Turned in anassignmentover theweekendGot into aheateddebate overtrue facts vs.informationHaddreamsabout DIWaited untilyou gothome tofinish anassignmentCheatedon a braindumpactivitySpent mostof a teammeetingdiscussingDI changesSpent anentirework dayon DIForgot to hitthe 'turn in'button for anassignmentReferred toDI as"homework"Significantlychanged theway you writeor edit guidesbecause of DIConfusedtheacronymDI with IDThought youturned in anassignmentlate, but itwasn'tGot areading quiz100%correct onthe first trySpent agood portionof a braindumppanickingTurned in anassignmentmore thantwo weekslateBotheredLaura outsideof officehours to askDI questionsTalked to aNewGlobe employeeoutside the cohortabout DI, only todiscover they had noidea what you weretalking aboutSpent too longsearching for anold assignmentto help write aTGDiscussedDI with afriend orfamilymemberAttendedLaura'sofficehoursAre sadDI isofficiallyoverHand drewimages foranassignmentGot distractedby Laura'scute childrenin her videopresentationsWorked witha partner onDI or formeda DI studygroupTurned in anassignmentover theweekendGot into aheateddebate overtrue facts vs.informationHaddreamsabout DIWaited untilyou gothome tofinish anassignmentCheatedon a braindumpactivitySpent mostof a teammeetingdiscussingDI changesSpent anentirework dayon DIForgot to hitthe 'turn in'button for anassignmentReferred toDI as"homework"Significantlychanged theway you writeor edit guidesbecause of DIConfusedtheacronymDI with IDThought youturned in anassignmentlate, but itwasn'tGot areading quiz100%correct onthe first trySpent agood portionof a braindumppanickingTurned in anassignmentmore thantwo weekslateBotheredLaura outsideof officehours to askDI questionsTalked to aNewGlobe employeeoutside the cohortabout DI, only todiscover they had noidea what you weretalking aboutSpent too longsearching for anold assignmentto help write aTGDiscussedDI with afriend orfamilymemberAttendedLaura'sofficehoursAre sadDI isofficiallyoverHand drewimages foranassignmentGot distractedby Laura'scute childrenin her videopresentationsWorked witha partner onDI or formeda DI studygroup

Direct Instruction - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Turned in an assignment over the weekend
  2. Got into a heated debate over true facts vs. information
  3. Had dreams about DI
  4. Waited until you got home to finish an assignment
  5. Cheated on a brain dump activity
  6. Spent most of a team meeting discussing DI changes
  7. Spent an entire work day on DI
  8. Forgot to hit the 'turn in' button for an assignment
  9. Referred to DI as "homework"
  10. Significantly changed the way you write or edit guides because of DI
  11. Confused the acronym DI with ID
  12. Thought you turned in an assignment late, but it wasn't
  13. Got a reading quiz 100% correct on the first try
  14. Spent a good portion of a brain dump panicking
  15. Turned in an assignment more than two weeks late
  16. Bothered Laura outside of office hours to ask DI questions
  17. Talked to a NewGlobe employee outside the cohort about DI, only to discover they had no idea what you were talking about
  18. Spent too long searching for an old assignment to help write a TG
  19. Discussed DI with a friend or family member
  20. Attended Laura's office hours
  21. Are sad DI is officially over
  22. Hand drew images for an assignment
  23. Got distracted by Laura's cute children in her video presentations
  24. Worked with a partner on DI or formed a DI study group