You see a group ofkids teasinganother child onthe playground.What should youdo?FREE!Your friend isalwaysinterrupting youwhile you'retalking. Whatshould you do?You accidentallytook someoneelse's snack fromthe lunch table.What should youdo?Your friend isalways using yourpencil and takingyour book withoutasking. Whatshould you do?You don'twant to go tospeech today.What shouldyou do?Your sister wantsto watch a movie,but you want toplay outside. Whatshould you do?Tell me about atime when youfelt sad. Whatdid you do tofeel better?Your friends arefighting overwhich game toplay duringrecess. Whatcould you do?Your sister is upsetbecause youaccidentally brokeher favorite toy.What could you doto make thingsbetter?You are waiting inline to go on theswings, butsomeone cuts infront of you. Whatshould you do?Your speech sessionends at 6:00, butMiss Becky is stillmaking you read abook and now it is6:05! What shouldyou do?Your sister keepsbothering youwhile you're tryingto read a book.What should youdo?You see yourfriend stealing amarker from theteacher. Whatshould you do?You got in troubleat school and yourmom asks youwhat happened.What should youdo?You accidentallyhurt someone'sfeelings. Whatshould you do?Your mommakes you asandwich, butyou do not likeit. What shouldyou do?Youaccidentallyspilled a drinkon the carpet.What shouldyou do?Your friend is alwaystalking during classand now you can'thear what theteacher told you todo. What should youdo?You want icecream but yourmom tells youNO. whatshould you do?You and yourfriend both wantto sit in thesame chair.What should youdo?Someonepushes you onthe playgroundand you fall.What should youdo?Someone sayshello to you, butyou do not knowthem or rememberwho they are.What should youdo?You and yoursister both wantthe last piece ofpizza. Whatshould you do?You see a group ofkids teasinganother child onthe playground.What should youdo?FREE!Your friend isalwaysinterrupting youwhile you'retalking. Whatshould you do?You accidentallytook someoneelse's snack fromthe lunch table.What should youdo?Your friend isalways using yourpencil and takingyour book withoutasking. Whatshould you do?You don'twant to go tospeech today.What shouldyou do?Your sister wantsto watch a movie,but you want toplay outside. Whatshould you do?Tell me about atime when youfelt sad. Whatdid you do tofeel better?Your friends arefighting overwhich game toplay duringrecess. Whatcould you do?Your sister is upsetbecause youaccidentally brokeher favorite toy.What could you doto make thingsbetter?You are waiting inline to go on theswings, butsomeone cuts infront of you. Whatshould you do?Your speech sessionends at 6:00, butMiss Becky is stillmaking you read abook and now it is6:05! What shouldyou do?Your sister keepsbothering youwhile you're tryingto read a book.What should youdo?You see yourfriend stealing amarker from theteacher. Whatshould you do?You got in troubleat school and yourmom asks youwhat happened.What should youdo?You accidentallyhurt someone'sfeelings. Whatshould you do?Your mommakes you asandwich, butyou do not likeit. What shouldyou do?Youaccidentallyspilled a drinkon the carpet.What shouldyou do?Your friend is alwaystalking during classand now you can'thear what theteacher told you todo. What should youdo?You want icecream but yourmom tells youNO. whatshould you do?You and yourfriend both wantto sit in thesame chair.What should youdo?Someonepushes you onthe playgroundand you fall.What should youdo?Someone sayshello to you, butyou do not knowthem or rememberwho they are.What should youdo?You and yoursister both wantthe last piece ofpizza. Whatshould you do?

Social Problem-Solving! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You see a group of kids teasing another child on the playground. What should you do?
  2. FREE!
  3. Your friend is always interrupting you while you're talking. What should you do?
  4. You accidentally took someone else's snack from the lunch table. What should you do?
  5. Your friend is always using your pencil and taking your book without asking. What should you do?
  6. You don't want to go to speech today. What should you do?
  7. Your sister wants to watch a movie, but you want to play outside. What should you do?
  8. Tell me about a time when you felt sad. What did you do to feel better?
  9. Your friends are fighting over which game to play during recess. What could you do?
  10. Your sister is upset because you accidentally broke her favorite toy. What could you do to make things better?
  11. You are waiting in line to go on the swings, but someone cuts in front of you. What should you do?
  12. Your speech session ends at 6:00, but Miss Becky is still making you read a book and now it is 6:05! What should you do?
  13. Your sister keeps bothering you while you're trying to read a book. What should you do?
  14. You see your friend stealing a marker from the teacher. What should you do?
  15. You got in trouble at school and your mom asks you what happened. What should you do?
  16. You accidentally hurt someone's feelings. What should you do?
  17. Your mom makes you a sandwich, but you do not like it. What should you do?
  18. You accidentally spilled a drink on the carpet. What should you do?
  19. Your friend is always talking during class and now you can't hear what the teacher told you to do. What should you do?
  20. You want ice cream but your mom tells you NO. what should you do?
  21. You and your friend both want to sit in the same chair. What should you do?
  22. Someone pushes you on the playground and you fall. What should you do?
  23. Someone says hello to you, but you do not know them or remember who they are. What should you do?
  24. You and your sister both want the last piece of pizza. What should you do?