Sandwichesare a typeof triangleTrianglescan onlyhave threesidesOne of theangles is aright angle= 90º. If all the anglesare less than90 degrees,then it is anacute angle.An isoscelestriangle hastwo sidesthat are thesame.Anequilateraltriangle hasthree equalsidesEach anglein anequilateraltriangle is 60degreesIn a righttriangle, theother twoangles willadd up to 90º The longestside of a right-angled triangleis called thehypotenuse. Bridges canbe made upof triangles.An isoscelestriangle They have2 interior anglesthat are the same.These are calledthe base angles. TriangleshavethreesidesPyramidsare alsotrianglesArea of atriangle islength xwidth dividedby 2Trianglelines cannever becurvedAll of atriangle'ssides arestraightThis famoustriangle is intheCaribbean.What is it?If one of theangles is greaterthan 90 degrees,then it can also becalled an obtusetriangle.A trianglehas threecornersSlashes in atriangle helptell you if thetriangle hasequal sides.Each side ofanequilateraltriangle is 60degrees.A triangleis a 2-DshapeTrianglesadd up to180degreesSandwichesare a typeof triangleTrianglescan onlyhave threesidesOne of theangles is aright angle= 90º. If all the anglesare less than90 degrees,then it is anacute angle.An isoscelestriangle hastwo sidesthat are thesame.Anequilateraltriangle hasthree equalsidesEach anglein anequilateraltriangle is 60degreesIn a righttriangle, theother twoangles willadd up to 90º The longestside of a right-angled triangleis called thehypotenuse. Bridges canbe made upof triangles.An isoscelestriangle They have2 interior anglesthat are the same.These are calledthe base angles. TriangleshavethreesidesPyramidsare alsotrianglesArea of atriangle islength xwidth dividedby 2Trianglelines cannever becurvedAll of atriangle'ssides arestraightThis famoustriangle is intheCaribbean.What is it?If one of theangles is greaterthan 90 degrees,then it can also becalled an obtusetriangle.A trianglehas threecornersSlashes in atriangle helptell you if thetriangle hasequal sides.Each side ofanequilateraltriangle is 60degrees.A triangleis a 2-DshapeTrianglesadd up to180degrees

Triangles - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Sandwiches are a type of triangle
  2. Triangles can only have three sides
  3. One of the angles is a right angle = 90º.
  4. If all the angles are less than 90 degrees, then it is an acute angle.
  5. An isosceles triangle has two sides that are the same.
  6. An equilateral triangle has three equal sides
  7. Each angle in an equilateral triangle is 60 degrees
  8. In a right triangle, the other two angles will add up to 90º
  9. The longest side of a right-angled triangle is called the hypotenuse.
  10. Bridges can be made up of triangles.
  11. An isosceles triangle They have 2 interior angles that are the same. These are called the base angles.
  12. Triangles have three sides
  13. Pyramids are also triangles
  14. Area of a triangle is length x width divided by 2
  15. Triangle lines can never be curved
  16. All of a triangle's sides are straight
  17. This famous triangle is in the Caribbean. What is it?
  18. If one of the angles is greater than 90 degrees, then it can also be called an obtuse triangle.
  19. A triangle has three corners
  20. Slashes in a triangle help tell you if the triangle has equal sides.
  21. Each side of an equilateral triangle is 60 degrees.
  22. A triangle is a 2-D shape
  23. Triangles add up to 180 degrees