Draw yourfamilytree.Interview arelativeabout theirchildhoodtraditions.Ask the oldestliving familymember howthey celebratedholidays.Find anancestorwho servedin a war.Can you finda relativewho woreglasses?Go to RelativeFinder. Whatfamousrelatives doyou have?Find aname totake to thetemple.Go toPedigree Pieand seewhere yourfamily is from.Look for a storyor add to the“Memories”section of yourfamily tree.Choose an“Activity” fromFamilySearch.Share yourexperienceduring Primary.Discover arelativewith a coolbeard.Ask a parentwhich grand- orgreat- ancestoryou get yourlooks from.Find a familymember whohas the samename as you orone of yoursiblings.“Get Involved”to beginindexing. Tryit for 5minutes?See how farback youcan go inyour familytree!Which relativepassed awayat a youngage? Why didthey die?Find theoccupation of 3ancestors aslisted on the USCensus.Log in toFamilySearchand make sureyour family treeis started.Cook arecipe from acountry ofone of yourancestors.Find a relativewho livedsomewhereyou havetraveled to?Find anancestor whohas the samebirthdaymonth as you.Take a photo ofyou and yourfamily in one ofyour favoriteplaces!Find acouple whowere marriedfor 50 years.Try doing somechores yourancestors mighthave done.What’s themost unusualname you canfind on yourfamily tree?Draw yourfamilytree.Interview arelativeabout theirchildhoodtraditions.Ask the oldestliving familymember howthey celebratedholidays.Find anancestorwho servedin a war.Can you finda relativewho woreglasses?Go to RelativeFinder. Whatfamousrelatives doyou have?Find aname totake to thetemple.Go toPedigree Pieand seewhere yourfamily is from.Look for a storyor add to the“Memories”section of yourfamily tree.Choose an“Activity” fromFamilySearch.Share yourexperienceduring Primary.Discover arelativewith a coolbeard.Ask a parentwhich grand- orgreat- ancestoryou get yourlooks from.Find a familymember whohas the samename as you orone of yoursiblings.“Get Involved”to beginindexing. Tryit for 5minutes?See how farback youcan go inyour familytree!Which relativepassed awayat a youngage? Why didthey die?Find theoccupation of 3ancestors aslisted on the USCensus.Log in toFamilySearchand make sureyour family treeis started.Cook arecipe from acountry ofone of yourancestors.Find a relativewho livedsomewhereyou havetraveled to?Find anancestor whohas the samebirthdaymonth as you.Take a photo ofyou and yourfamily in one ofyour favoriteplaces!Find acouple whowere marriedfor 50 years.Try doing somechores yourancestors mighthave done.What’s themost unusualname you canfind on yourfamily tree?

Family History - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Draw your family tree.
  2. Interview a relative about their childhood traditions.
  3. Ask the oldest living family member how they celebrated holidays.
  4. Find an ancestor who served in a war.
  5. Can you find a relative who wore glasses?
  6. Go to Relative Finder. What famous relatives do you have?
  7. Find a name to take to the temple.
  8. Go to Pedigree Pie and see where your family is from.
  9. Look for a story or add to the “Memories” section of your family tree.
  10. Choose an “Activity” from FamilySearch. Share your experience during Primary.
  11. Discover a relative with a cool beard.
  12. Ask a parent which grand- or great- ancestor you get your looks from.
  13. Find a family member who has the same name as you or one of your siblings.
  14. “Get Involved” to begin indexing. Try it for 5 minutes?
  15. See how far back you can go in your family tree!
  16. Which relative passed away at a young age? Why did they die?
  17. Find the occupation of 3 ancestors as listed on the US Census.
  18. Log in to FamilySearch and make sure your family tree is started.
  19. Cook a recipe from a country of one of your ancestors.
  20. Find a relative who lived somewhere you have traveled to?
  21. Find an ancestor who has the same birthday month as you.
  22. Take a photo of you and your family in one of your favorite places!
  23. Find a couple who were married for 50 years.
  24. Try doing some chores your ancestors might have done.
  25. What’s the most unusual name you can find on your family tree?