youconstantlyfeel unsafewalking aloneat nightyou can showaffection for yourromantic partner inpublic without fearof ridicule orviolenceyou identifyasbiculturalor biracialyou can findBandAids atmainstreamstores designed toblend in with ormatch your skintoneyou are neverasked to speak onbehalf of a groupof people whoshare an identitywith yousomeone inyour householdsuffered orsuffers frommental illnessyouconstantlyfeel unsafewalking aloneat nightyour parentstold you thatyou could beanything youwanted to beyou speak2 or morelanguagesyou have beenspoken overbecause you couldnot articulate yourthoughts fastenoughSomeonewho grew upwith acomputer inher/his homeyou can makemistakes and nothave peopleattribute yourbehavior to flaws inyour racial orgender groupyour parentstold you thatyou could beanything youwanted to beyou, yourparents orchildren wereborn in adifferentcountryyou are afirst-generationcollegestudentyou haveattendedschools withpeople you feltwere likeyourselfyou havebeen avictim ofsexualharassmentyou have aphysicallyvisibledisabilityyou feel goodabout howyour identitiesare portrayedby the mediaSomeone whohas a friend orrelative whoidentifies asLBGTQIA+yourname has beenmispronounced(first or last)I need aStarbucksRunyou comefrom asingle-parenthouseholdyou are yourparents onlychildyou havean invisibleillness ordisabilityyouconstantlyfeel unsafewalking aloneat nightyou can showaffection for yourromantic partner inpublic without fearof ridicule orviolenceyou identifyasbiculturalor biracialyou can findBandAids atmainstreamstores designed toblend in with ormatch your skintoneyou are neverasked to speak onbehalf of a groupof people whoshare an identitywith yousomeone inyour householdsuffered orsuffers frommental illnessyouconstantlyfeel unsafewalking aloneat nightyour parentstold you thatyou could beanything youwanted to beyou speak2 or morelanguagesyou have beenspoken overbecause you couldnot articulate yourthoughts fastenoughSomeonewho grew upwith acomputer inher/his homeyou can makemistakes and nothave peopleattribute yourbehavior to flaws inyour racial orgender groupyour parentstold you thatyou could beanything youwanted to beyou, yourparents orchildren wereborn in adifferentcountryyou are afirst-generationcollegestudentyou haveattendedschools withpeople you feltwere likeyourselfyou havebeen avictim ofsexualharassmentyou have aphysicallyvisibledisabilityyou feel goodabout howyour identitiesare portrayedby the mediaSomeone whohas a friend orrelative whoidentifies asLBGTQIA+yourname has beenmispronounced(first or last)I need aStarbucksRunyou comefrom asingle-parenthouseholdyou are yourparents onlychildyou havean invisibleillness ordisability

Cultural Diversity (SW) - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. you constantly feel unsafe walking alone at night
  2. you can show affection for your romantic partner in public without fear of ridicule or violence
  3. you identify as bicultural or biracial
  4. you can find BandAids at mainstream stores designed to blend in with or match your skin tone
  5. you are never asked to speak on behalf of a group of people who share an identity with you
  6. someone in your household suffered or suffers from mental illness
  7. you constantly feel unsafe walking alone at night
  8. your parents told you that you could be anything you wanted to be
  9. you speak 2 or more languages
  10. you have been spoken over because you could not articulate your thoughts fast enough
  11. Someone who grew up with a computer in her/his home
  12. you can make mistakes and not have people attribute your behavior to flaws in your racial or gender group
  13. your parents told you that you could be anything you wanted to be
  14. you, your parents or children were born in a different country
  15. you are a first-generation college student
  16. you have attended schools with people you felt were like yourself
  17. you have been a victim of sexual harassment
  18. you have a physically visible disability
  19. you feel good about how your identities are portrayed by the media
  20. Someone who has a friend or relative who identifies as LBGTQIA+
  21. your name has been mispronounced (first or last)
  22. I need a Starbucks Run
  23. you come from a single-parent household
  24. you are your parents only child
  25. you have an invisible illness or disability