How do I joinclubs orextracurricularactivities? How do Imakefriends oncampus? How do Iestablish adaily healthybalancedroutine? What is aresume andhow do Icreate one?How do theundergraduatecolleges /communitieswork?What aresome goodstudy spotson campus? How do ItransferAPcredits? How do Ichoose amajor/minor? Who can Igo to withhousingquestions? Free! Where do I findfun events toattend oncampus? Where canI find moreacademichelp? How do Imake myschedule?How do I findmy wayaroundcampus? How do I findleadershipopportunitieson campus? How do I usecampusresources likethe recreationcenter? How do I joinclubs orextracurricularactivities? How do Imakefriends oncampus? How do Iestablish adaily healthybalancedroutine? What is aresume andhow do Icreate one?How do theundergraduatecolleges /communitieswork?What aresome goodstudy spotson campus? How do ItransferAPcredits? How do Ichoose amajor/minor? Who can Igo to withhousingquestions? Free! Where do I findfun events toattend oncampus? Where canI find moreacademichelp? How do Imake myschedule?How do I findmy wayaroundcampus? How do I findleadershipopportunitieson campus? How do I usecampusresources likethe recreationcenter? 

CAMPUS GUESS WHO - Bingo Version - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How do I join clubs or extracurricular activities?
  2. How do I make friends on campus?
  3. How do I establish a daily healthy balanced routine?
  4. What is a resume and how do I create one?
  5. How do the undergraduate colleges / communities work?
  6. What are some good study spots on campus?
  7. How do I transfer AP credits?
  8. How do I choose a major/minor?
  9. Who can I go to with housing questions?
  10. Free!
  11. Where do I find fun events to attend on campus?
  12. Where can I find more academic help?
  13. How do I make my schedule?
  14. How do I find my way around campus?
  15. How do I find leadership opportunities on campus?
  16. How do I use campus resources like the recreation center?