12. Stand quietlyduring the singingor playing of thenational anthem.Movingaround is rude anddisrespectful.4. The flag shouldnever be used forreceiving, holding,carrying, ordelivering anything.2. The flag shouldonly be flown in fairweather unless theflag is designed forinclementweather.10. Uniformedpersonnel such as:military, fire fighters,and law enforcementofficers shouldgive a military saluteduring the nationalanthem.3. The flag shouldnever have any mark,insignia, letter, word,number, figure, ordrawingof any kind placed onit.8. During the pledgeor the Nationalanthem Stand atattention, face theflag, and place yourright hand over yourheart.5. When the flag is loweredno part of it should touchthe ground or any otherobject. Itshould be received bywaiting hands and arms. Tostore the flag it should befolded neatly and in thecorrect manner.13. At an event orpublic place stop andstand at attentionwhen you hear thepledge ofallegiance or thenational anthem.7. Flying a flagat half-staff is asymbol ofrespect,mourning, ordistress.6. The flagshould becleaned andmended whennecessary.1. The flag shouldbe illuminated atall times; either bysunlight or by anappropriate lightsource.9. Hats and capsshould beremovedthroughout theentire playing ofthe nationalanthem.12. Stand quietlyduring the singingor playing of thenational anthem.Movingaround is rude anddisrespectful.4. The flag shouldnever be used forreceiving, holding,carrying, ordelivering anything.2. The flag shouldonly be flown in fairweather unless theflag is designed forinclementweather.10. Uniformedpersonnel such as:military, fire fighters,and law enforcementofficers shouldgive a military saluteduring the nationalanthem.3. The flag shouldnever have any mark,insignia, letter, word,number, figure, ordrawingof any kind placed onit.8. During the pledgeor the Nationalanthem Stand atattention, face theflag, and place yourright hand over yourheart.5. When the flag is loweredno part of it should touchthe ground or any otherobject. Itshould be received bywaiting hands and arms. Tostore the flag it should befolded neatly and in thecorrect manner.13. At an event orpublic place stop andstand at attentionwhen you hear thepledge ofallegiance or thenational anthem.7. Flying a flagat half-staff is asymbol ofrespect,mourning, ordistress.6. The flagshould becleaned andmended whennecessary.1. The flag shouldbe illuminated atall times; either bysunlight or by anappropriate lightsource.9. Hats and capsshould beremovedthroughout theentire playing ofthe nationalanthem.

Flag Etiquette BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 12. Stand quietly during the singing or playing of the national anthem. Moving around is rude and disrespectful.
  2. 4. The flag should never be used for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.
  3. 2. The flag should only be flown in fair weather unless the flag is designed for inclement weather.
  4. 10. Uniformed personnel such as: military, fire fighters, and law enforcement officers should give a military salute during the national anthem.
  5. 3. The flag should never have any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind placed on it.
  6. 8. During the pledge or the National anthem Stand at attention, face the flag, and place your right hand over your heart.
  7. 5. When the flag is lowered no part of it should touch the ground or any other object. It should be received by waiting hands and arms. To store the flag it should be folded neatly and in the correct manner.
  8. 13. At an event or public place stop and stand at attention when you hear the pledge of allegiance or the national anthem.
  9. 7. Flying a flag at half-staff is a symbol of respect, mourning, or distress.
  10. 6. The flag should be cleaned and mended when necessary.
  11. 1. The flag should be illuminated at all times; either by sunlight or by an appropriate light source.
  12. 9. Hats and caps should be removed throughout the entire playing of the national anthem.