OilWhat naturalresource domanyeconomiesrely on?ArabsThe dominantethnic groupin SouthwestAsia andNorth AfricaTheNileWhere in Egyptdid the earliestcivilizationscenter theirdevelopmentnear?Naturalresources& ReligionWhat are themajor reasonsfor conflict inSouthwestAsia today?MesopotamiaWhere did 4earlycivilizationsbegin "Thecradle ofcivilization"?ArabianPeninsulaWhat region haspetroleumreserves desertterrain with anarrid climate?PetroleumWhat is the naturalresource that hasplayed the largestpart in the PersianGulf countries?HumangeographyWhat influencespolitics, economicsand regionalconflicts inSouthwest Asiaand North AfricawaterWhat physicalfeature shapessettlementpatterns of theregion?Food &TradesourceWhat did NorthAfrica provideto the countriesthat conqueredthem?Pollution,insufficientservices andhousingWhat are theurbanchallenges inNorth Africa andSouthwest Asia?TechnologyWhat has threatenedtraditional values byexposing people toWestern culture whileimprovingcommunication?TheSaharaWhat experiencesflash floods andsandstorms whilealso having fertileareasNaturalgas &PetroleumWhat areNorth Africa'smost valuablenaturalresources?Conflict-riddenWhat is the overallpolitical situationof North Africa andSouthwest Asiadescribed as bygeographers?OilindustrystabilityWhat is theregionsmajoreconomicchallenge?PopulationgrowthGroundwaterextraction hasincreased whileforested areasdecrease becauseof what factor?Arab-IsraeliconflicIsraeli securityand Palestinianindependencehave led towhat issue?PhysicalFeaturesWhat are the Desertecosystems and oilresources that haveplayed a role in theregion'senvironmentalproblems referred toas?TenuousWhat wordrefers to afragilerelationship?Desertification& SalinizationPoor landmanagementcreates whattwo issues?CulturalgroupWhat do youngpeople use toidentifythemselveswith in thisregion?IslamThe dominantreligion inSouthwestAsia andNorth AfricaEscarpmentWhat is a steepcliff or slopeusually causedby faulting orerosionOilWhat naturalresource domanyeconomiesrely on?ArabsThe dominantethnic groupin SouthwestAsia andNorth AfricaTheNileWhere in Egyptdid the earliestcivilizationscenter theirdevelopmentnear?Naturalresources& ReligionWhat are themajor reasonsfor conflict inSouthwestAsia today?MesopotamiaWhere did 4earlycivilizationsbegin "Thecradle ofcivilization"?ArabianPeninsulaWhat region haspetroleumreserves desertterrain with anarrid climate?PetroleumWhat is the naturalresource that hasplayed the largestpart in the PersianGulf countries?HumangeographyWhat influencespolitics, economicsand regionalconflicts inSouthwest Asiaand North AfricawaterWhat physicalfeature shapessettlementpatterns of theregion?Food &TradesourceWhat did NorthAfrica provideto the countriesthat conqueredthem?Pollution,insufficientservices andhousingWhat are theurbanchallenges inNorth Africa andSouthwest Asia?TechnologyWhat has threatenedtraditional values byexposing people toWestern culture whileimprovingcommunication?TheSaharaWhat experiencesflash floods andsandstorms whilealso having fertileareasNaturalgas &PetroleumWhat areNorth Africa'smost valuablenaturalresources?Conflict-riddenWhat is the overallpolitical situationof North Africa andSouthwest Asiadescribed as bygeographers?OilindustrystabilityWhat is theregionsmajoreconomicchallenge?PopulationgrowthGroundwaterextraction hasincreased whileforested areasdecrease becauseof what factor?Arab-IsraeliconflicIsraeli securityand Palestinianindependencehave led towhat issue?PhysicalFeaturesWhat are the Desertecosystems and oilresources that haveplayed a role in theregion'senvironmentalproblems referred toas?TenuousWhat wordrefers to afragilerelationship?Desertification& SalinizationPoor landmanagementcreates whattwo issues?CulturalgroupWhat do youngpeople use toidentifythemselveswith in thisregion?IslamThe dominantreligion inSouthwestAsia andNorth AfricaEscarpmentWhat is a steepcliff or slopeusually causedby faulting orerosion

World Geography - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What natural resource do many economies rely on?
  2. The dominant ethnic group in Southwest Asia and North Africa
  3. Where in Egypt did the earliest civilizations center their development near?
    The Nile
  4. What are the major reasons for conflict in Southwest Asia today?
    Natural resources & Religion
  5. Where did 4 early civilizations begin "The cradle of civilization"?
  6. What region has petroleum reserves desert terrain with an arrid climate?
    Arabian Peninsula
  7. What is the natural resource that has played the largest part in the Persian Gulf countries?
  8. What influences politics, economics and regional conflicts in Southwest Asia and North Africa
    Human geography
  9. What physical feature shapes settlement patterns of the region?
  10. What did North Africa provide to the countries that conquered them?
    Food & Trade source
  11. What are the urban challenges in North Africa and Southwest Asia?
    Pollution, insufficient services and housing
  12. What has threatened traditional values by exposing people to Western culture while improving communication?
  13. What experiences flash floods and sandstorms while also having fertile areas
    The Sahara
  14. What are North Africa's most valuable natural resources?
    Natural gas & Petroleum
  15. What is the overall political situation of North Africa and Southwest Asia described as by geographers?
  16. What is the regions major economic challenge?
    Oil industry stability
  17. Groundwater extraction has increased while forested areas decrease because of what factor?
    Population growth
  18. Israeli security and Palestinian independence have led to what issue?
    Arab-Israeli conflic
  19. What are the Desert ecosystems and oil resources that have played a role in the region's environmental problems referred to as?
    Physical Features
  20. What word refers to a fragile relationship?
  21. Poor land management creates what two issues?
    Desertification & Salinization
  22. What do young people use to identify themselves with in this region?
    Cultural group
  23. The dominant religion in Southwest Asia and North Africa
  24. What is a steep cliff or slope usually caused by faulting or erosion