Somethingthat iscreated orimaginary.A compelling ideaorstatementdesignedto get readersattention in anintroduction.A kind ofthinking andwriting thatexplores theimportant idea.A secondaryplot thatoccurs alongwith a mainplot.refers to somethingor someone that isoutside or theoutside walls of aspace or somethingthat is appliedoutsideQuotations,summaries, orparaphases fromtext passages tosupport a a sentence in theintro of an essay thatstates the writersposition or opinionon the topic of theessay.the time and placein which anarrativeoccurs.To identifydifferences in twoor more items.type of writingthat explainsor clarifies infoabout a topic.Explanation of theway the facts,details orexamples in aparagraph oressay support atopic sentence.The processof givinginfo backand forthA sentence thatstates the main ideaof a paragraphin anessay, it also makesa point that supportsthe thesis form bycombiningparts ofelements into aunified piece.A logical guessor assumptionaboutsomething thathas nothappened yet.Includeevidence (factsand example)that support thetopic or moreparagraphs thatbring the essay toa close, andleaves animpression withthe reader.To identifysimilaritiesin two ormore items.A type ofliterary genrethat tells afictional story.A logicalguessbased onknown info.The process ofexaminingclosely andcomment onthe elements ofa literary work.are forcesbetweenobjects foundinside thesystem.Is a text inwriting that isbased on factsand actualevents.a group of lines,usually similarin length andpattern, thatform a unitwithin a poem.Refers to thedescriptive orfigurativelanguage usedto create wordpictures.Somethingthat iscreated orimaginary.A compelling ideaorstatementdesignedto get readersattention in anintroduction.A kind ofthinking andwriting thatexplores theimportant idea.A secondaryplot thatoccurs alongwith a mainplot.refers to somethingor someone that isoutside or theoutside walls of aspace or somethingthat is appliedoutsideQuotations,summaries, orparaphases fromtext passages tosupport a a sentence in theintro of an essay thatstates the writersposition or opinionon the topic of theessay.the time and placein which anarrativeoccurs.To identifydifferences in twoor more items.type of writingthat explainsor clarifies infoabout a topic.Explanation of theway the facts,details orexamples in aparagraph oressay support atopic sentence.The processof givinginfo backand forthA sentence thatstates the main ideaof a paragraphin anessay, it also makesa point that supportsthe thesis form bycombiningparts ofelements into aunified piece.A logical guessor assumptionaboutsomething thathas nothappened yet.Includeevidence (factsand example)that support thetopic or moreparagraphs thatbring the essay toa close, andleaves animpression withthe reader.To identifysimilaritiesin two ormore items.A type ofliterary genrethat tells afictional story.A logicalguessbased onknown info.The process ofexaminingclosely andcomment onthe elements ofa literary work.are forcesbetweenobjects foundinside thesystem.Is a text inwriting that isbased on factsand actualevents.a group of lines,usually similarin length andpattern, thatform a unitwithin a poem.Refers to thedescriptive orfigurativelanguage usedto create wordpictures.

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Something that is created or imaginary.
  2. A compelling idea or statementdesigned to get readers attention in an introduction.
  3. A kind of thinking and writing that explores the important idea.
  4. A secondary plot that occurs along with a main plot.
  5. refers to something or someone that is outside or the outside walls of a space or something that is applied outside
  6. Quotations, summaries, or paraphases from text passages to support a position.
  7. is a sentence in the intro of an essay that states the writers position or opinion on the topic of the essay.
  8. the time and place in which a narrative occurs.To identify differences in two or more items.
  9. type of writing that explains or clarifies info about a topic.
  10. Explanation of the way the facts, details or examples in a paragraph or essay support a topic sentence.
  11. The process of giving info back and forth
  12. A sentence that states the main idea of a paragraphin an essay, it also makes a point that supports the thesis statement.
  13. to form by combining parts of elements into a unified piece.
  14. A logical guess or assumption about something that has not happened yet.
  15. Include evidence (facts and example) that support the topic sentence.
  16. one or more paragraphs that bring the essay to a close, and leaves an impression with the reader.
  17. To identify similarities in two or more items.
  18. A type of literary genre that tells a fictional story.
  19. A logical guess based on known info.
  20. The process of examining closely and comment on the elements of a literary work.
  21. are forces between objects found inside the system.
  22. Is a text in writing that is based on facts and actual events.
  23. a group of lines, usually similar in length and pattern, that form a unit within a poem.
  24. Refers to the descriptive or figurative language used to create word pictures.