T/F -Caffeine andalcohol arenot diureticsFalse____ is defined asan emotioncharacterized byfeelings of tension,worried thoughts,and physicalchanges.AnxietyList the twopracticetechniquesfor injurypreventionExercise/stretchingProper workmechanicsA ____ is asubstancethatincreases theflow of urineDiureticList 3 signsandsymptoms ofdehydrationHeadache orlightheadedness,fatigue, joint or musclepain, dry mouth, lipsand/or eyes, musclecramps, digestiveissues, and increasedheart rateFeeling tired, frequentheadaches, musclepains, stomach aches,or illness, and changesin appetite or sleephabits are ____ signsto look for when itcomes to mental healthdisordersPhysicalName 1risk factorfor heatillnessHigh bloodpressure, beingoverweight, certainmedications,previous history ofheat illness.T/F - UVAand UVBrays canboth causeskin cancerTrueList a riskfactor forskincancerPersonal/FamilyHistory, UVexposure, light skinor skin that burnseasily, certain typesof moles, large # ofmolesList threeemotionalsigns formental healthdisordersSense of failure,feeling helpless,detachment or feelingalone, loss ofmotivation,decreasedsatisfaction, feelinganxious or afraidBody weight,urine color, andthirst level areways to monitorwhat?HydrationstatusHow oftenshould youreapplysunscreen whenspending timeoutside?Every2 hoursList 3ways toreducestressGet active, eat healthy,minimize screen time,practice self care,reduce caffeine, spendtime with friends/family,practice mindfulness,create boundaries,avoid procrastinationT/F - Fitpeople areless likely torecoverquicklyFalseWith heat ____,you see excessivesweating, but withheat ____,sweating ceases.Exhaustion;StrokeThe ___ ___ iswhere the armsand back can liftthe most withthe least amountof effortPowerZone____ is defined asany type ofchange thatcauses physical,emotional orpsychologicalstrain.StressA change inyour ____ isthe mostcommon signof skin cancerSkinStaying cool, stayinghydrated, gettingelectrolytes, andpacing yourself areexamples of ways toprevent what?HeatIllnessYou should takeperiodic ________ over thecourse of yourworkdayStretch(Power)BreaksT/F - Stressis not anormal partof everydaylifeFalse____ term stresscan becomedamaging to ourhealth andincrease the riskfor mental healthproblems.LongT/F - Neutralpostures minimizethe stress onmuscles, tendons,nerves and bonesTrueT/F -Sunscreencan be fullywaterproof orsweatproofFalseT/F -Caffeine andalcohol arenot diureticsFalse____ is defined asan emotioncharacterized byfeelings of tension,worried thoughts,and physicalchanges.AnxietyList the twopracticetechniquesfor injurypreventionExercise/stretchingProper workmechanicsA ____ is asubstancethatincreases theflow of urineDiureticList 3 signsandsymptoms ofdehydrationHeadache orlightheadedness,fatigue, joint or musclepain, dry mouth, lipsand/or eyes, musclecramps, digestiveissues, and increasedheart rateFeeling tired, frequentheadaches, musclepains, stomach aches,or illness, and changesin appetite or sleephabits are ____ signsto look for when itcomes to mental healthdisordersPhysicalName 1risk factorfor heatillnessHigh bloodpressure, beingoverweight, certainmedications,previous history ofheat illness.T/F - UVAand UVBrays canboth causeskin cancerTrueList a riskfactor forskincancerPersonal/FamilyHistory, UVexposure, light skinor skin that burnseasily, certain typesof moles, large # ofmolesList threeemotionalsigns formental healthdisordersSense of failure,feeling helpless,detachment or feelingalone, loss ofmotivation,decreasedsatisfaction, feelinganxious or afraidBody weight,urine color, andthirst level areways to monitorwhat?HydrationstatusHow oftenshould youreapplysunscreen whenspending timeoutside?Every2 hoursList 3ways toreducestressGet active, eat healthy,minimize screen time,practice self care,reduce caffeine, spendtime with friends/family,practice mindfulness,create boundaries,avoid procrastinationT/F - Fitpeople areless likely torecoverquicklyFalseWith heat ____,you see excessivesweating, but withheat ____,sweating ceases.Exhaustion;StrokeThe ___ ___ iswhere the armsand back can liftthe most withthe least amountof effortPowerZone____ is defined asany type ofchange thatcauses physical,emotional orpsychologicalstrain.StressA change inyour ____ isthe mostcommon signof skin cancerSkinStaying cool, stayinghydrated, gettingelectrolytes, andpacing yourself areexamples of ways toprevent what?HeatIllnessYou should takeperiodic ________ over thecourse of yourworkdayStretch(Power)BreaksT/F - Stressis not anormal partof everydaylifeFalse____ term stresscan becomedamaging to ourhealth andincrease the riskfor mental healthproblems.LongT/F - Neutralpostures minimizethe stress onmuscles, tendons,nerves and bonesTrueT/F -Sunscreencan be fullywaterproof orsweatproofFalse

Greif Safety Week - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. False
    T/F - Caffeine and alcohol are not diuretics
  2. Anxiety
    ____ is defined as an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes.
  3. Exercise/stretching Proper work mechanics
    List the two practice techniques for injury prevention
  4. Diuretic
    A ____ is a substance that increases the flow of urine
  5. Headache or lightheadedness, fatigue, joint or muscle pain, dry mouth, lips and/or eyes, muscle cramps, digestive issues, and increased heart rate
    List 3 signs and symptoms of dehydration
  6. Physical
    Feeling tired, frequent headaches, muscle pains, stomach aches, or illness, and changes in appetite or sleep habits are ____ signs to look for when it comes to mental health disorders
  7. High blood pressure, being overweight, certain medications, previous history of heat illness.
    Name 1 risk factor for heat illness
  8. True
    T/F - UVA and UVB rays can both cause skin cancer
  9. Personal/Family History, UV exposure, light skin or skin that burns easily, certain types of moles, large # of moles
    List a risk factor for skin cancer
  10. Sense of failure, feeling helpless, detachment or feeling alone, loss of motivation, decreased satisfaction, feeling anxious or afraid
    List three emotional signs for mental health disorders
  11. Hydration status
    Body weight, urine color, and thirst level are ways to monitor what?
  12. Every 2 hours
    How often should you reapply sunscreen when spending time outside?
  13. Get active, eat healthy, minimize screen time, practice self care, reduce caffeine, spend time with friends/family, practice mindfulness, create boundaries, avoid procrastination
    List 3 ways to reduce stress
  14. False
    T/F - Fit people are less likely to recover quickly
  15. Exhaustion; Stroke
    With heat ____, you see excessive sweating, but with heat ____, sweating ceases.
  16. Power Zone
    The ___ ___ is where the arms and back can lift the most with the least amount of effort
  17. Stress
    ____ is defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain.
  18. Skin
    A change in your ____ is the most common sign of skin cancer
  19. Heat Illness
    Staying cool, staying hydrated, getting electrolytes, and pacing yourself are examples of ways to prevent what?
  20. Stretch (Power) Breaks
    You should take periodic ____ ____ over the course of your workday
  21. False
    T/F - Stress is not a normal part of everyday life
  22. Long
    ____ term stress can become damaging to our health and increase the risk for mental health problems.
  23. True
    T/F - Neutral postures minimize the stress on muscles, tendons, nerves and bones
  24. False
    T/F - Sunscreen can be fully waterproof or sweatproof