How often arethe FederalPovertyGuidelinesupdated?Can a child beenrolled duringthe school yearif they havealready turned5?Who cancomplete anenrollmentapplicationfor a child?Where doERSEArules comefrom?How areSNAPbenefitscategorizedfor eligibility?Where canyou find thePovertyGuidelinesonline?The minimumimmunizationsrequired to enroll aHS child w/ospecialcircumstancesFederal Actestablished toaddresshomelessness3 types ofincome usedto whendeterminingeligibilityIf an income-eligiblechild is attendingMVCDC but drops toattend anotherprogram, how do youproceed if they wantto return?What specificincome is usedwhen determiningincome of militaryfamilies?How manydays doprogramshave to fill avacancy?WhatdoesGAOmean?What is themain rule whenselecting achild forenrollment?MVCDC’sHead StartserviceareaIf divorcedparents haveshared custody,whose income isused foreligibility?Assessmentprocess is used toidentify and enrollchildren most inneed of EHS/HSservicesFullenrollmentnumber forMVCDCTwo actionsthat must becompletedwhen verifyingfamily incomeA program mustensure whatpercentage ofenrolled childrenthat have adocumenteddisability?What makesa childeligible forHead Start?3 types ofincome notused to whendeterminingeligibilityAre categoricallyeligible familiesguaranteedplacement inEHS/HS? ExplainOnline resourceoffers additionalinformation and/orguidance on theERSEA processHow often arethe FederalPovertyGuidelinesupdated?Can a child beenrolled duringthe school yearif they havealready turned5?Who cancomplete anenrollmentapplicationfor a child?Where doERSEArules comefrom?How areSNAPbenefitscategorizedfor eligibility?Where canyou find thePovertyGuidelinesonline?The minimumimmunizationsrequired to enroll aHS child w/ospecialcircumstancesFederal Actestablished toaddresshomelessness3 types ofincome usedto whendeterminingeligibilityIf an income-eligiblechild is attendingMVCDC but drops toattend anotherprogram, how do youproceed if they wantto return?What specificincome is usedwhen determiningincome of militaryfamilies?How manydays doprogramshave to fill avacancy?WhatdoesGAOmean?What is themain rule whenselecting achild forenrollment?MVCDC’sHead StartserviceareaIf divorcedparents haveshared custody,whose income isused foreligibility?Assessmentprocess is used toidentify and enrollchildren most inneed of EHS/HSservicesFullenrollmentnumber forMVCDCTwo actionsthat must becompletedwhen verifyingfamily incomeA program mustensure whatpercentage ofenrolled childrenthat have adocumenteddisability?What makesa childeligible forHead Start?3 types ofincome notused to whendeterminingeligibilityAre categoricallyeligible familiesguaranteedplacement inEHS/HS? ExplainOnline resourceoffers additionalinformation and/orguidance on theERSEA process


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How often are the Federal Poverty Guidelines updated?
  2. Can a child be enrolled during the school year if they have already turned 5?
  3. Who can complete an enrollment application for a child?
  4. Where do ERSEA rules come from?
  5. How are SNAP benefits categorized for eligibility?
  6. Where can you find the Poverty Guidelines online?
  7. The minimum immunizations required to enroll a HS child w/o special circumstances
  8. Federal Act established to address homelessness
  9. 3 types of income used to when determining eligibility
  10. If an income-eligible child is attending MVCDC but drops to attend another program, how do you proceed if they want to return?
  11. What specific income is used when determining income of military families?
  12. How many days do programs have to fill a vacancy?
  13. What does GAO mean?
  14. What is the main rule when selecting a child for enrollment?
  15. MVCDC’s Head Start service area
  16. If divorced parents have shared custody, whose income is used for eligibility?
  17. Assessment process is used to identify and enroll children most in need of EHS/HS services
  18. Full enrollment number for MVCDC
  19. Two actions that must be completed when verifying family income
  20. A program must ensure what percentage of enrolled children that have a documented disability?
  21. What makes a child eligible for Head Start?
  22. 3 types of income not used to when determining eligibility
  23. Are categorically eligible families guaranteed placement in EHS/HS? Explain
  24. Online resource offers additional information and/or guidance on the ERSEA process