Continuedreceipt ofincome frompreviousemployerFormattinginconsistencies(typeface,spacing, etc)Payroll deposits fromother employers on asingle-owner account(especially whencombined with newemployment).Deductions areall roundedfigures: POS,utilities, creditcards, etc.,Ending balanceper the accountsummary =/=ending balanceper the transactionhistoryEnding balancedoesn't matchbeginningbalance on nextstatementFree!Summary section=/= statement. EX:Direct Deposit boxchecked on page 1but no directdeposits receivedDirectdeposits don'tmatchcorrespondingpaystubsUnusual timeframesor nonsensicaldates September31st or February30th, or a 37 daystatementEvidence that a feewas paid due to notmeeting the minimumbalancerequirements, but thebalance is sufficientHigh endingbalance but lowdividends/interestearned suggestslower actualending balanceMultiple statements arepresented from monthto month with nearlythe samestructure(same numberof w/d and deposit andchecks cashed EVERYmonth for the sameamounts)Lack of transactionhistory other thanemployment-related deposits.Daily endingbalancesinconsistent withtransactionsoccurring on thatdayReasonableness test:assets appear to beout of line with typeof employment,applicant age,education,and/or lifestyleContinuedreceipt ofincome frompreviousemployerFormattinginconsistencies(typeface,spacing, etc)Payroll deposits fromother employers on asingle-owner account(especially whencombined with newemployment).Deductions areall roundedfigures: POS,utilities, creditcards, etc.,Ending balanceper the accountsummary =/=ending balanceper the transactionhistoryEnding balancedoesn't matchbeginningbalance on nextstatementFree!Summary section=/= statement. EX:Direct Deposit boxchecked on page 1but no directdeposits receivedDirectdeposits don'tmatchcorrespondingpaystubsUnusual timeframesor nonsensicaldates September31st or February30th, or a 37 daystatementEvidence that a feewas paid due to notmeeting the minimumbalancerequirements, but thebalance is sufficientHigh endingbalance but lowdividends/interestearned suggestslower actualending balanceMultiple statements arepresented from monthto month with nearlythe samestructure(same numberof w/d and deposit andchecks cashed EVERYmonth for the sameamounts)Lack of transactionhistory other thanemployment-related deposits.Daily endingbalancesinconsistent withtransactionsoccurring on thatdayReasonableness test:assets appear to beout of line with typeof employment,applicant age,education,and/or lifestyle

FIU Assets Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Continued receipt of income from previous employer
  2. Formatting inconsistencies (typeface, spacing, etc)
  3. Payroll deposits from other employers on a single-owner account (especially when combined with new employment).
  4. Deductions are all rounded figures: POS, utilities, credit cards, etc.,
  5. Ending balance per the account summary =/= ending balance per the transaction history
  6. Ending balance doesn't match beginning balance on next statement
  7. Free!
  8. Summary section =/= statement. EX: Direct Deposit box checked on page 1 but no direct deposits received
  9. Direct deposits don't match corresponding paystubs
  10. Unusual timeframes or nonsensical dates September 31st or February 30th, or a 37 day statement
  11. Evidence that a fee was paid due to not meeting the minimum balance requirements, but the balance is sufficient
  12. High ending balance but low dividends/interest earned suggests lower actual ending balance
  13. Multiple statements are presented from month to month with nearly the same structure(same number of w/d and deposit and checks cashed EVERY month for the same amounts)
  14. Lack of transaction history other than employment-related deposits.
  15. Daily ending balances inconsistent with transactions occurring on that day
  16. Reasonableness test: assets appear to be out of line with type of employment, applicant age, education, and/or lifestyle