coolant in anuclear reactorused to removeheat from thenuclear reactorcoreNuclearreactorcoollantradiation thatlanded on Earthfrom cloudscarryingradiationRadioactiveFallouta form of energyreleased from thenucleus, the coreof atoms, made upof protons andneutronsNuclearEnergyParticlewith aneutralchargeNeutronabsorb neutrons toregulate the rate ofthe chain reaction sothat the water doesnot overheat anddestroy the reactorControlRodsa device thatharnesses thekinetic energy ofsome fluid -such as water,steam, or airTurbinePositivelychargedparticleProtonenergy that does notcome from fossilfuels, and thusproduces little to nogreenhouse gaseslike carbon dioxideAlternativeEnergyThe reactor melteddown duringroutinemaintenance &Technicians didnot properly usethe control rods.Chernobyltype ofnuclearreaction usedin nuclearpower plantsNuclearFissionthe piecesthat makeup anatomSubatomicParticlesa form of energyreleased from thenucleus, the coreof atoms, made upof protons andneutronsElectricityType ofnuclearreaction onthe SunNuclearFusionAll of the stuff leftover when you’redone running thereactor or whenyou’re done usingthe fuelNuclearWastewhen some, butnot all, of thefuel rodsmelted beforecoolant wasrestoredPartialMeltdownA severe nuclearreactor accidentthat results incore damagefromoverheatingNuclearMeltdownNegativelychargedparticlesElectronEnergy thatcomes from asource andtravels throughspace at thespeed of lightRadiationtwo smallerelements arecombined,creating alarger elementNuclearFusionthecentralregion ofan atomAtomicnucleusForms of the sameelement thatcontain equalnumbers of protonsbut differentnumbers ofneutronsIsotopelargeradioactiveelement is splitcreating twosmallerelements.NuclearFissionA particle ofmatter thatuniquelydefines achemicalelementAtomthe portion of anuclear reactorcontaining thenuclear fuelcomponents wherethe nuclear reactionstake placeNuclearCorecoolant in anuclear reactorused to removeheat from thenuclear reactorcoreNuclearreactorcoollantradiation thatlanded on Earthfrom cloudscarryingradiationRadioactiveFallouta form of energyreleased from thenucleus, the coreof atoms, made upof protons andneutronsNuclearEnergyParticlewith aneutralchargeNeutronabsorb neutrons toregulate the rate ofthe chain reaction sothat the water doesnot overheat anddestroy the reactorControlRodsa device thatharnesses thekinetic energy ofsome fluid -such as water,steam, or airTurbinePositivelychargedparticleProtonenergy that does notcome from fossilfuels, and thusproduces little to nogreenhouse gaseslike carbon dioxideAlternativeEnergyThe reactor melteddown duringroutinemaintenance &Technicians didnot properly usethe control rods.Chernobyltype ofnuclearreaction usedin nuclearpower plantsNuclearFissionthe piecesthat makeup anatomSubatomicParticlesa form of energyreleased from thenucleus, the coreof atoms, made upof protons andneutronsElectricityType ofnuclearreaction onthe SunNuclearFusionAll of the stuff leftover when you’redone running thereactor or whenyou’re done usingthe fuelNuclearWastewhen some, butnot all, of thefuel rodsmelted beforecoolant wasrestoredPartialMeltdownA severe nuclearreactor accidentthat results incore damagefromoverheatingNuclearMeltdownNegativelychargedparticlesElectronEnergy thatcomes from asource andtravels throughspace at thespeed of lightRadiationtwo smallerelements arecombined,creating alarger elementNuclearFusionthecentralregion ofan atomAtomicnucleusForms of the sameelement thatcontain equalnumbers of protonsbut differentnumbers ofneutronsIsotopelargeradioactiveelement is splitcreating twosmallerelements.NuclearFissionA particle ofmatter thatuniquelydefines achemicalelementAtomthe portion of anuclear reactorcontaining thenuclear fuelcomponents wherethe nuclear reactionstake placeNuclearCore

Nuclear Power - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Nuclear reactor coollant
    coolant in a nuclear reactor used to remove heat from the nuclear reactor core
  2. Radioactive Fallout
    radiation that landed on Earth from clouds carrying radiation
  3. Nuclear Energy
    a form of energy released from the nucleus, the core of atoms, made up of protons and neutrons
  4. Neutron
    Particle with a neutral charge
  5. Control Rods
    absorb neutrons to regulate the rate of the chain reaction so that the water does not overheat and destroy the reactor
  6. Turbine
    a device that harnesses the kinetic energy of some fluid - such as water, steam, or air
  7. Proton
    Positively charged particle
  8. Alternative Energy
    energy that does not come from fossil fuels, and thus produces little to no greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide
  9. Chernobyl
    The reactor melted down during routine maintenance & Technicians did not properly use the control rods.
  10. Nuclear Fission
    type of nuclear reaction used in nuclear power plants
  11. Subatomic Particles
    the pieces that make up an atom
  12. Electricity
    a form of energy released from the nucleus, the core of atoms, made up of protons and neutrons
  13. Nuclear Fusion
    Type of nuclear reaction on the Sun
  14. Nuclear Waste
    All of the stuff left over when you’re done running the reactor or when you’re done using the fuel
  15. Partial Meltdown
    when some, but not all, of the fuel rods melted before coolant was restored
  16. Nuclear Meltdown
    A severe nuclear reactor accident that results in core damage from overheating
  17. Electron
    Negatively charged particles
  18. Radiation
    Energy that comes from a source and travels through space at the speed of light
  19. Nuclear Fusion
    two smaller elements are combined, creating a larger element
  20. Atomic nucleus
    the central region of an atom
  21. Isotope
    Forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons
  22. Nuclear Fission
    large radioactive element is split creating two smaller elements.
  23. Atom
    A particle of matter that uniquely defines a chemical element
  24. Nuclear Core
    the portion of a nuclear reactor containing the nuclear fuel components where the nuclear reactions take place