timezones24imaginary zonescorresponding toone hour ofEarth’s rotationthat we use tomeasure timeMeridiansalso known aslines of longitude,they aresemicircles thatrun from onepole to the other.latitudedistance of anyone point onthe Earth fromtheEquator, can beN or Sgeographicgrida system ofcoordinatesused to locateany point ofEarth's surfaceon a map365 daysand 6hours'solar year' -time it takes forEarth tocomplete onerevolutionaround sunequinoxesoccurs duringspring and autumnwhen day+nightlast same length oftime around theworlddifferentlengths ofday and nightin differentplacesone of theconsequencesof Earth'srevolutionsaround the sunchangefrom dayto nightone of theconsequencesof Earth'srotationsolsticesoccurs duringwinter andsummer whenlength ofday+night isdifferent in eachhemispheremovementof sun onthehorizonone of theconsequencesof Earth'srotationParallelsalso called lines oflatitude, are circlesthat runperpendicular tothe axis of theEarth’s rotation.Rotationrefers to themovement of earthas if spinning onan imaginary axisthat extends from theNorth to theSouth PoleTropicalZonesthe thermal zone inwhich thetemperatures arealways high becausethe sun's rays strikethe Earthperpendicular or nearlyperpendicular to itssurfacelongitudedistance from anyone point on theEarth tothe 0° line of latitude,or the prime(Greenwich) meridianwestto eastthedirectionof Earth'srotationFrigidZonesthermal zone inwhich sun's raysstrike the Earth’ssurface at a widerangle and so thetemperatures arealways very low.24hours'solar day'-amount of timeit takes forearth tocomplete onerotationEquatorThe main or 0°line of latitudewhich dividesthe Earth intotwo halves orhemispheresScaleis the relationshipbetween a distancemeasured on themapand thecorrespondingdistance on Earthitselfcardinalpointsor basicpoints of referencethat we use toknow where weare on the Earthleapyearwhen an extraday is addedto Feb, occursevery fouryearsWinterseason that occursin Earth'shemisphere whenit is turned awayfrom sun during itsrevolutioneastone of thecardinalpointsSystem ofProjectionName of themethod thatenables theEarth’s sphericalsurface to berepresented on aflat surface.timezones24imaginary zonescorresponding toone hour ofEarth’s rotationthat we use tomeasure timeMeridiansalso known aslines of longitude,they aresemicircles thatrun from onepole to the other.latitudedistance of anyone point onthe Earth fromtheEquator, can beN or Sgeographicgrida system ofcoordinatesused to locateany point ofEarth's surfaceon a map365 daysand 6hours'solar year' -time it takes forEarth tocomplete onerevolutionaround sunequinoxesoccurs duringspring and autumnwhen day+nightlast same length oftime around theworlddifferentlengths ofday and nightin differentplacesone of theconsequencesof Earth'srevolutionsaround the sunchangefrom dayto nightone of theconsequencesof Earth'srotationsolsticesoccurs duringwinter andsummer whenlength ofday+night isdifferent in eachhemispheremovementof sun onthehorizonone of theconsequencesof Earth'srotationParallelsalso called lines oflatitude, are circlesthat runperpendicular tothe axis of theEarth’s rotation.Rotationrefers to themovement of earthas if spinning onan imaginary axisthat extends from theNorth to theSouth PoleTropicalZonesthe thermal zone inwhich thetemperatures arealways high becausethe sun's rays strikethe Earthperpendicular or nearlyperpendicular to itssurfacelongitudedistance from anyone point on theEarth tothe 0° line of latitude,or the prime(Greenwich) meridianwestto eastthedirectionof Earth'srotationFrigidZonesthermal zone inwhich sun's raysstrike the Earth’ssurface at a widerangle and so thetemperatures arealways very low.24hours'solar day'-amount of timeit takes forearth tocomplete onerotationEquatorThe main or 0°line of latitudewhich dividesthe Earth intotwo halves orhemispheresScaleis the relationshipbetween a distancemeasured on themapand thecorrespondingdistance on Earthitselfcardinalpointsor basicpoints of referencethat we use toknow where weare on the Earthleapyearwhen an extraday is addedto Feb, occursevery fouryearsWinterseason that occursin Earth'shemisphere whenit is turned awayfrom sun during itsrevolutioneastone of thecardinalpointsSystem ofProjectionName of themethod thatenables theEarth’s sphericalsurface to berepresented on aflat surface.

Unit One - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 24 imaginary zones corresponding to one hour of Earth’s rotation that we use to measure time
    time zones
  2. also known as lines of longitude, they are semicircles that run from one pole to the other.
  3. distance of any one point on the Earth from the Equator, can be N or S
  4. a system of coordinates used to locate any point of Earth's surface on a map
    geographic grid
  5. 'solar year' - time it takes for Earth to complete one revolution around sun
    365 days and 6 hours
  6. occurs during spring and autumn when day+night last same length of time around the world
  7. one of the consequences of Earth's revolutions around the sun
    different lengths of day and night in different places
  8. one of the consequences of Earth's rotation
    change from day to night
  9. occurs during winter and summer when length of day+night is different in each hemisphere
  10. one of the consequences of Earth's rotation
    movement of sun on the horizon
  11. also called lines of latitude, are circles that run perpendicular to the axis of the Earth’s rotation.
  12. refers to the movement of earth as if spinning on an imaginary axis that extends from the North to the South Pole
  13. the thermal zone in which the temperatures are always high because the sun's rays strike the Earth perpendicular or nearly perpendicular to its surface
    Tropical Zones
  14. distance from any one point on the Earth to the 0° line of latitude, or the prime (Greenwich) meridian
  15. the direction of Earth's rotation
    west to east
  16. thermal zone in which sun's rays strike the Earth’s surface at a wider angle and so the temperatures are always very low.
    Frigid Zones
  17. 'solar day'- amount of time it takes for earth to complete one rotation
    24 hours
  18. The main or 0° line of latitude which divides the Earth into two halves or hemispheres
  19. is the relationship between a distance measured on the map and the corresponding distance on Earth itself
  20. or basic points of reference that we use to know where we are on the Earth
    cardinal points
  21. when an extra day is added to Feb, occurs every four years
    leap year
  22. season that occurs in Earth's hemisphere when it is turned away from sun during its revolution
  23. one of the cardinal points
  24. Name of the method that enables the Earth’s spherical surface to be represented on a flat surface.
    System of Projection