Natural Law:understandingof right andwrong that Godgave toHumanityDorothyDay is aServant ofGod.B-I-N-G-OJesus Christestablished theChurch and gave theApostles and theirsuccessors theauthority to teach andpreach in His name.& Bingowas hisname-o!& Bingowas hisname-o!Chastity means:1) Keeping sexual lovefor the lifelongcommitment ofmarriage2) Being faithful to yourspouse3) Obeying the 6thCommandmentThe SundayLiturgycelebratesChrist's deathandresurrection.Dorothy Day alongwith Peter Maurinestablished theCatholic WorkerMovement in1933.B-I-N-G-OThe Magisteriumcontinues to teachus about the faithand guide us inmaking moraldecisions.Discipleship means:1) Surrendering toGod's will in all things2) Completely givingof yourself out of loveto God and neighborThe TenCommandments= The NaturalLaw3rdCommandment:Keep holy theLord's Day."Blessed are thosepersecuted forrighteousness'sake, for theirs isthe Kingdom ofHeaven." Matthew5:10Magisterium: theteaching authorityof the Pope incommunion withthe bishopsThere wasa farmerwho had adog"What you didto the leastperson, you didto me."Matthew 25:40The TenCommandmentsguide us in ourrelationship withGod.Morality: asystem of rulesfor good conductbased on one'svalues andbeliefsB-I-N-G-O"Whoever wishes tocome after me mustdeny himself, takeup his cross, andfollow me." Matthew16:24We are calledto value andrespect thedignity ofeach person."Chastity is adifficult, long termmatter; one mustwait patiently for itto bear fruit." StJohn Paul IINatural Law:understandingof right andwrong that Godgave toHumanityDorothyDay is aServant ofGod.B-I-N-G-OJesus Christestablished theChurch and gave theApostles and theirsuccessors theauthority to teach andpreach in His name.& Bingowas hisname-o!& Bingowas hisname-o!Chastity means:1) Keeping sexual lovefor the lifelongcommitment ofmarriage2) Being faithful to yourspouse3) Obeying the 6thCommandmentThe SundayLiturgycelebratesChrist's deathandresurrection.Dorothy Day alongwith Peter Maurinestablished theCatholic WorkerMovement in1933.B-I-N-G-OThe Magisteriumcontinues to teachus about the faithand guide us inmaking moraldecisions.Discipleship means:1) Surrendering toGod's will in all things2) Completely givingof yourself out of loveto God and neighborThe TenCommandments= The NaturalLaw3rdCommandment:Keep holy theLord's Day."Blessed are thosepersecuted forrighteousness'sake, for theirs isthe Kingdom ofHeaven." Matthew5:10Magisterium: theteaching authorityof the Pope incommunion withthe bishopsThere wasa farmerwho had adog"What you didto the leastperson, you didto me."Matthew 25:40The TenCommandmentsguide us in ourrelationship withGod.Morality: asystem of rulesfor good conductbased on one'svalues andbeliefsB-I-N-G-O"Whoever wishes tocome after me mustdeny himself, takeup his cross, andfollow me." Matthew16:24We are calledto value andrespect thedignity ofeach person."Chastity is adifficult, long termmatter; one mustwait patiently for itto bear fruit." StJohn Paul II

Ch 11: Living in Christ's Love - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Natural Law: understanding of right and wrong that God gave to Humanity
  2. Dorothy Day is a Servant of God.
  3. B-I-N-G-O
  4. Jesus Christ established the Church and gave the Apostles and their successors the authority to teach and preach in His name.
  5. & Bingo was his name-o!
  6. & Bingo was his name-o!
  7. Chastity means: 1) Keeping sexual love for the lifelong commitment of marriage 2) Being faithful to your spouse 3) Obeying the 6th Commandment
  8. The Sunday Liturgy celebrates Christ's death and resurrection.
  9. Dorothy Day along with Peter Maurin established the Catholic Worker Movement in 1933.
  10. B-I-N-G-O
  11. The Magisterium continues to teach us about the faith and guide us in making moral decisions.
  12. Discipleship means: 1) Surrendering to God's will in all things 2) Completely giving of yourself out of love to God and neighbor
  13. The Ten Commandments = The Natural Law
  14. 3rd Commandment: Keep holy the Lord's Day.
  15. "Blessed are those persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 5:10
  16. Magisterium: the teaching authority of the Pope in communion with the bishops
  17. There was a farmer who had a dog
  18. "What you did to the least person, you did to me." Matthew 25:40
  19. The Ten Commandments guide us in our relationship with God.
  20. Morality: a system of rules for good conduct based on one's values and beliefs
  21. B-I-N-G-O
  22. "Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." Matthew 16:24
  23. We are called to value and respect the dignity of each person.
  24. "Chastity is a difficult, long term matter; one must wait patiently for it to bear fruit." St John Paul II