Missouri17. Wheredid ZaklearnmusicContinuousImprovementWhatengineeringtitle is mostcommon forZak’s careerALabrador3. Something thatalways makes Zaklaugh when it doessomething funnyZakWho wrote apaper in highschool abouthow corporatefarming waskilling familyShoot apelletgunWhat activitydid Zak andLaura do ontheir secondmeetingLauraWho wrote apaper in highschool about howWal-Mart waskilling small townAmericaGreenhouses15. What is theone mainunique topicboth mentionedin their profilesHumanityOne of thethings Zakhas apassion for20How many“technical”servings ofcoffee do Zakand Laura drinkeach day …519. Howmany stateshas Zaklived inGamenight10.Somethingthat alwaysmakes Lauralaughplay aguitar7. One of thethings thatwill alwayscheer Zak upBarndominiumWhat kind ofhouse do Lauraand Zak plan tobuild some dayTennesseeWhere didZak moveto afterMissouriA goodshowerwith goodmusic11. The onething that willalways cheerLaura upleaveher be12. If Laurais in a badmood, youshould dowhatoutdoormusicfestival, ina go-cart13. Two ofLaura’shappyplacesLive Music,Coffee,Conversation14. THREETHINGS WEBOTHMENTIONEDthat we enjoydishwasherracksAt a job, forwhat productcomponent didZak have 5patentableideas1916. How manydays was it forZak and Laurato decide theywere perfect foreach otherAnIndianChief5. Zak wouldreally like tomeet inpersonFailuremode,effects, andanalysisWhat aspectof Laura’sthinking didZak admireWhirlpoolWhatcompany didZak work forthat he lovedthe mosttheHaggardsoundOne ThingZak can'tlivewithout17,183How manywords did Zakand Lauraexchangebefore they metin personStarbucksWhat did Zakand Lauradrink besideswater on theirfirst meetingHavefun9. Before Zakand Laura met,what did Laurasay she shoulddo more often...Gojiberries20. Whatkind of plantis ZakgrowingCreativeness,inventiveness,insightfulnessThingsZak isthankfulforPaulHarvey4. As a kid Zakhad the firmconviction thathe was going tobecome the next(blank)TwoadultshavingcoffeeWhat was thevibe Zak andLaura agreedon for the firstmeetMissouri17. Wheredid ZaklearnmusicContinuousImprovementWhatengineeringtitle is mostcommon forZak’s careerALabrador3. Something thatalways makes Zaklaugh when it doessomething funnyZakWho wrote apaper in highschool abouthow corporatefarming waskilling familyShoot apelletgunWhat activitydid Zak andLaura do ontheir secondmeetingLauraWho wrote apaper in highschool about howWal-Mart waskilling small townAmericaGreenhouses15. What is theone mainunique topicboth mentionedin their profilesHumanityOne of thethings Zakhas apassion for20How many“technical”servings ofcoffee do Zakand Laura drinkeach day …519. Howmany stateshas Zaklived inGamenight10.Somethingthat alwaysmakes Lauralaughplay aguitar7. One of thethings thatwill alwayscheer Zak upBarndominiumWhat kind ofhouse do Lauraand Zak plan tobuild some dayTennesseeWhere didZak moveto afterMissouriA goodshowerwith goodmusic11. The onething that willalways cheerLaura upleaveher be12. If Laurais in a badmood, youshould dowhatoutdoormusicfestival, ina go-cart13. Two ofLaura’shappyplacesLive Music,Coffee,Conversation14. THREETHINGS WEBOTHMENTIONEDthat we enjoydishwasherracksAt a job, forwhat productcomponent didZak have 5patentableideas1916. How manydays was it forZak and Laurato decide theywere perfect foreach otherAnIndianChief5. Zak wouldreally like tomeet inpersonFailuremode,effects, andanalysisWhat aspectof Laura’sthinking didZak admireWhirlpoolWhatcompany didZak work forthat he lovedthe mosttheHaggardsoundOne ThingZak can'tlivewithout17,183How manywords did Zakand Lauraexchangebefore they metin personStarbucksWhat did Zakand Lauradrink besideswater on theirfirst meetingHavefun9. Before Zakand Laura met,what did Laurasay she shoulddo more often...Gojiberries20. Whatkind of plantis ZakgrowingCreativeness,inventiveness,insightfulnessThingsZak isthankfulforPaulHarvey4. As a kid Zakhad the firmconviction thathe was going tobecome the next(blank)TwoadultshavingcoffeeWhat was thevibe Zak andLaura agreedon for the firstmeet

A Love Story Bingo - April 7, 2023 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 17. Where did Zak learn music
  2. What engineering title is most common for Zak’s career
    Continuous Improvement
  3. 3. Something that always makes Zak laugh when it does something funny
    A Labrador
  4. Who wrote a paper in high school about how corporate farming was killing family
  5. What activity did Zak and Laura do on their second meeting
    Shoot a pellet gun
  6. Who wrote a paper in high school about how Wal-Mart was killing small town America
  7. 15. What is the one main unique topic both mentioned in their profiles
  8. One of the things Zak has a passion for
  9. How many “technical” servings of coffee do Zak and Laura drink each day …
  10. 19. How many states has Zak lived in
  11. 10. Something that always makes Laura laugh
    Game night
  12. 7. One of the things that will always cheer Zak up
    play a guitar
  13. What kind of house do Laura and Zak plan to build some day
  14. Where did Zak move to after Missouri
  15. 11. The one thing that will always cheer Laura up
    A good shower with good music
  16. 12. If Laura is in a bad mood, you should do what
    leave her be
  17. 13. Two of Laura’s happy places
    outdoor music festival, in a go-cart
  18. 14. THREE THINGS WE BOTH MENTIONED that we enjoy
    Live Music, Coffee, Conversation
  19. At a job, for what product component did Zak have 5 patentable ideas
    dishwasher racks
  20. 16. How many days was it for Zak and Laura to decide they were perfect for each other
  21. 5. Zak would really like to meet in person
    An Indian Chief
  22. What aspect of Laura’s thinking did Zak admire
    Failure mode, effects, and analysis
  23. What company did Zak work for that he loved the most
  24. One Thing Zak can't live without
    the Haggard sound
  25. How many words did Zak and Laura exchange before they met in person
  26. What did Zak and Laura drink besides water on their first meeting
  27. 9. Before Zak and Laura met, what did Laura say she should do more often...
    Have fun
  28. 20. What kind of plant is Zak growing
    Goji berries
  29. Things Zak is thankful for
    Creativeness, inventiveness, insightfulness
  30. 4. As a kid Zak had the firm conviction that he was going to become the next (blank)
    Paul Harvey
  31. What was the vibe Zak and Laura agreed on for the first meet
    Two adults having coffee