ThomasEdisonGenerally creditedwith building theframework formodern technologyand society in theage of electricity.TranscontinentalRailroadCompleted in 1869,this connected the eastand west coasts of theUnited States, makingtransportation,shipping, andcommunication easierand cheaper. John D.RockefellerFounded theStandard OilCompany andbecame one of theworld's wealthiestmen and a majorphilanthropist.The GreatRailroadStrikeOccurred in 1877when railroadcompanies reducedwages. Violenceerupted and federaltroops were broughtin to restore thepeace.Promontory,UtahThe place wherethe two parts oftheTranscontinentalRailroad met, onMay 10, 1869AmericanFederationof Laborfederation of NorthAmerican laborunions that wasfounded in 1886under theleadership ofSamuel GompersHenryFordChief developerof the assemblyline techniqueof massproductionPacificRailroadActIn 1862, this act taskedthe Central Pacific andthe Union PacificRailroad Companieswith building atranscontinentalrailroad that would linkthe United States fromeast to west.1825The Erie Canal iscompleted, opening awater route from theGreat Lakes to NewYork City and theAtlantic Ocean.AlexanderGrahamBellInventorof thetelephoneFree!Free!SamuelMorsePatented thetelegraph anddevelopedthe MorsecodeCorneliusVanderbiltA famousindustrialistwho workedin railroadsand shippingGrandCentralDepotBuilt by CorneliusVanderbilt in 1871 for theNew York Central &Hudson River, New Yorkand Harlem Railroad, andNew Haven railroads. Dueto rapid growth, by 1900 itwas reconstructed andrenamed Grand CentralStationPittsburghwas known asan industrialhub for coalmining andsteelproduction.RobertFultonAmerican inventorwho designed thefirst commerciallysuccessful steamboatand the first steamwarshipThomasEdisonGenerally creditedwith building theframework formodern technologyand society in theage of electricity.TranscontinentalRailroadCompleted in 1869,this connected the eastand west coasts of theUnited States, makingtransportation,shipping, andcommunication easierand cheaper. John D.RockefellerFounded theStandard OilCompany andbecame one of theworld's wealthiestmen and a majorphilanthropist.The GreatRailroadStrikeOccurred in 1877when railroadcompanies reducedwages. Violenceerupted and federaltroops were broughtin to restore thepeace.Promontory,UtahThe place wherethe two parts oftheTranscontinentalRailroad met, onMay 10, 1869AmericanFederationof Laborfederation of NorthAmerican laborunions that wasfounded in 1886under theleadership ofSamuel GompersHenryFordChief developerof the assemblyline techniqueof massproductionPacificRailroadActIn 1862, this act taskedthe Central Pacific andthe Union PacificRailroad Companieswith building atranscontinentalrailroad that would linkthe United States fromeast to west.1825The Erie Canal iscompleted, opening awater route from theGreat Lakes to NewYork City and theAtlantic Ocean.AlexanderGrahamBellInventorof thetelephoneFree!Free!SamuelMorsePatented thetelegraph anddevelopedthe MorsecodeCorneliusVanderbiltA famousindustrialistwho workedin railroadsand shippingGrandCentralDepotBuilt by CorneliusVanderbilt in 1871 for theNew York Central &Hudson River, New Yorkand Harlem Railroad, andNew Haven railroads. Dueto rapid growth, by 1900 itwas reconstructed andrenamed Grand CentralStationPittsburghwas known asan industrialhub for coalmining andsteelproduction.RobertFultonAmerican inventorwho designed thefirst commerciallysuccessful steamboatand the first steamwarship

Industrial Revolution - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Generally credited with building the framework for modern technology and society in the age of electricity.
    Thomas Edison
  2. Completed in 1869, this connected the east and west coasts of the United States, making transportation, shipping, and communication easier and cheaper.
    Transcontinental Railroad
  3. Founded the Standard Oil Company and became one of the world's wealthiest men and a major philanthropist.
    John D. Rockefeller
  4. Occurred in 1877 when railroad companies reduced wages. Violence erupted and federal troops were brought in to restore the peace.
    The Great Railroad Strike
  5. The place where the two parts of the Transcontinental Railroad met, on May 10, 1869
    Promontory, Utah
  6. federation of North American labor unions that was founded in 1886 under the leadership of Samuel Gompers
    American Federation of Labor
  7. Chief developer of the assembly line technique of mass production
    Henry Ford
  8. In 1862, this act tasked the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroad Companies with building a transcontinental railroad that would link the United States from east to west.
    Pacific Railroad Act
  9. The Erie Canal is completed, opening a water route from the Great Lakes to New York City and the Atlantic Ocean.
  10. Inventor of the telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell
  11. Free!
  12. Patented the telegraph and developed the Morse code
    Samuel Morse
  13. A famous industrialist who worked in railroads and shipping
    Cornelius Vanderbilt
  14. Built by Cornelius Vanderbilt in 1871 for the New York Central & Hudson River, New York and Harlem Railroad, and New Haven railroads. Due to rapid growth, by 1900 it was reconstructed and renamed Grand Central Station
    Grand Central Depot
  15. was known as an industrial hub for coal mining and steel production.
  16. American inventor who designed the first commercially successful steamboat and the first steam warship
    Robert Fulton