Name threeannoying thingsthat people do.(always + Pr.Continuous) Finish thephrase: I`m not usedto … Tell your partnerabout things youdidn`t use to do,but now you areused to doingthem.What will youdo after a tiringworking day? (will) Speak aboutsomething youused to finddelightful as achild, but notanymore. (used to)What irritatingthings did yourprevious boss(colleagues) useto do?(always + PastContinuous)Is there anythingyou used to bepetrified of, but notanymore? (used to) Speak aboutChristmas andNew Year inyour childhood. (would) Speak about yourtypical day. (typically, normally,generally) Name threeannoying thingsthat people do.(always + Pr.Continuous) Finish thephrase: I`m not usedto … Tell your partnerabout things youdidn`t use to do,but now you areused to doingthem.What will youdo after a tiringworking day? (will) Speak aboutsomething youused to finddelightful as achild, but notanymore. (used to)What irritatingthings did yourprevious boss(colleagues) useto do?(always + PastContinuous)Is there anythingyou used to bepetrified of, but notanymore? (used to) Speak aboutChristmas andNew Year inyour childhood. (would) Speak about yourtypical day. (typically, normally,generally) 

Present and Past habits - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Name three annoying things that people do. (always + Pr. Continuous)
  2. Finish the phrase: I`m not used to …
  3. Tell your partner about things you didn`t use to do, but now you are used to doing them.
  4. What will you do after a tiring working day? (will)
  5. Speak about something you used to find delightful as a child, but not anymore. (used to)
  6. What irritating things did your previous boss (colleagues) use to do? (always + Past Continuous)
  7. Is there anything you used to be petrified of, but not anymore? (used to)
  8. Speak about Christmas and New Year in your childhood. (would)
  9. Speak about your typical day. (typically, normally, generally)