has been to another country was born outside of the U.S. has been a bridesmaid or groomsmen was in a chess club has failed a class at Purdue had a vine account has dyed their hair can speak more than one language played a sport in high school has attended another college has been on T.V. woke up before 6 today doesn't know how to swim is allergic to peanuts whos fav drink is lemonade is left handed has been stung by a jelly fish has a twin in their family loves raw sushi who likes their drivers license/ID photo has been to more than 4 concerts has 3 or more siblings has more than three pets is on a special diet (ex: vegan) has been to another country was born outside of the U.S. has been a bridesmaid or groomsmen was in a chess club has failed a class at Purdue had a vine account has dyed their hair can speak more than one language played a sport in high school has attended another college has been on T.V. woke up before 6 today doesn't know how to swim is allergic to peanuts whos fav drink is lemonade is left handed has been stung by a jelly fish has a twin in their family loves raw sushi who likes their drivers license/ID photo has been to more than 4 concerts has 3 or more siblings has more than three pets is on a special diet (ex: vegan)
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
has been
to another country
was born outside of the U.S.
has been a bridesmaid or groomsmen
was in a chess club
has failed
a class at Purdue
had a vine account
has dyed their hair
can speak more than one language
a sport in
high school
has attended another college
has been on T.V.
woke up before 6 today
doesn't know how to swim
is allergic to peanuts
whos fav drink is lemonade
is left handed
has been stung by a jelly fish
has a twin in their family
loves raw sushi
who likes
their drivers license/ID photo
has been to more than 4 concerts
has 3 or more siblings
has more than three pets
is on a special diet
(ex: vegan)