Create anew instantinsight andsend itIncorporatethe word"persona" intoyour openingvalue propBook ameetingSend 10LinkedInDMs thatinclude theword "fun"Send anemail that isbetween 80-90 wordsInclude ahumorousopener in apersonalisedemailClaim to bethe "best inthebusiness" atleast onceLeave avoicemailunder 30secondsUse a 9letter wordin your callto actionSay "globallyharmoniseddata" in 3callsHave afunnyopening lineto a prospectTalk life Alfiewhenspeaking toa gatekeeperGet aprospect tosay acompetitor'snameMake 30phonecallsPut your top3 open endedquestions inthe globalSDR channelGet aresponse froman emailwithin an hourof sending itCreate anew instantinsight andsend itIncorporatethe word"persona" intoyour openingvalue propBook ameetingSend 10LinkedInDMs thatinclude theword "fun"Send anemail that isbetween 80-90 wordsInclude ahumorousopener in apersonalisedemailClaim to bethe "best inthebusiness" atleast onceLeave avoicemailunder 30secondsUse a 9letter wordin your callto actionSay "globallyharmoniseddata" in 3callsHave afunnyopening lineto a prospectTalk life Alfiewhenspeaking toa gatekeeperGet aprospect tosay acompetitor'snameMake 30phonecallsPut your top3 open endedquestions inthe globalSDR channelGet aresponse froman emailwithin an hourof sending it

SDR BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Create a new instant insight and send it
  2. Incorporate the word "persona" into your opening value prop
  3. Book a meeting
  4. Send 10 LinkedIn DMs that include the word "fun"
  5. Send an email that is between 80-90 words
  6. Include a humorous opener in a personalised email
  7. Claim to be the "best in the business" at least once
  8. Leave a voicemail under 30 seconds
  9. Use a 9 letter word in your call to action
  10. Say "globally harmonised data" in 3 calls
  11. Have a funny opening line to a prospect
  12. Talk life Alfie when speaking to a gatekeeper
  13. Get a prospect to say a competitor's name
  14. Make 30 phonecalls
  15. Put your top 3 open ended questions in the global SDR channel
  16. Get a response from an email within an hour of sending it