Is d/Deaf or Hardof Hearing      Is from the samehometown as you(or one nearby)     Has never livedoutside of Texas      Has a name sign      Learned ASL as achild/growing up      Has changed theirmajor      Has been in DCAfor more than onesemester     Has taken ASLclasses at UT orACC     Is in the sameyear of school asyou     Started learningASL in high school     Wants to go tograduate school      Lives off campus      Is from/born in adifferent state orcountry     Has seen a movie,show, or play with aDeaf actor/actressin it    Has taken a classwith a Deafteacher     Lives on campus      Has a d/Deaf orHard of Hearingrelative or friend     Has a family memberor relative that knowsASL     Has more than twosiblings      Has the samemajor as you      Is d/Deaf or Hardof Hearing      Is from the samehometown as you(or one nearby)     Has never livedoutside of Texas      Has a name sign      Learned ASL as achild/growing up      Has changed theirmajor      Has been in DCAfor more than onesemester     Has taken ASLclasses at UT orACC     Is in the sameyear of school asyou     Started learningASL in high school     Wants to go tograduate school      Lives off campus      Is from/born in adifferent state orcountry     Has seen a movie,show, or play with aDeaf actor/actressin it    Has taken a classwith a Deafteacher     Lives on campus      Has a d/Deaf orHard of Hearingrelative or friend     Has a family memberor relative that knowsASL     Has more than twosiblings      Has the samemajor as you      

Find someone who... - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Is d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing
  2. Is from the same hometown as you (or one nearby)
  3. Has never lived outside of Texas
  4. Has a name sign
  5. Learned ASL as a child/growing up
  6. Has changed their major
  7. Has been in DCA for more than one semester
  8. Has taken ASL classes at UT or ACC
  9. Is in the same year of school as you
  10. Started learning ASL in high school
  11. Wants to go to graduate school
  12. Lives off campus
  13. Is from/born in a different state or country
  14. Has seen a movie, show, or play with a Deaf actor/actress in it
  15. Has taken a class with a Deaf teacher
  16. Lives on campus
  17. Has a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing relative or friend
  18. Has a family member or relative that knows ASL
  19. Has more than two siblings
  20. Has the same major as you