JohnAdams a leader in theAmerican Revolution.He went on to serveas the first VicePresident and thesecond president ofthe United States. JohnMarshal the ChiefJustice to theUnited StatesSupreme Courtfrom 1807 -1835 precedentan act ordecision thatsets anexample forothers to follow FrenchRevolution A rebellion inFrance beginningin 1789 thatoverthrew theFrench monarchy LouisianaPurchase the vast territoryextending from theMississippi River tothe RockyMountainspurchased fromFrance in 1803.WhiskeyRebellion A 1794 protestover a tax on allliquor madeand sold in theUS. JudiciaryAct of1789 A law that createdstructure of theSupreme Court andset up a system ofdistrict courts andcircuit courts for thenation. ThomasJefferson one of the authorsof the Declarationof Independenceand the thirdpresident of theUnited States. Kentuckyand VirginiaResolutions the declarationspassed in 1798 and1799 that claimedthat each state hasthe right to decidewhether a federal lawis constitutional. AlexanderHamilton an author of theFederalist Papers,Secretary of theTreasury underPresident Washington,and founder of theFederalist Party.  tariffa tax onforeigngoodsbrought intoa country MonroeDoctrine President Monroe’sforeign politicalstatement warningEuropean Nationsnot to interfere inLatin America. JamesMadison was the fourthpresident of theUnited States andone of the mainauthors of the USConstitution and theFederalist Papers. earlyrepublicthe historical periodfrom 1789 to 1824 inAmerican historyfollowing theratification of theUnited StatesConstitution  AndrewJackson the 7th president of theUnited States whoearlier served as amilitary officer duringconflicts with the CreekIndians during the Warof 1812 and duringconflicts with Spainover Florida Sectionalism loyalty to astate orsection ratherthan to awhole country Federalist A supporterof a strongfederalgovernment Battleof NewOrleans at the end of the Warof 1812, a battlebetween British andUS forces led byAndrew Jackson, thatended in a victory forthe United States. Marburyv.Madison An 1803 court casein which the SupremeCourt ruled that it hadthe power to decidewhether laws passedby Congress wereConstitutional. Alien andSeditionActs The federalist-supportedlaws created in 1798 thatpermitted the President toexpel foreigners, made itharder for immigrants tobecome citizens andallowed for citizens to befined or jailed if theycriticized the governmentor its officials. DemocraticRepublic A member ofthe politicalparty foundedby ThomasJefferson.  JohnQuincyAdams the sixth president ofthe United Stateswho earlier served asa US diplomat,senator, andsecretary of state Jay'sTreatyA 1795 agreementbetween Britain andthe United States thatsettled differences andput off a threat ofmilitary conflictbetween the twonations.  Nationalism A devotion toone’s nationand itsinterests JohnAdams a leader in theAmerican Revolution.He went on to serveas the first VicePresident and thesecond president ofthe United States. JohnMarshal the ChiefJustice to theUnited StatesSupreme Courtfrom 1807 -1835 precedentan act ordecision thatsets anexample forothers to follow FrenchRevolution A rebellion inFrance beginningin 1789 thatoverthrew theFrench monarchy LouisianaPurchase the vast territoryextending from theMississippi River tothe RockyMountainspurchased fromFrance in 1803.WhiskeyRebellion A 1794 protestover a tax on allliquor madeand sold in theUS. JudiciaryAct of1789 A law that createdstructure of theSupreme Court andset up a system ofdistrict courts andcircuit courts for thenation. ThomasJefferson one of the authorsof the Declarationof Independenceand the thirdpresident of theUnited States. Kentuckyand VirginiaResolutions the declarationspassed in 1798 and1799 that claimedthat each state hasthe right to decidewhether a federal lawis constitutional. AlexanderHamilton an author of theFederalist Papers,Secretary of theTreasury underPresident Washington,and founder of theFederalist Party.  tariffa tax onforeigngoodsbrought intoa country MonroeDoctrine President Monroe’sforeign politicalstatement warningEuropean Nationsnot to interfere inLatin America. JamesMadison was the fourthpresident of theUnited States andone of the mainauthors of the USConstitution and theFederalist Papers. earlyrepublicthe historical periodfrom 1789 to 1824 inAmerican historyfollowing theratification of theUnited StatesConstitution  AndrewJackson the 7th president of theUnited States whoearlier served as amilitary officer duringconflicts with the CreekIndians during the Warof 1812 and duringconflicts with Spainover Florida Sectionalism loyalty to astate orsection ratherthan to awhole country Federalist A supporterof a strongfederalgovernment Battleof NewOrleans at the end of the Warof 1812, a battlebetween British andUS forces led byAndrew Jackson, thatended in a victory forthe United States. Marburyv.Madison An 1803 court casein which the SupremeCourt ruled that it hadthe power to decidewhether laws passedby Congress wereConstitutional. Alien andSeditionActs The federalist-supportedlaws created in 1798 thatpermitted the President toexpel foreigners, made itharder for immigrants tobecome citizens andallowed for citizens to befined or jailed if theycriticized the governmentor its officials. DemocraticRepublic A member ofthe politicalparty foundedby ThomasJefferson.  JohnQuincyAdams the sixth president ofthe United Stateswho earlier served asa US diplomat,senator, andsecretary of state Jay'sTreatyA 1795 agreementbetween Britain andthe United States thatsettled differences andput off a threat ofmilitary conflictbetween the twonations.  Nationalism A devotion toone’s nationand itsinterests 

Washington's Presidency - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. a leader in the American Revolution. He went on to serve as the first Vice President and the second president of the United States.
    John Adams
  2. the Chief Justice to the United States Supreme Court from 1807 - 1835
    John Marshal
  3. an act or decision that sets an example for others to follow
  4. A rebellion in France beginning in 1789 that overthrew the French monarchy
    French Revolution
  5. the vast territory extending from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains purchased from France in 1803.
    Louisiana Purchase
  6. A 1794 protest over a tax on all liquor made and sold in the US.
    Whiskey Rebellion
  7. A law that created structure of the Supreme Court and set up a system of district courts and circuit courts for the nation.
    Judiciary Act of 1789
  8. one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States.
    Thomas Jefferson
  9. the declarations passed in 1798 and 1799 that claimed that each state has the right to decide whether a federal law is constitutional.
    Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
  10. an author of the Federalist Papers, Secretary of the Treasury under President Washington, and founder of the Federalist Party.
    Alexander Hamilton
  11. a tax on foreign goods brought into a country
  12. President Monroe’s foreign political statement warning European Nations not to interfere in Latin America.
    Monroe Doctrine
  13. was the fourth president of the United States and one of the main authors of the US Constitution and the Federalist Papers.
    James Madison
  14. the historical period from 1789 to 1824 in American history following the ratification of the United States Constitution
    early republic
  15. the 7th president of the United States who earlier served as a military officer during conflicts with the Creek Indians during the War of 1812 and during conflicts with Spain over Florida
    Andrew Jackson
  16. loyalty to a state or section rather than to a whole country
  17. A supporter of a strong federal government
  18. at the end of the War of 1812, a battle between British and US forces led by Andrew Jackson, that ended in a victory for the United States.
    Battle of New Orleans
  19. An 1803 court case in which the Supreme Court ruled that it had the power to decide whether laws passed by Congress were Constitutional.
    Marbury v. Madison
  20. The federalist-supported laws created in 1798 that permitted the President to expel foreigners, made it harder for immigrants to become citizens and allowed for citizens to be fined or jailed if they criticized the government or its officials.
    Alien and Sedition Acts
  21. A member of the political party founded by Thomas Jefferson.
    Democratic Republic
  22. the sixth president of the United States who earlier served as a US diplomat, senator, and secretary of state
    John Quincy Adams
  23. A 1795 agreement between Britain and the United States that settled differences and put off a threat of military conflict between the two nations.
    Jay's Treaty
  24. A devotion to one’s nation and its interests