42. Write an entry without capital letters and punctuation.
  43. What do you hear when you press your ear to a page in your journal. Be descriptive!
  44. It's Opposite Day! Tell what happens or make a schedule/timeline when you do the opposite of your usual day.
  45. What is a fun fact about yourself that no one knows about. Write as much as you can about it!
  46. Write down the mistakes you're struggling with. Cross them out! Let go and move on.
  47. If you could travel back through time to visit your kindergarten self, what advice would you give? Why?
  48. Who is the person you trust the most? Why do you trust them?
  49. What are you looking forward to? It can be big or small things.
  50. How do you take care of yourself?
  51. How do you cope with stress?
  52. What animal do you feel like today? Why? Draw yourself!
  53. What does your perfect day look like? Include details.
  54. Describe what you think your life will be like in 10 years
  55. What would it feel good to leave behind? Why?
  56. How do you feel about your life?
  57. Draw your emotions as fireworks! Use the whole page.
  58. How do you feel about your name? Does it suit you? Why?
  59. What is your favorite smell? Why?
  60. I am most focused when...
  61. List 10 cute pet names and what animals they go with. Draw a few!
  62. Write 1 peaceful, positive, or happy thought for each letter of the alphabet.
  63. What is your irrational urge right now? Why?
  64. Write all the things you need to do this month in a spiral on your page.