If a memberis 60+ daysdelinquentwhat shouldwe offer?If a memberwishes to switchfrom an M3program to an M2program how longwill that take?I am a non-activecaller and my spousehas MS; I have Hippapermissions andwould like to cancelher account, can youhelp me?On a child onlymembership,which parentcan withdrawthe child?When completing areactivation, alongwith the SS # whatare the 4 pieces ofinformation neededfrom the DL?Medi-Sharedoes not covermedical claims -soft correct thetwo incorrecttermsWhat should youdo before youmake an offer to amember whowishes towithdraw?What willscore you upto a 4 inCourtesy onQA?What is theHID discountamount onan M3program?What are theDeathProvisionsfor memberson SA/65+?If a non member hashippa permissionsand wants to knowhow much monthlyshare is can youassist them?  When do pre-x conditionsbecomeeligible forsharing?If a memberwishes to changetheir AHP from$10,500 to $9khow long will thattake?When completing aDivorce and onespouse willwithdraw and onewill remain, whatcase type do youenter?For GSDcalculations, dowe multiply bythe pure or totalshare amount?If a memberwishes to switchfrom Value toComplete or ViceVersa; what is thefirst step?If a memberis YELLOWin Salesforcewhat canyou offer?For the new rolloff promo for 23y/o, when willthe $100 giftcard bereceived?What are thetwo IMRlevelsavailable onValue?If you arewithdrawing theHOH what willyou need fromthe spouse?If a member is callingin to withdraw forfinancial reasons; isoffering an AHPswitch and includingGSD a good offer?What casetype needsto be put inforExceptions?If a non memberhas financial POAand wishes towithdraw theirspouse, can youassist them?When a member calls for afull withdrawal and yousave one person on themembership do you enter itas a Full Withdraw/WithdrawPartialFull Withdraw/RetainedFull Withdraw/CancelledIf a memberis 60+ daysdelinquentwhat shouldwe offer?If a memberwishes to switchfrom an M3program to an M2program how longwill that take?I am a non-activecaller and my spousehas MS; I have Hippapermissions andwould like to cancelher account, can youhelp me?On a child onlymembership,which parentcan withdrawthe child?When completing areactivation, alongwith the SS # whatare the 4 pieces ofinformation neededfrom the DL?Medi-Sharedoes not covermedical claims -soft correct thetwo incorrecttermsWhat should youdo before youmake an offer to amember whowishes towithdraw?What willscore you upto a 4 inCourtesy onQA?What is theHID discountamount onan M3program?What are theDeathProvisionsfor memberson SA/65+?If a non member hashippa permissionsand wants to knowhow much monthlyshare is can youassist them?  When do pre-x conditionsbecomeeligible forsharing?If a memberwishes to changetheir AHP from$10,500 to $9khow long will thattake?When completing aDivorce and onespouse willwithdraw and onewill remain, whatcase type do youenter?For GSDcalculations, dowe multiply bythe pure or totalshare amount?If a memberwishes to switchfrom Value toComplete or ViceVersa; what is thefirst step?If a memberis YELLOWin Salesforcewhat canyou offer?For the new rolloff promo for 23y/o, when willthe $100 giftcard bereceived?What are thetwo IMRlevelsavailable onValue?If you arewithdrawing theHOH what willyou need fromthe spouse?If a member is callingin to withdraw forfinancial reasons; isoffering an AHPswitch and includingGSD a good offer?What casetype needsto be put inforExceptions?If a non memberhas financial POAand wishes towithdraw theirspouse, can youassist them?When a member calls for afull withdrawal and yousave one person on themembership do you enter itas a Full Withdraw/WithdrawPartialFull Withdraw/RetainedFull Withdraw/Cancelled

KB Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. If a member is 60+ days delinquent what should we offer?
  2. If a member wishes to switch from an M3 program to an M2 program how long will that take?
  3. I am a non-active caller and my spouse has MS; I have Hippa permissions and would like to cancel her account, can you help me?
  4. On a child only membership, which parent can withdraw the child?
  5. When completing a reactivation, along with the SS # what are the 4 pieces of information needed from the DL?
  6. Medi-Share does not cover medical claims - soft correct the two incorrect terms
  7. What should you do before you make an offer to a member who wishes to withdraw?
  8. What will score you up to a 4 in Courtesy on QA?
  9. What is the HID discount amount on an M3 program?
  10. What are the Death Provisions for members on SA/65+?
  11. If a non member has hippa permissions and wants to know how much monthly share is can you assist them?
  12. When do pre-x conditions become eligible for sharing?
  13. If a member wishes to change their AHP from $10,500 to $9k how long will that take?
  14. When completing a Divorce and one spouse will withdraw and one will remain, what case type do you enter?
  15. For GSD calculations, do we multiply by the pure or total share amount?
  16. If a member wishes to switch from Value to Complete or Vice Versa; what is the first step?
  17. If a member is YELLOW in Salesforce what can you offer?
  18. For the new roll off promo for 23 y/o, when will the $100 gift card be received?
  19. What are the two IMR levels available on Value?
  20. If you are withdrawing the HOH what will you need from the spouse?
  21. If a member is calling in to withdraw for financial reasons; is offering an AHP switch and including GSD a good offer?
  22. What case type needs to be put in for Exceptions?
  23. If a non member has financial POA and wishes to withdraw their spouse, can you assist them?
  24. When a member calls for a full withdrawal and you save one person on the membership do you enter it as a  Full Withdraw/Withdraw Partial Full Withdraw/Retained Full Withdraw/Cancelled