Hints aboutthe past ofAerial orSulettaScene ofGuelsimpingon SulettaChuchufighting andpunchingpeopleSuletta tellspeople goodthings aboutMiorineEveryonein EarthHousesurvivesShaddiq helpson schoolinfiltrationarrangement ofNorea andSophieNew mobilesuit/gundamrevealEl5ngaslightingandmanipulatingSulettaMiorine finds outProspera is behindthe manipulationof Suletta doingthe yamenasaisceneMiorine standsup for Sulettaagainst peoplewho try tomanipulate andharm SulettaLauda blamingSuletta foreverything thatwent wrongSulemiobondsstrengthenSuletta getsconsequencesfor her actionsin post creditsof episode 12Suletta tellsMiorine how muchshe matters to heras a person orvice versa of thisMiorineconfrontsProspera aboutmanipulatingand gaslightingSulettaLaudagetting angryat Guel forkilling theirown fatherMiorineunderstands andforgives Suletta fordoing theyamenasai sceneGuel getsconsequences forhis actions forunintentionallykilling his ownfatherSulettabeing sadbecauseof MiorineMiorine learnsabout Suletta'sintention andmotives for doingthe yamenasaisceneNika gets aredemption arcand makes it upfor her betrayalfor the EarthHouseFlashback sceneof showing Sulettawaiting for Miorineto return to theschool with herNika getsconsequences fromthe Earth House forworking for theenemy side behindtheir backsSulemio gayscene/momentHints aboutthe past ofAerial orSulettaScene ofGuelsimpingon SulettaChuchufighting andpunchingpeopleSuletta tellspeople goodthings aboutMiorineEveryonein EarthHousesurvivesShaddiq helpson schoolinfiltrationarrangement ofNorea andSophieNew mobilesuit/gundamrevealEl5ngaslightingandmanipulatingSulettaMiorine finds outProspera is behindthe manipulationof Suletta doingthe yamenasaisceneMiorine standsup for Sulettaagainst peoplewho try tomanipulate andharm SulettaLauda blamingSuletta foreverything thatwent wrongSulemiobondsstrengthenSuletta getsconsequencesfor her actionsin post creditsof episode 12Suletta tellsMiorine how muchshe matters to heras a person orvice versa of thisMiorineconfrontsProspera aboutmanipulatingand gaslightingSulettaLaudagetting angryat Guel forkilling theirown fatherMiorineunderstands andforgives Suletta fordoing theyamenasai sceneGuel getsconsequences forhis actions forunintentionallykilling his ownfatherSulettabeing sadbecauseof MiorineMiorine learnsabout Suletta'sintention andmotives for doingthe yamenasaisceneNika gets aredemption arcand makes it upfor her betrayalfor the EarthHouseFlashback sceneof showing Sulettawaiting for Miorineto return to theschool with herNika getsconsequences fromthe Earth House forworking for theenemy side behindtheir backsSulemio gayscene/moment

Gaywitch bingo episode 13-15 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Hints about the past of Aerial or Suletta
  2. Scene of Guel simping on Suletta
  3. Chuchu fighting and punching people
  4. Suletta tells people good things about Miorine
  5. Everyone in Earth House survives
  6. Shaddiq helps on school infiltration arrangement of Norea and Sophie
  7. New mobile suit/gundam reveal
  8. El5n gaslighting and manipulating Suletta
  9. Miorine finds out Prospera is behind the manipulation of Suletta doing the yamenasai scene
  10. Miorine stands up for Suletta against people who try to manipulate and harm Suletta
  11. Lauda blaming Suletta for everything that went wrong
  12. Sulemio bonds strengthen
  13. Suletta gets consequences for her actions in post credits of episode 12
  14. Suletta tells Miorine how much she matters to her as a person or vice versa of this
  15. Miorine confronts Prospera about manipulating and gaslighting Suletta
  16. Lauda getting angry at Guel for killing their own father
  17. Miorine understands and forgives Suletta for doing the yamenasai scene
  18. Guel gets consequences for his actions for unintentionally killing his own father
  19. Suletta being sad because of Miorine
  20. Miorine learns about Suletta's intention and motives for doing the yamenasai scene
  21. Nika gets a redemption arc and makes it up for her betrayal for the Earth House
  22. Flashback scene of showing Suletta waiting for Miorine to return to the school with her
  23. Nika gets consequences from the Earth House for working for the enemy side behind their backs
  24. Sulemio gay scene/moment