A personof AsianheritageSomeone whoplans to majorin thehumanities incollegeSomeonewhois/has been amember of asports teamSomeone whowill be a firstgenerationcollege student(her/hisparents do nothave collegedegrees)Someone whocan play amusicalinstrument orsingSomeonewhowas born in adifferentcountrySomeonewho "fasts"or someonewho fastA personwithAfricanheritageA personwho speaksmore thanonelanguageSomeone whosefather ormother grew upin a bilingualfamilyHas morethan onerace orculture intheir familySomeone whohas relativesliving inanothercountryHas threeor moresiblingsSomeonewhohas traveledoutside of theUnited StatesSomeonewhoidentifies asbicultural orbiracialSomeone whowants to major inthe sciences,technology,engineering ormath fields incollegSomeone whocanspell their nameusing signlanguageLikes thesamemusic youdoA person ofHispanic-Latinheritagewas bornin adifferentcountrySomeone whohas lived inmore thanonestateSomeonewho isleft-handedSomeone whospeaks alanguage inaddition toEnglish fluentlyA personwho isvegetarianA personof AsianheritageSomeone whoplans to majorin thehumanities incollegeSomeonewhois/has been amember of asports teamSomeone whowill be a firstgenerationcollege student(her/hisparents do nothave collegedegrees)Someone whocan play amusicalinstrument orsingSomeonewhowas born in adifferentcountrySomeonewho "fasts"or someonewho fastA personwithAfricanheritageA personwho speaksmore thanonelanguageSomeone whosefather ormother grew upin a bilingualfamilyHas morethan onerace orculture intheir familySomeone whohas relativesliving inanothercountryHas threeor moresiblingsSomeonewhohas traveledoutside of theUnited StatesSomeonewhoidentifies asbicultural orbiracialSomeone whowants to major inthe sciences,technology,engineering ormath fields incollegSomeone whocanspell their nameusing signlanguageLikes thesamemusic youdoA person ofHispanic-Latinheritagewas bornin adifferentcountrySomeone whohas lived inmore thanonestateSomeonewho isleft-handedSomeone whospeaks alanguage inaddition toEnglish fluentlyA personwho isvegetarian

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A person of Asian heritage
  2. Someone who plans to major in the humanities in college
  3. Someone who is/has been a member of a sports team
  4. Someone who will be a first generation college student (her/his parents do not have college degrees)
  5. Someone who can play a musical instrument or sing
  6. Someone who was born in a different country
  7. Someone who "fasts" or someone who fast
  8. A person with African heritage
  9. A person who speaks more than one language
  10. Someone whose father or mother grew up in a bilingual family
  11. Has more than one race or culture in their family
  12. Someone who has relatives living in another country
  13. Has three or more siblings
  14. Someone who has traveled outside of the United States
  15. Someone who identifies as bicultural or biracial
  16. Someone who wants to major in the sciences, technology, engineering or math fields in colleg
  17. Someone who can spell their name using sign language
  18. Likes the same music you do
  19. A person of Hispanic-Latin heritage
  20. was born in a different country
  21. Someone who has lived in more than one state
  22. Someone who is left-handed
  23. Someone who speaks a language in addition to English fluently
  24. A person who is vegetarian