An adjectivemeaning to beunwilling tospeak or to tendto be silent,reserved.ReticentTo lack the energyor willingness toaccomplishanything. Anantonym is to bemotivated.ShiftlessTo expressdisapprovalin a gentlemanner.AdmonishA person whoholds extreme orpassionate viewson a particulartopic, especially inreligion.ZealotA noun meaningthe lack ofemotion orcaring forsomething,indifference.ApathySomething thatcontains a political ormoral messagewhich tends to giveinstruction, even attimes where it is notwelcome or needed.DidacticAnexpressionthat isoverused.ClichéA short sayingwhich expresses aspecific moral orobservation aboutlife. An example is"nice guys finishlast".AphorismA noun meaning thefeeling of anxiety or afeeling of uncertainty.A synonym meaninguneasiness.TrepidationA short wittypoem whichsays or usessatire which isusually used inadvertising.EpigramAn adjectivemeaning forsomething tobe unspokenbut understood.TacitParodyIs a humorousimitation of aserious writingpiece. SNLmakes many ofthem.Something thatis superficialdeceptive,outer layer, adisguise.VeneerFree!A verbmeaningtocomplain.BemoanA representationwhich exaggeratesor distorts featuresof the object, mostoften in a drawing.CaricatureAn adjectivemeaning to beunwilling tospeak or to tendto be silent,reserved.ReticentTo lack the energyor willingness toaccomplishanything. Anantonym is to bemotivated.ShiftlessTo expressdisapprovalin a gentlemanner.AdmonishA person whoholds extreme orpassionate viewson a particulartopic, especially inreligion.ZealotA noun meaningthe lack ofemotion orcaring forsomething,indifference.ApathySomething thatcontains a political ormoral messagewhich tends to giveinstruction, even attimes where it is notwelcome or needed.DidacticAnexpressionthat isoverused.ClichéA short sayingwhich expresses aspecific moral orobservation aboutlife. An example is"nice guys finishlast".AphorismA noun meaning thefeeling of anxiety or afeeling of uncertainty.A synonym meaninguneasiness.TrepidationA short wittypoem whichsays or usessatire which isusually used inadvertising.EpigramAn adjectivemeaning forsomething tobe unspokenbut understood.TacitParodyIs a humorousimitation of aserious writingpiece. SNLmakes many ofthem.Something thatis superficialdeceptive,outer layer, adisguise.VeneerFree!A verbmeaningtocomplain.BemoanA representationwhich exaggeratesor distorts featuresof the object, mostoften in a drawing.Caricature

Vocab 16 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Reticent
    An adjective meaning to be unwilling to speak or to tend to be silent, reserved.
  2. Shiftless
    To lack the energy or willingness to accomplish anything. An antonym is to be motivated.
  3. Admonish
    To express disapproval in a gentle manner.
  4. Zealot
    A person who holds extreme or passionate views on a particular topic, especially in religion.
  5. Apathy
    A noun meaning the lack of emotion or caring for something, indifference.
  6. Didactic
    Something that contains a political or moral message which tends to give instruction, even at times where it is not welcome or needed.
  7. Cliché
    An expression that is overused.
  8. Aphorism
    A short saying which expresses a specific moral or observation about life. An example is "nice guys finish last".
  9. Trepidation
    A noun meaning the feeling of anxiety or a feeling of uncertainty. A synonym meaning uneasiness.
  10. Epigram
    A short witty poem which says or uses satire which is usually used in advertising.
  11. Tacit
    An adjective meaning for something to be unspoken but understood.
  12. Is a humorous imitation of a serious writing piece. SNL makes many of them.
  13. Veneer
    Something that is superficial deceptive, outer layer, a disguise.
  14. Free!
  15. Bemoan
    A verb meaning to complain.
  16. Caricature
    A representation which exaggerates or distorts features of the object, most often in a drawing.