many of ourdoctors are poorlytrained and do nothave the medicalsupplies we need.our railroadsand roadshave beendestroyedwe havelost 258thousandsoldiers.our women havehelped in theabsence of menthrough nursingand working in ourfactories.Inflation hasincreased up to80 percent andour wages havebarely changed.I supportthefreedomof slavesMy children andI work on thefarm while myhusband hasgone to war.our troops havefallen ill tomalaria andyellow fever, andthe heat makesit worse.If I pay mygovernment300 dollars, Ido not haveto go to warOur soldiers arestruggling in thecold and aresuffering fromfrostbite andpneumoniaThe blockadehas stopped usfrom shippingand receivingour goods.slaves were animportant part ofour economyand life will bedifficult withoutthem.Free!Riots in NewYork havedeveloped as aresult from thewars draftpolicies.We havelost365,000soldiers.Our crops havebeen burneddue to raidsand our foodsupply is low.many of ourdoctors are poorlytrained and do nothave the medicalsupplies we need.our railroadsand roadshave beendestroyedwe havelost 258thousandsoldiers.our women havehelped in theabsence of menthrough nursingand working in ourfactories.Inflation hasincreased up to80 percent andour wages havebarely changed.I supportthefreedomof slavesMy children andI work on thefarm while myhusband hasgone to war.our troops havefallen ill tomalaria andyellow fever, andthe heat makesit worse.If I pay mygovernment300 dollars, Ido not haveto go to warOur soldiers arestruggling in thecold and aresuffering fromfrostbite andpneumoniaThe blockadehas stopped usfrom shippingand receivingour goods.slaves were animportant part ofour economyand life will bedifficult withoutthem.Free!Riots in NewYork havedeveloped as aresult from thewars draftpolicies.We havelost365,000soldiers.Our crops havebeen burneddue to raidsand our foodsupply is low.

Civil war hardships - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. many of our doctors are poorly trained and do not have the medical supplies we need.
  2. our railroads and roads have been destroyed
  3. we have lost 258 thousand soldiers.
  4. our women have helped in the absence of men through nursing and working in our factories.
  5. Inflation has increased up to 80 percent and our wages have barely changed.
  6. I support the freedom of slaves
  7. My children and I work on the farm while my husband has gone to war.
  8. our troops have fallen ill to malaria and yellow fever, and the heat makes it worse.
  9. If I pay my government 300 dollars, I do not have to go to war
  10. Our soldiers are struggling in the cold and are suffering from frostbite and pneumonia
  11. The blockade has stopped us from shipping and receiving our goods.
  12. slaves were an important part of our economy and life will be difficult without them.
  13. Free!
  14. Riots in New York have developed as a result from the wars draft policies.
  15. We have lost 365,000 soldiers.
  16. Our crops have been burned due to raids and our food supply is low.