Grab abasket or acart for acustomer thatneeds oneAsk a customerif they preferChipotle orQDoba andwhyAsk a fellowshoe teammatewhat vacationsthey haveplannedBuild 5clearanceshoes andput themawaySell a pairof APLshoesGet acustomercomplimentAsk an ASLwhat theirfavorite shoebrand is andwhyFill anentire styleof HeyDudesSell twopairs ofsocks to thesamecustomerGive acustomerwith kids freeferris wheeltokensTell a fellowassociate ajoke and thentell it to an ASL  Put away allof anotherteammate’sgo backs Sell apair ofKanesSell twopairs ofshoes to thesamecustomerBring out threepairs of shoes forthe customer thatwe didn’t have theshoe they wantedGet twovisas in asingle daySell a pair ofclearanceshoes out ofthe clearanceshopFind outwhat acustomer isdoing thisweekendGreetsomeonewith acomplimentabout themAsk acustomer 6qualityqualifyingquestionsAsk someone ifyou can pettheir dog (andthen pet theirdog when theysay yes)Sizesomeone ina brannockdevice Sell a displayshoe and thenimmediatelyreplace thedisplayCommissiona $250 saleGrab abasket or acart for acustomer thatneeds oneAsk a customerif they preferChipotle orQDoba andwhyAsk a fellowshoe teammatewhat vacationsthey haveplannedBuild 5clearanceshoes andput themawaySell a pairof APLshoesGet acustomercomplimentAsk an ASLwhat theirfavorite shoebrand is andwhyFill anentire styleof HeyDudesSell twopairs ofsocks to thesamecustomerGive acustomerwith kids freeferris wheeltokensTell a fellowassociate ajoke and thentell it to an ASL  Put away allof anotherteammate’sgo backs Sell apair ofKanesSell twopairs ofshoes to thesamecustomerBring out threepairs of shoes forthe customer thatwe didn’t have theshoe they wantedGet twovisas in asingle daySell a pair ofclearanceshoes out ofthe clearanceshopFind outwhat acustomer isdoing thisweekendGreetsomeonewith acomplimentabout themAsk acustomer 6qualityqualifyingquestionsAsk someone ifyou can pettheir dog (andthen pet theirdog when theysay yes)Sizesomeone ina brannockdevice Sell a displayshoe and thenimmediatelyreplace thedisplayCommissiona $250 sale

Shoe Crew Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Grab a basket or a cart for a customer that needs one
  2. Ask a customer if they prefer Chipotle or QDoba and why
  3. Ask a fellow shoe teammate what vacations they have planned
  4. Build 5 clearance shoes and put them away
  5. Sell a pair of APL shoes
  6. Get a customer compliment
  7. Ask an ASL what their favorite shoe brand is and why
  8. Fill an entire style of Hey Dudes
  9. Sell two pairs of socks to the same customer
  10. Give a customer with kids free ferris wheel tokens
  11. Tell a fellow associate a joke and then tell it to an ASL
  12. Put away all of another teammate’s go backs
  13. Sell a pair of Kanes
  14. Sell two pairs of shoes to the same customer
  15. Bring out three pairs of shoes for the customer that we didn’t have the shoe they wanted
  16. Get two visas in a single day
  17. Sell a pair of clearance shoes out of the clearance shop
  18. Find out what a customer is doing this weekend
  19. Greet someone with a compliment about them
  20. Ask a customer 6 quality qualifying questions
  21. Ask someone if you can pet their dog (and then pet their dog when they say yes)
  22. Size someone in a brannock device
  23. Sell a display shoe and then immediately replace the display
  24. Commission a $250 sale