ConflictAdisagreementor argumentwithsomeoneShareor taketurnsYou and anotherfriend both want tobe partners withthe same friendbut only one ofyou canDraw ormakesomethingfor someoneAnexampleof a kindactionApologizeYou purposelyleft a friend outof an activitybecause youwere annoyedwith themThinkwin-winWhen bothpeople get alittle of whatthey wantUse thepeacewalkYou and your friendgot in a conflict aboutsomethings you saidto eachother in a text.Both of you have hurtfeeelings and don'tknow what to do.I feel ___when ...I need ...Words youcan use totalk it outthat tell howyou feelIt bugsme when...I wish ...A way to talk itout by tellingsomeone whatis bothering youand what youneedSmall ormediumproblemThe kind ofproblem youuse thewheel forPlease stop,I feel ___when you dothat.Words youcan use toasksomeone tostopLet'sagreeto ...The step on thepeace pathwhere youmake anagreement withsomeoneBigproblemThe kind ofproblem youget help froman adult withUse akind toneof voiceA way forsomeone toknow yourapology issincereDo akindactionAccidentlyruinsomeone'sart projectI amsorryfor ...A goodway tostart anapologyMakea dealIgnoreitSomeonepushes you outof the waywhen you aretrying to get toyour cubbyCompromiseYou and anotherfriend both want touse the samesupplies but youcan't at the sametimeWalkaway, getcalm, tryagain laterYou are furiousthat someonecheated in agame at recessTalkit outYour friend wasteasing you butthey went to farand now yourfeelings are hurtWhat Ihear yousay is ...The step on thepeace path whereyou paraphrasewhat the otherperson is sayingRock-Paper-ScissorsA way tocompromisethat is also agameAsk thepersonto stopSomeone ismaking noisewhile you aretrying to workand you arereally distractedUse astrong,respectfulvoiceOne way to letsomeone oneknow you areseriouslyaasking them tostopConflictAdisagreementor argumentwithsomeoneShareor taketurnsYou and anotherfriend both want tobe partners withthe same friendbut only one ofyou canDraw ormakesomethingfor someoneAnexampleof a kindactionApologizeYou purposelyleft a friend outof an activitybecause youwere annoyedwith themThinkwin-winWhen bothpeople get alittle of whatthey wantUse thepeacewalkYou and your friendgot in a conflict aboutsomethings you saidto eachother in a text.Both of you have hurtfeeelings and don'tknow what to do.I feel ___when ...I need ...Words youcan use totalk it outthat tell howyou feelIt bugsme when...I wish ...A way to talk itout by tellingsomeone whatis bothering youand what youneedSmall ormediumproblemThe kind ofproblem youuse thewheel forPlease stop,I feel ___when you dothat.Words youcan use toasksomeone tostopLet'sagreeto ...The step on thepeace pathwhere youmake anagreement withsomeoneBigproblemThe kind ofproblem youget help froman adult withUse akind toneof voiceA way forsomeone toknow yourapology issincereDo akindactionAccidentlyruinsomeone'sart projectI amsorryfor ...A goodway tostart anapologyMakea dealIgnoreitSomeonepushes you outof the waywhen you aretrying to get toyour cubbyCompromiseYou and anotherfriend both want touse the samesupplies but youcan't at the sametimeWalkaway, getcalm, tryagain laterYou are furiousthat someonecheated in agame at recessTalkit outYour friend wasteasing you butthey went to farand now yourfeelings are hurtWhat Ihear yousay is ...The step on thepeace path whereyou paraphrasewhat the otherperson is sayingRock-Paper-ScissorsA way tocompromisethat is also agameAsk thepersonto stopSomeone ismaking noisewhile you aretrying to workand you arereally distractedUse astrong,respectfulvoiceOne way to letsomeone oneknow you areseriouslyaasking them tostop

Problem Solving BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A disagreement or argument with someone
  2. You and another friend both want to be partners with the same friend but only one of you can
    Share or take turns
  3. An example of a kind action
    Draw or make something for someone
  4. You purposely left a friend out of an activity because you were annoyed with them
  5. When both people get a little of what they want
    Think win-win
  6. You and your friend got in a conflict about somethings you said to eachother in a text. Both of you have hurt feeelings and don't know what to do.
    Use the peace walk
  7. Words you can use to talk it out that tell how you feel
    I feel ___ when ... I need ...
  8. A way to talk it out by telling someone what is bothering you and what you need
    It bugs me when ... I wish ...
  9. The kind of problem you use the wheel for
    Small or medium problem
  10. Words you can use to ask someone to stop
    Please stop, I feel ___ when you do that.
  11. The step on the peace path where you make an agreement with someone
    Let's agree to ...
  12. The kind of problem you get help from an adult with
    Big problem
  13. A way for someone to know your apology is sincere
    Use a kind tone of voice
  14. Accidently ruin someone's art project
    Do a kind action
  15. A good way to start an apology
    I am sorry for ...
  16. Make a deal
  17. Someone pushes you out of the way when you are trying to get to your cubby
    Ignore it
  18. You and another friend both want to use the same supplies but you can't at the same time
  19. You are furious that someone cheated in a game at recess
    Walk away, get calm, try again later
  20. Your friend was teasing you but they went to far and now your feelings are hurt
    Talk it out
  21. The step on the peace path where you paraphrase what the other person is saying
    What I hear you say is ...
  22. A way to compromise that is also a game
  23. Someone is making noise while you are trying to work and you are really distracted
    Ask the person to stop
  24. One way to let someone one know you are seriously aasking them to stop
    Use a strong, respectful voice