Personwho haschangedreligions.Personwho hasovercomea disability.Person whohas workedhere in HBfor morethan 5 years.Person whohas lived inanother countryfor 2 or moreyears.Person whohas two ormore livinggrandparents.Personwith asouthernaccent.Person who isfirst collegegraduate inhis or hernuclear family.Person whohas lived inmore thanone state.Personwho hasprayed ata mosque.A person who isvegetarian/vegan.Person whohas attendeda bar or batmitzvah.Personwho isover sixfeet tall.A personwho is anonly child.Personthat hasdualcitizenship.Person thatcan speaktheir name inASL.Personwith NativeAmericanheritage.Personthat usesa bilingualkeyboard.Personwho isvegetarian.Person whospeaks twoor morelanguages.Person whowas born ina differentcountry.Person who is inan interracialrelationship orhas datedsomeone of adifferent race.Person whodid not growup with acomputer intheir home.Person thathas relativesliving inanothercountry.Person whoidentifies asbi-cultural orbiracial.Personwho haschangedreligions.Personwho hasovercomea disability.Person whohas workedhere in HBfor morethan 5 years.Person whohas lived inanother countryfor 2 or moreyears.Person whohas two ormore livinggrandparents.Personwith asouthernaccent.Person who isfirst collegegraduate inhis or hernuclear family.Person whohas lived inmore thanone state.Personwho hasprayed ata mosque.A person who isvegetarian/vegan.Person whohas attendeda bar or batmitzvah.Personwho isover sixfeet tall.A personwho is anonly child.Personthat hasdualcitizenship.Person thatcan speaktheir name inASL.Personwith NativeAmericanheritage.Personthat usesa bilingualkeyboard.Personwho isvegetarian.Person whospeaks twoor morelanguages.Person whowas born ina differentcountry.Person who is inan interracialrelationship orhas datedsomeone of adifferent race.Person whodid not growup with acomputer intheir home.Person thathas relativesliving inanothercountry.Person whoidentifies asbi-cultural orbiracial.

Diversity Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Person who has changed religions.
  2. Person who has overcome a disability.
  3. Person who has worked here in HB for more than 5 years.
  4. Person who has lived in another country for 2 or more years.
  5. Person who has two or more living grandparents.
  6. Person with a southern accent.
  7. Person who is first college graduate in his or her nuclear family.
  8. Person who has lived in more than one state.
  9. Person who has prayed at a mosque.
  10. A person who is vegetarian/vegan.
  11. Person who has attended a bar or bat mitzvah.
  12. Person who is over six feet tall.
  13. A person who is an only child.
  14. Person that has dual citizenship.
  15. Person that can speak their name in ASL.
  16. Person with Native American heritage.
  17. Person that uses a bilingual keyboard.
  18. Person who is vegetarian.
  19. Person who speaks two or more languages.
  20. Person who was born in a different country.
  21. Person who is in an interracial relationship or has dated someone of a different race.
  22. Person who did not grow up with a computer in their home.
  23. Person that has relatives living in another country.
  24. Person who identifies as bi-cultural or biracial.