StorytellingWhat is a way topromote learnerinterest, and togain andmaintainattention?Providejob-aidsWhat canfacilitators useto help managecognitive load?GoalsWhatmotivatesadultlearners?AssimilationA.K.A.ElaborativerehearsalWhat is theprocess ofadding a newscheme to longterm memorycalled?SchemeWhat do you call aknowledge structurethat allows one toorganize complexexperiences in apattern to assist inmaking sense ofinterrelated data?ImplicitmemoryWhat is comprisedof proceduralmemory andconditionedemotionalresponses?ExplicitknowledgeWhat is easy tocommunicate andmay be easilyaccessible, andrepresents facts,concepts andprinciples?ThePrinciplesof AdultLearningMalcomKnowles isthe authorthat explains___?Long-termmemoryWhere canmemoriesbeautomated?MetacognitionWhat is theawareness ofone's thinkingprocessescalled?TacitknowledgeWhat is unwrittenknowledge that isdifficult to formalizeand communicate,and includes peopleskills, expertise andexperience?Using aquiz orpretestIf learners haveprior knowledge,what can be usedto help activatethis priorknowledge?PreparationWhat iskey to asuccessfuldelivery?WorkingmemoryWherethinking isperformed.MnemonicdeviceUsing a song,rhyme ofacronym tohelp recall ismaking use of a___.MentalmodelsUsing case studies,examples, chartsand acronyms areways to help buildnew _____.SensorymemoryWhere data inputsvia a learner'ssenses isautomatically andbriefly stored.Size ofthegroupA factor toconsider whenchoosing aninstructionalmethod?ForgettingWhat is anongoing processthat relates tomemory thatfacilitators mustaim to decrease?KnowledgeretrievalA transfer oflearning requireslearning,opportunity, andwhat else?SubjectmatterexpertiseFacilitatorsshould haveexperience,and whatelse?CognitiveloadWhat is the totalamount of mentalactivity imposedon workingmemory at anygiven moment?Pre-workassignmentsIf learners arenew to content,what can beused to helpbuild relevantknowledge?MaintenancerehearsalRepeatinginformationhundreds oftimes is anexample ofwhat?StorytellingWhat is a way topromote learnerinterest, and togain andmaintainattention?Providejob-aidsWhat canfacilitators useto help managecognitive load?GoalsWhatmotivatesadultlearners?AssimilationA.K.A.ElaborativerehearsalWhat is theprocess ofadding a newscheme to longterm memorycalled?SchemeWhat do you call aknowledge structurethat allows one toorganize complexexperiences in apattern to assist inmaking sense ofinterrelated data?ImplicitmemoryWhat is comprisedof proceduralmemory andconditionedemotionalresponses?ExplicitknowledgeWhat is easy tocommunicate andmay be easilyaccessible, andrepresents facts,concepts andprinciples?ThePrinciplesof AdultLearningMalcomKnowles isthe authorthat explains___?Long-termmemoryWhere canmemoriesbeautomated?MetacognitionWhat is theawareness ofone's thinkingprocessescalled?TacitknowledgeWhat is unwrittenknowledge that isdifficult to formalizeand communicate,and includes peopleskills, expertise andexperience?Using aquiz orpretestIf learners haveprior knowledge,what can be usedto help activatethis priorknowledge?PreparationWhat iskey to asuccessfuldelivery?WorkingmemoryWherethinking isperformed.MnemonicdeviceUsing a song,rhyme ofacronym tohelp recall ismaking use of a___.MentalmodelsUsing case studies,examples, chartsand acronyms areways to help buildnew _____.SensorymemoryWhere data inputsvia a learner'ssenses isautomatically andbriefly stored.Size ofthegroupA factor toconsider whenchoosing aninstructionalmethod?ForgettingWhat is anongoing processthat relates tomemory thatfacilitators mustaim to decrease?KnowledgeretrievalA transfer oflearning requireslearning,opportunity, andwhat else?SubjectmatterexpertiseFacilitatorsshould haveexperience,and whatelse?CognitiveloadWhat is the totalamount of mentalactivity imposedon workingmemory at anygiven moment?Pre-workassignmentsIf learners arenew to content,what can beused to helpbuild relevantknowledge?MaintenancerehearsalRepeatinginformationhundreds oftimes is anexample ofwhat?

Faciliation - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is a way to promote learner interest, and to gain and maintain attention?
  2. What can facilitators use to help manage cognitive load?
    Provide job-aids
  3. What motivates adult learners?
  4. What is the process of adding a new scheme to long term memory called?
    Assimilation A.K.A. Elaborative rehearsal
  5. What do you call a knowledge structure that allows one to organize complex experiences in a pattern to assist in making sense of interrelated data?
  6. What is comprised of procedural memory and conditioned emotional responses?
    Implicit memory
  7. What is easy to communicate and may be easily accessible, and represents facts, concepts and principles?
    Explicit knowledge
  8. Malcom Knowles is the author that explains ___?
    The Principles of Adult Learning
  9. Where can memories be automated?
    Long-term memory
  10. What is the awareness of one's thinking processes called?
  11. What is unwritten knowledge that is difficult to formalize and communicate, and includes people skills, expertise and experience?
    Tacit knowledge
  12. If learners have prior knowledge, what can be used to help activate this prior knowledge?
    Using a quiz or pretest
  13. What is key to a successful delivery?
  14. Where thinking is performed.
    Working memory
  15. Using a song, rhyme of acronym to help recall is making use of a ___.
    Mnemonic device
  16. Using case studies, examples, charts and acronyms are ways to help build new _____.
    Mental models
  17. Where data inputs via a learner's senses is automatically and briefly stored.
    Sensory memory
  18. A factor to consider when choosing an instructional method?
    Size of the group
  19. What is an ongoing process that relates to memory that facilitators must aim to decrease?
  20. A transfer of learning requires learning, opportunity, and what else?
    Knowledge retrieval
  21. Facilitators should have experience, and what else?
    Subject matter expertise
  22. What is the total amount of mental activity imposed on working memory at any given moment?
    Cognitive load
  23. If learners are new to content, what can be used to help build relevant knowledge?
    Pre-work assignments
  24. Repeating information hundreds of times is an example of what?
    Maintenance rehearsal