20) A client noshowed afterpromising theywould attendsession33) A client wore abra to session,and you had togive them a shirtfor the secondweek in a row7) All yournotes so farfor the weekare done37) You weregreeted with a“what up friend”by Austin atleast once41) A client toldyou “I don’t have aproblem; peoplehave a problemwith me”21) Your clientused slang youdidn’t understand,and you pretendedto know what theymeant2) You atelunch ontime everyday thisweekFree spacefor showingup to worktoday4) Couldn’tfocus insessionbecause youneeded to peetoo badly46) Thoughtyou’d seen it allthen quicklylearned youhaven’t11) Youwanted toscreambut didn’t39) A client andtheir parent'sstories didn’tmatch butsomehow, you'reto blame for thesituation16) Youdeveloped agoal with aclient thatyou’ve neverdone before12) Yourbilling (exceptfor today) isalready inSAMH6) You had aclient make abreakthroughthis week36) Debated ifthat five-minuteservice wasreally worthbilling anddocumenting30) A clientasked you howold you are andthen promptlyguessed thewildest age38) The client whoswore theywouldn’t be aproblem wasdefinitely aproblem this week29) You’re still upsetabout the crumblecookies getting thrownaway#neverforgetcookiegate26) A clientstank up youroffice andyou didn’tmake a face17) You went tocourt and kept itcool in front of thecourt despitefeeling not cool onthe inside19) A parentor clientthanked youfor what youdo32) Had torefrain fromlaughing at theinappropriatethings a clientsaid45) Thought“I really don’tget paidenough forthis”15) Aparentwas meanto you47) Got dressedfor work andwondered if youcould makesweatpants lookprofessional8) Mentallyplanned a vacationyou can’t affordand/or don’t havethe PTO for48) Made awish list ofthings you’regoing to buyon pay day18) A client said“I don’t know” toa question youknow they knowthe answer to1) You wereremindedyou’re amandatedreporter thisweek35) Wondered howto appropriatelydocument the wildthings your clientsaid in session in31) You sawCat microwaveher coffee morethan once27) Katherine’scake popsbrought youback to life aftera session9) You actuallydid things totake care ofyourself afterwork25) You wereon hold withDCF for atleast an hour5) If youearned 16 ormore directunits so farthis week43) Had asnack fromthe vendingmachine10) Tried tobuild rapportand overthought whatyou said to aclient42) You had tofill in and do alast-minuteintake and Catpromised to buyyou lunch3) Debatedyour careerchoice atleast once 28) You replacedthe paper in theprinter and 100papers immediatelyprinted afterwards24) Had aninteraction witha client andthought “wellthat went betterthan planned”44) Debatedclocking outwithin thefirst hour ofwork14) Thought aboutusing art astherapy, realizedyou shouldprobably just leavethat to Margaret13) You hadmore than onecup of coffee toget through aday this week23) Got a tik toktexted to you bya co-worker,while you werewith a client22) You scrolledon tik tok (orother app) whenyou were tryingto focus onnotes40) Thought “Iam too youngfor this muchresponsibility”at least once34) You actuallyclocked out atfive at least oneday this week20) A client noshowed afterpromising theywould attendsession33) A client wore abra to session,and you had togive them a shirtfor the secondweek in a row7) All yournotes so farfor the weekare done37) You weregreeted with a“what up friend”by Austin atleast once41) A client toldyou “I don’t have aproblem; peoplehave a problemwith me”21) Your clientused slang youdidn’t understand,and you pretendedto know what theymeant2) You atelunch ontime everyday thisweekFree spacefor showingup to worktoday4) Couldn’tfocus insessionbecause youneeded to peetoo badly46) Thoughtyou’d seen it allthen quicklylearned youhaven’t11) Youwanted toscreambut didn’t39) A client andtheir parent'sstories didn’tmatch butsomehow, you'reto blame for thesituation16) Youdeveloped agoal with aclient thatyou’ve neverdone before12) Yourbilling (exceptfor today) isalready inSAMH6) You had aclient make abreakthroughthis week36) Debated ifthat five-minuteservice wasreally worthbilling anddocumenting30) A clientasked you howold you are andthen promptlyguessed thewildest age38) The client whoswore theywouldn’t be aproblem wasdefinitely aproblem this week29) You’re still upsetabout the crumblecookies getting thrownaway#neverforgetcookiegate26) A clientstank up youroffice andyou didn’tmake a face17) You went tocourt and kept itcool in front of thecourt despitefeeling not cool onthe inside19) A parentor clientthanked youfor what youdo32) Had torefrain fromlaughing at theinappropriatethings a clientsaid45) Thought“I really don’tget paidenough forthis”15) Aparentwas meanto you47) Got dressedfor work andwondered if youcould makesweatpants lookprofessional8) Mentallyplanned a vacationyou can’t affordand/or don’t havethe PTO for48) Made awish list ofthings you’regoing to buyon pay day18) A client said“I don’t know” toa question youknow they knowthe answer to1) You wereremindedyou’re amandatedreporter thisweek35) Wondered howto appropriatelydocument the wildthings your clientsaid in session in31) You sawCat microwaveher coffee morethan once27) Katherine’scake popsbrought youback to life aftera session9) You actuallydid things totake care ofyourself afterwork25) You wereon hold withDCF for atleast an hour5) If youearned 16 ormore directunits so farthis week43) Had asnack fromthe vendingmachine10) Tried tobuild rapportand overthought whatyou said to aclient42) You had tofill in and do alast-minuteintake and Catpromised to buyyou lunch3) Debatedyour careerchoice atleast once 28) You replacedthe paper in theprinter and 100papers immediatelyprinted afterwards24) Had aninteraction witha client andthought “wellthat went betterthan planned”44) Debatedclocking outwithin thefirst hour ofwork14) Thought aboutusing art astherapy, realizedyou shouldprobably just leavethat to Margaret13) You hadmore than onecup of coffee toget through aday this week23) Got a tik toktexted to you bya co-worker,while you werewith a client22) You scrolledon tik tok (orother app) whenyou were tryingto focus onnotes40) Thought “Iam too youngfor this muchresponsibility”at least once34) You actuallyclocked out atfive at least oneday this week

Surviving this Week - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 20) A client no showed after promising they would attend session
  2. 33) A client wore a bra to session, and you had to give them a shirt for the second week in a row
  3. 7) All your notes so far for the week are done
  4. 37) You were greeted with a “what up friend” by Austin at least once
  5. 41) A client told you “I don’t have a problem; people have a problem with me”
  6. 21) Your client used slang you didn’t understand, and you pretended to know what they meant
  7. 2) You ate lunch on time every day this week
  8. Free space for showing up to work today
  9. 4) Couldn’t focus in session because you needed to pee too badly
  10. 46) Thought you’d seen it all then quickly learned you haven’t
  11. 11) You wanted to scream but didn’t
  12. 39) A client and their parent's stories didn’t match but somehow, you're to blame for the situation
  13. 16) You developed a goal with a client that you’ve never done before
  14. 12) Your billing (except for today) is already in SAMH
  15. 6) You had a client make a breakthrough this week
  16. 36) Debated if that five-minute service was really worth billing and documenting
  17. 30) A client asked you how old you are and then promptly guessed the wildest age
  18. 38) The client who swore they wouldn’t be a problem was definitely a problem this week
  19. 29) You’re still upset about the crumble cookies getting thrown away #neverforgetcookiegate
  20. 26) A client stank up your office and you didn’t make a face
  21. 17) You went to court and kept it cool in front of the court despite feeling not cool on the inside
  22. 19) A parent or client thanked you for what you do
  23. 32) Had to refrain from laughing at the inappropriate things a client said
  24. 45) Thought “I really don’t get paid enough for this”
  25. 15) A parent was mean to you
  26. 47) Got dressed for work and wondered if you could make sweatpants look professional
  27. 8) Mentally planned a vacation you can’t afford and/or don’t have the PTO for
  28. 48) Made a wish list of things you’re going to buy on pay day
  29. 18) A client said “I don’t know” to a question you know they know the answer to
  30. 1) You were reminded you’re a mandated reporter this week
  31. 35) Wondered how to appropriately document the wild things your client said in session in
  32. 31) You saw Cat microwave her coffee more than once
  33. 27) Katherine’s cake pops brought you back to life after a session
  34. 9) You actually did things to take care of yourself after work
  35. 25) You were on hold with DCF for at least an hour
  36. 5) If you earned 16 or more direct units so far this week
  37. 43) Had a snack from the vending machine
  38. 10) Tried to build rapport and over thought what you said to a client
  39. 42) You had to fill in and do a last-minute intake and Cat promised to buy you lunch
  40. 3) Debated your career choice at least once
  41. 28) You replaced the paper in the printer and 100 papers immediately printed afterwards
  42. 24) Had an interaction with a client and thought “well that went better than planned”
  43. 44) Debated clocking out within the first hour of work
  44. 14) Thought about using art as therapy, realized you should probably just leave that to Margaret
  45. 13) You had more than one cup of coffee to get through a day this week
  46. 23) Got a tik tok texted to you by a co-worker, while you were with a client
  47. 22) You scrolled on tik tok (or other app) when you were trying to focus on notes
  48. 40) Thought “I am too young for this much responsibility” at least once
  49. 34) You actually clocked out at five at least one day this week