MagnaCartaLimited tothe power ofthe EnglishMonarchFundamentalOrders ofConnecticut1639- setupsystem ofself govt, ledby ThomasHookerAmericanRevolutionColonists feltthey were notfairlyrepresented,declared indepMonroeDoctrine1823-closedthe WesternHemisphere toany newEuropeanColonizationIntolerableActs1774-response tothe BostonTea PartyArticles of theConfederationthe firstconstitutionof the USMayflowerCompactSigned bythe men ofPlymouthcolonyAntifederalistOpposed tonewconstitution,refused to ratifyw/o a bill ofrightsConstitutionalconventionUS delegatesmeet to repairweaknessesof Articles ofConfederationDeclaration ofIndependenceJuly 4, 1776written byThomasJeffersonUnalienablerightsRightsyou areborn withFrench &IndianWarWar betweenBritish &French overthe OhioRiver VallyProclamationof 1763Britain's KingGeorge III'sforbiddingcolonist toexpand to theWestTreaty ofParis,1783Formallyended theAmericanRevolutionLimitedGovtPrinciple ofgovt thatguaranteesits power islimited by lawBattle ofSaratoga1777- largestBritish armyregimentwasdefeatedLouisianaPurchase1803 - PresidentThomas Jeffersonauthorizedpurchase of theLouisiana territoryFederalismConstitutionalprinciples thatgives somepower to natlgovt & others tostate/local govtChecksandBalancesPrinciple ofgovernment whereeach branchaffirms or vetoesactions of otherbranchesMarburyVsMadison1803-establishedjudicialreviewStampActAct saying allpaper (& someother things)must have astamp soldVirgniaHouse ofBurgess1st assembly ofelectedrepresentativesof EnglishColonist in NorthAmericamercantilismBritish policy ofusing thecolonies toprovide wealthto ' mothercountry'Battle ofYorktown1781 - lastbattle ofAmericanRevolutionPopularSovereigntyPrinciple ofgovt usingpower tothe peopleBattle ofLexington&Concord1st battle oftherevolutionarywarNorthwestOrdinance1787-procedures fororderly futureexpansion ofUSSeparationof PowersPrinciple ofgovt thatdivides roles &responsibilitiesof govtWar of18122nd war forindependenceMagnaCartaLimited tothe power ofthe EnglishMonarchFundamentalOrders ofConnecticut1639- setupsystem ofself govt, ledby ThomasHookerAmericanRevolutionColonists feltthey were notfairlyrepresented,declared indepMonroeDoctrine1823-closedthe WesternHemisphere toany newEuropeanColonizationIntolerableActs1774-response tothe BostonTea PartyArticles of theConfederationthe firstconstitutionof the USMayflowerCompactSigned bythe men ofPlymouthcolonyAntifederalistOpposed tonewconstitution,refused to ratifyw/o a bill ofrightsConstitutionalconventionUS delegatesmeet to repairweaknessesof Articles ofConfederationDeclaration ofIndependenceJuly 4, 1776written byThomasJeffersonUnalienablerightsRightsyou areborn withFrench &IndianWarWar betweenBritish &French overthe OhioRiver VallyProclamationof 1763Britain's KingGeorge III'sforbiddingcolonist toexpand to theWestTreaty ofParis,1783Formallyended theAmericanRevolutionLimitedGovtPrinciple ofgovt thatguaranteesits power islimited by lawBattle ofSaratoga1777- largestBritish armyregimentwasdefeatedLouisianaPurchase1803 - PresidentThomas Jeffersonauthorizedpurchase of theLouisiana territoryFederalismConstitutionalprinciples thatgives somepower to natlgovt & others tostate/local govtChecksandBalancesPrinciple ofgovernment whereeach branchaffirms or vetoesactions of otherbranchesMarburyVsMadison1803-establishedjudicialreviewStampActAct saying allpaper (& someother things)must have astamp soldVirgniaHouse ofBurgess1st assembly ofelectedrepresentativesof EnglishColonist in NorthAmericamercantilismBritish policy ofusing thecolonies toprovide wealthto ' mothercountry'Battle ofYorktown1781 - lastbattle ofAmericanRevolutionPopularSovereigntyPrinciple ofgovt usingpower tothe peopleBattle ofLexington&Concord1st battle oftherevolutionarywarNorthwestOrdinance1787-procedures fororderly futureexpansion ofUSSeparationof PowersPrinciple ofgovt thatdivides roles &responsibilitiesof govtWar of18122nd war forindependence

8th Grade Social Studies - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Limited to the power of the English Monarch
    Magna Carta
  2. 1639- setup system of self govt, led by Thomas Hooker
    Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
  3. Colonists felt they were not fairly represented, declared indep
    American Revolution
  4. 1823-closed the Western Hemisphere to any new European Colonization
    Monroe Doctrine
  5. 1774- response to the Boston Tea Party
    Intolerable Acts
  6. the first constitution of the US
    Articles of the Confederation
  7. Signed by the men of Plymouth colony
    Mayflower Compact
  8. Opposed to new constitution, refused to ratify w/o a bill of rights
  9. US delegates meet to repair weaknesses of Articles of Confederation
    Constitutional convention
  10. July 4, 1776 written by Thomas Jefferson
    Declaration of Independence
  11. Rights you are born with
    Unalienable rights
  12. War between British & French over the Ohio River Vally
    French & Indian War
  13. Britain's King George III's forbidding colonist to expand to the West
    Proclamation of 1763
  14. Formally ended the American Revolution
    Treaty of Paris, 1783
  15. Principle of govt that guarantees its power is limited by law
    Limited Govt
  16. 1777- largest British army regiment was defeated
    Battle of Saratoga
  17. 1803 - President Thomas Jefferson authorized purchase of the Louisiana territory
    Louisiana Purchase
  18. Constitutional principles that gives some power to natl govt & others to state/local govt
  19. Principle of government where each branch affirms or vetoes actions of other branches
    Checks and Balances
  20. 1803-established judicial review
    Marbury Vs Madison
  21. Act saying all paper (& some other things) must have a stamp sold
    Stamp Act
  22. 1st assembly of elected representatives of English Colonist in North America
    Virgnia House of Burgess
  23. British policy of using the colonies to provide wealth to ' mother country'
  24. 1781 - last battle of American Revolution
    Battle of Yorktown
  25. Principle of govt using power to the people
    Popular Sovereignty
  26. 1st battle of the revolutionary war
    Battle of Lexington & Concord
  27. 1787- procedures for orderly future expansion of US
    Northwest Ordinance
  28. Principle of govt that divides roles & responsibilities of govt
    Separation of Powers
  29. 2nd war for independence
    War of 1812