Someone whohas a part-timejob  _____________Has their owntiktok video with atleast 1k likes -(must show it)  _____________Same birthmonth as you   _____________Currently serves inour praiseteam/media team/hospitality team  _____________Is followinganc.youth oninstagram - (willcheck)  _____________Has a driverslicense -(must prove it)   _____________Is left-handed    _______________ Can touch theirnose with theirtongue   _____________Can make a goodimpersonation ofGollum from Lord ofthe Rings  _____________Has two othersiblings in our youthgroup - (must showwho)  _____________Has their birthdayon this past week orthis week   _____________Can do the NewJeans "OMG"dance -(must prove it)  _____________Is a president of aclub at school   _____________Does not owna cellphone  ___________Is involved in aChristian club intheir school  _____________Can sing thechorus of Kingof Kings for us  _____________Can speak morethan 10 wordsFrench  _____________Has the sameshoe size as you(same gender)   _____________Someone bornoutside ofAmerica  _____________Can do a one-handed pushup(will be tested)  _____________Is new to the church- started coming asfar as February ortoday  _____________Has done their QTindevotionals for thispast week - (mustprove it)  _____________Currently serves inkidzwinc   _____________Lived in anotherstate   _____________Can name all 12disciples - (mustprove it)  _____________Has the samefirst name asyou  _____________Someone whohas a part-timejob  _____________Has their owntiktok video with atleast 1k likes -(must show it)  _____________Same birthmonth as you   _____________Currently serves inour praiseteam/media team/hospitality team  _____________Is followinganc.youth oninstagram - (willcheck)  _____________Has a driverslicense -(must prove it)   _____________Is left-handed    _______________ Can touch theirnose with theirtongue   _____________Can make a goodimpersonation ofGollum from Lord ofthe Rings  _____________Has two othersiblings in our youthgroup - (must showwho)  _____________Has their birthdayon this past week orthis week   _____________Can do the NewJeans "OMG"dance -(must prove it)  _____________Is a president of aclub at school   _____________Does not owna cellphone  ___________Is involved in aChristian club intheir school  _____________Can sing thechorus of Kingof Kings for us  _____________Can speak morethan 10 wordsFrench  _____________Has the sameshoe size as you(same gender)   _____________Someone bornoutside ofAmerica  _____________Can do a one-handed pushup(will be tested)  _____________Is new to the church- started coming asfar as February ortoday  _____________Has done their QTindevotionals for thispast week - (mustprove it)  _____________Currently serves inkidzwinc   _____________Lived in anotherstate   _____________Can name all 12disciples - (mustprove it)  _____________Has the samefirst name asyou  _____________

ANC712 - Family Time - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Someone who has a part-time job _____________
  2. Has their own tiktok video with at least 1k likes - (must show it) _____________
  3. Same birth month as you _____________
  4. Currently serves in our praise team/media team/ hospitality team _____________
  5. Is following anc.youth on instagram - (will check) _____________
  6. Has a drivers license - (must prove it) _____________
  7. Is left-handed _______________
  8. Can touch their nose with their tongue _____________
  9. Can make a good impersonation of Gollum from Lord of the Rings _____________
  10. Has two other siblings in our youth group - (must show who) _____________
  11. Has their birthday on this past week or this week _____________
  12. Can do the New Jeans "OMG" dance - (must prove it) _____________
  13. Is a president of a club at school _____________
  14. Does not own a cellphone ___________
  15. Is involved in a Christian club in their school _____________
  16. Can sing the chorus of King of Kings for us _____________
  17. Can speak more than 10 words French _____________
  18. Has the same shoe size as you (same gender) _____________
  19. Someone born outside of America _____________
  20. Can do a one-handed pushup (will be tested) _____________
  21. Is new to the church - started coming as far as February or today _____________
  22. Has done their QTin devotionals for this past week - (must prove it) _____________
  23. Currently serves in kidzwinc _____________
  24. Lived in another state _____________
  25. Can name all 12 disciples - (must prove it) _____________
  26. Has the same first name as you _____________