That as longas one personis beingmistreated,we all are.During the tour ofthe TransylvanianCastle, Mr. Filchkept an eye out forvampires.Riggedlaws and“tests” All the people whoendured hatred andviolence whilepeacefully protestingin a relentless effortto gain their equalrights.ThemeMelissa, abrilliant student,will probably geta higher gradethan I will.That each of themwere as preciousto their families asyour brothers andsisters are to you.TopicIt is veryimportant tohave otherpeople to turn tofor emotionalsupport.FalseCedric Diggorydoesn’t think recessis long enough hehopes the principaladds another fifteenminutes.“Susie, I needyou to cleanyour room,”her momordered.If they wantto win;athletes mustexerciseevery day.YouTrueThere are people inthis world who willtreat othersdifferently becauseof the color of theirskin.During the tour ofthe TransylvanianCastle; Mr. Filchkept an eye out forvampires.If they wantto win,athletes mustexerciseevery day.Life isn’t always fair,but you can’t spendyour life dwelling onsadness. Just try toaccept it and keepliving your life.It’s important tounderstandgrammar rules;without them, yourwriting is difficult tounderstand.Cedric Diggorydoesn’t think recessis long enough; hehopes the principaladds another fifteenminutes.It’s important tounderstandgrammar rules,without them yourwriting is difficult tounderstand.Melissa abrilliant student,will probably geta higher gradethan I will.“Susie I needyou to cleanyour room,”her momordered.That as longas one personis beingmistreated,we all are.During the tour ofthe TransylvanianCastle, Mr. Filchkept an eye out forvampires.Riggedlaws and“tests” All the people whoendured hatred andviolence whilepeacefully protestingin a relentless effortto gain their equalrights.ThemeMelissa, abrilliant student,will probably geta higher gradethan I will.That each of themwere as preciousto their families asyour brothers andsisters are to you.TopicIt is veryimportant tohave otherpeople to turn tofor emotionalsupport.FalseCedric Diggorydoesn’t think recessis long enough hehopes the principaladds another fifteenminutes.“Susie, I needyou to cleanyour room,”her momordered.If they wantto win;athletes mustexerciseevery day.YouTrueThere are people inthis world who willtreat othersdifferently becauseof the color of theirskin.During the tour ofthe TransylvanianCastle; Mr. Filchkept an eye out forvampires.If they wantto win,athletes mustexerciseevery day.Life isn’t always fair,but you can’t spendyour life dwelling onsadness. Just try toaccept it and keepliving your life.It’s important tounderstandgrammar rules;without them, yourwriting is difficult tounderstand.Cedric Diggorydoesn’t think recessis long enough; hehopes the principaladds another fifteenminutes.It’s important tounderstandgrammar rules,without them yourwriting is difficult tounderstand.Melissa abrilliant student,will probably geta higher gradethan I will.“Susie I needyou to cleanyour room,”her momordered.

Flying Monkey BINGO Lounge Quiz Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. That as long as one person is being mistreated, we all are.
  2. During the tour of the Transylvanian Castle, Mr. Filch kept an eye out for vampires.
  3. Rigged laws and “tests”
  4. All the people who endured hatred and violence while peacefully protesting in a relentless effort to gain their equal rights.
  5. Theme
  6. Melissa, a brilliant student, will probably get a higher grade than I will.
  7. That each of them were as precious to their families as your brothers and sisters are to you.
  8. Topic
  9. It is very important to have other people to turn to for emotional support.
  10. False
  11. Cedric Diggory doesn’t think recess is long enough he hopes the principal adds another fifteen minutes.
  12. “Susie, I need you to clean your room,” her mom ordered.
  13. If they want to win; athletes must exercise every day.
  14. You
  15. True
  16. There are people in this world who will treat others differently because of the color of their skin.
  17. During the tour of the Transylvanian Castle; Mr. Filch kept an eye out for vampires.
  18. If they want to win, athletes must exercise every day.
  19. Life isn’t always fair, but you can’t spend your life dwelling on sadness. Just try to accept it and keep living your life.
  20. It’s important to understand grammar rules; without them, your writing is difficult to understand.
  21. Cedric Diggory doesn’t think recess is long enough; he hopes the principal adds another fifteen minutes.
  22. It’s important to understand grammar rules, without them your writing is difficult to understand.
  23. Melissa a brilliant student, will probably get a higher grade than I will.
  24. “Susie I need you to clean your room,” her mom ordered.