Show anotheryoung womanyour tree andshare one funfact about eachof your parentsReviewduplicatesOR add anew namefrom a sourceTry to guess whatsomeone in theroom's last namemeans, then sharewith each other theorigin and meaningEnter anewnameFind arelative whostill needs tobe baptizedFind anancestorwho livedthrough awarlisten to themost popularsong fromthe year youwere bornFind out if youhave anyfamilymembers whowere pioneersAdd yourownmemoryFind someone inthe room who isrelated to thesame famousperson as you!Take theindexingguidedtourFind out whoyour closestrelative is inthe roomFind out whichcountry most ofyour knownancestors camefromAdd aphoto tofamilysearchupdate yourown familysearchprofileContact afamily memberand add a"memory" tofamily searchreview andmake sure yourfour generationchart is correctAttach anewsource tosomeoneRead amemory of afamily memberyou haven'theard ofFind the earliestperson on yourtree, what yearwere they born?Index abatchTeachsomethingnew toanother youngwomanLearnsomethingnew froma leaderConnectyour familysearchaccount toancestry.comShow anotheryoung womanyour tree andshare one funfact about eachof your parentsReviewduplicatesOR add anew namefrom a sourceTry to guess whatsomeone in theroom's last namemeans, then sharewith each other theorigin and meaningEnter anewnameFind arelative whostill needs tobe baptizedFind anancestorwho livedthrough awarlisten to themost popularsong fromthe year youwere bornFind out if youhave anyfamilymembers whowere pioneersAdd yourownmemoryFind someone inthe room who isrelated to thesame famousperson as you!Take theindexingguidedtourFind out whoyour closestrelative is inthe roomFind out whichcountry most ofyour knownancestors camefromAdd aphoto tofamilysearchupdate yourown familysearchprofileContact afamily memberand add a"memory" tofamily searchreview andmake sure yourfour generationchart is correctAttach anewsource tosomeoneRead amemory of afamily memberyou haven'theard ofFind the earliestperson on yourtree, what yearwere they born?Index abatchTeachsomethingnew toanother youngwomanLearnsomethingnew froma leaderConnectyour familysearchaccount

Family History Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Show another young woman your tree and share one fun fact about each of your parents
  2. Review duplicates OR add a new name from a source
  3. Try to guess what someone in the room's last name means, then share with each other the origin and meaning
  4. Enter a new name
  5. Find a relative who still needs to be baptized
  6. Find an ancestor who lived through a war
  7. listen to the most popular song from the year you were born
  8. Find out if you have any family members who were pioneers
  9. Add your own memory
  10. Find someone in the room who is related to the same famous person as you!
  11. Take the indexing guided tour
  12. Find out who your closest relative is in the room
  13. Find out which country most of your known ancestors came from
  14. Add a photo to family search
  15. update your own family search profile
  16. Contact a family member and add a "memory" to family search
  17. review and make sure your four generation chart is correct
  18. Attach a new source to someone
  19. Read a memory of a family member you haven't heard of
  20. Find the earliest person on your tree, what year were they born?
  21. Index a batch
  22. Teach something new to another young woman
  23. Learn something new from a leader
  24. Connect your family search account to