Visits bothrooms with allthe companies(arena and bigblue room)Wearing ODUcolors in youroutfit (NavyBlue and/orSilver/Gray)Practicedyour elevatorpitch withCDS @event todayYour LinkedInand/orePortfolio linkis on yourresumeAsk questionsabout thecompany tothe companyrepresentativeYou have alist ofcompaniesto speak withDressedbusinesscasualHad yourresumereviewedwithin thepast 2 weeksPick upbrochuresfrom 2 of yourpreferredcompaniesHandshakeor fist bumpa potentialemployerBrought atleast 5copies ofyour resumeTalk with apeer waitingin line to talkto the samecompany repWalkconfidentlythroughoutthe eventUse yourelevatorpitch with atleast 2companiesBreath inthrough noseand out mouth.Tell yourself,"I've got this!"Checkedinto theCareerFairHave yourownbusinesscards tohand outAsk companyrepresentativefor tips ondoing great intheir companyinterviewsGo visit 1table that isnot in yourfield of studyAsk how thecompany rep'sday is goingbeforeintroducingyourselfDressedprofessionalAsk a companyrep what theylike most aboutwhere theyworkCollect at least3 businesscards fromcompanyrepresentativesHigh five anSSS staffmember atthe eventVisits bothrooms with allthe companies(arena and bigblue room)Wearing ODUcolors in youroutfit (NavyBlue and/orSilver/Gray)Practicedyour elevatorpitch withCDS @event todayYour LinkedInand/orePortfolio linkis on yourresumeAsk questionsabout thecompany tothe companyrepresentativeYou have alist ofcompaniesto speak withDressedbusinesscasualHad yourresumereviewedwithin thepast 2 weeksPick upbrochuresfrom 2 of yourpreferredcompaniesHandshakeor fist bumpa potentialemployerBrought atleast 5copies ofyour resumeTalk with apeer waitingin line to talkto the samecompany repWalkconfidentlythroughoutthe eventUse yourelevatorpitch with atleast 2companiesBreath inthrough noseand out mouth.Tell yourself,"I've got this!"Checkedinto theCareerFairHave yourownbusinesscards tohand outAsk companyrepresentativefor tips ondoing great intheir companyinterviewsGo visit 1table that isnot in yourfield of studyAsk how thecompany rep'sday is goingbeforeintroducingyourselfDressedprofessionalAsk a companyrep what theylike most aboutwhere theyworkCollect at least3 businesscards fromcompanyrepresentativesHigh five anSSS staffmember atthe event

ODU Career Fair BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Visits both rooms with all the companies (arena and big blue room)
  2. Wearing ODU colors in your outfit (Navy Blue and/or Silver/Gray)
  3. Practiced your elevator pitch with CDS @ event today
  4. Your LinkedIn and/or ePortfolio link is on your resume
  5. Ask questions about the company to the company representative
  6. You have a list of companies to speak with
  7. Dressed business casual
  8. Had your resume reviewed within the past 2 weeks
  9. Pick up brochures from 2 of your preferred companies
  10. Handshake or fist bump a potential employer
  11. Brought at least 5 copies of your resume
  12. Talk with a peer waiting in line to talk to the same company rep
  13. Walk confidently throughout the event
  14. Use your elevator pitch with at least 2 companies
  15. Breath in through nose and out mouth. Tell yourself, "I've got this!"
  16. Checked into the Career Fair
  17. Have your own business cards to hand out
  18. Ask company representative for tips on doing great in their company interviews
  19. Go visit 1 table that is not in your field of study
  20. Ask how the company rep's day is going before introducing yourself
  21. Dressed professional
  22. Ask a company rep what they like most about where they work
  23. Collect at least 3 business cards from company representatives
  24. High five an SSS staff member at the event