ForakerActA law passed byCongress in 1900under which the USgave Puerto Rico alimited say ingovernmentIsolationismA policy ofstaying outof worldaffairsTrenchWarefareWar combat inwhich soldiersare located intrenches duginto the ground.MoralDiplomacyPres. Wilson'spolicy ofcondemningimperialismspreadingDemocracy andpromoting peace.Treaty ofKanagawaAn 1854 treatybetween Japanand the US thatopened up ports toAmerican trade inJapanLusitaniaA Britishpassenger shipthat wastorpedoed by aGerman U-boat,1200 people diedAlliedPowersThe militaryalliance betweenFrance, Britain,Russia, Italy, etc.during WW IPropagandaThe spreadingof ideas to helpa cause or hurtan opposingcauseYellowJournalismA type of newsreporting, oftenbiased or untruethat relies onsensationalheadlines andheadlines.terroristOne whodeliberatelyuses violenceto spread fearand achievepolitical goalsNationalismdevotion toone's ownnation andit's interestsDollardiplomacyPres. Taft'spolicy of buildingstrong economicties to LatinAmericaM.A.I.N.causesof WW IMilitarismAlliancesImperialismNationalismU-Boata type ofsubmarineused byGermanyduring WW IRooseveltCorollaryA statement byRoosevelt that UShad the right tointervene in LatinAmerica topreserve law andorderOpenDoorPolicyA policy issued bysec. of state JohnHay, that allowed allnations to trade ineach other's sphereof influence inChinaProtectorateA nation whoseindependence islimited by thecontrol of amore powerfulcountryThe GreatWhiteFleetThe name for thesteam poweredships of Roosevelt'snavy that he toutedaround the world toshow mightNeutralNot takingsides in aconflictSpanishAmericanWarThe warbetweenSpain andthe US in1898PlattAmendmentAn amendment tothe 1902 CubanConstitution thatallowed the US tointervene in CubaMilitarismThe policy ofbuilding upstrong armedforces toprepare for war.Imperialisma policy of powerfulcountries seeking tocontrol theeconomic orpolitical affairs ofweaker countriesCentralPowersThe militaryalliance betweenGermany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgariaduring WWI ForakerActA law passed byCongress in 1900under which the USgave Puerto Rico alimited say ingovernmentIsolationismA policy ofstaying outof worldaffairsTrenchWarefareWar combat inwhich soldiersare located intrenches duginto the ground.MoralDiplomacyPres. Wilson'spolicy ofcondemningimperialismspreadingDemocracy andpromoting peace.Treaty ofKanagawaAn 1854 treatybetween Japanand the US thatopened up ports toAmerican trade inJapanLusitaniaA Britishpassenger shipthat wastorpedoed by aGerman U-boat,1200 people diedAlliedPowersThe militaryalliance betweenFrance, Britain,Russia, Italy, etc.during WW IPropagandaThe spreadingof ideas to helpa cause or hurtan opposingcauseYellowJournalismA type of newsreporting, oftenbiased or untruethat relies onsensationalheadlines andheadlines.terroristOne whodeliberatelyuses violenceto spread fearand achievepolitical goalsNationalismdevotion toone's ownnation andit's interestsDollardiplomacyPres. Taft'spolicy of buildingstrong economicties to LatinAmericaM.A.I.N.causesof WW IMilitarismAlliancesImperialismNationalismU-Boata type ofsubmarineused byGermanyduring WW IRooseveltCorollaryA statement byRoosevelt that UShad the right tointervene in LatinAmerica topreserve law andorderOpenDoorPolicyA policy issued bysec. of state JohnHay, that allowed allnations to trade ineach other's sphereof influence inChinaProtectorateA nation whoseindependence islimited by thecontrol of amore powerfulcountryThe GreatWhiteFleetThe name for thesteam poweredships of Roosevelt'snavy that he toutedaround the world toshow mightNeutralNot takingsides in aconflictSpanishAmericanWarThe warbetweenSpain andthe US in1898PlattAmendmentAn amendment tothe 1902 CubanConstitution thatallowed the US tointervene in CubaMilitarismThe policy ofbuilding upstrong armedforces toprepare for war.Imperialisma policy of powerfulcountries seeking tocontrol theeconomic orpolitical affairs ofweaker countriesCentralPowersThe militaryalliance betweenGermany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgariaduring WWI 

Topic 12 WW I - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A law passed by Congress in 1900 under which the US gave Puerto Rico a limited say in government
    Foraker Act
  2. A policy of staying out of world affairs
  3. War combat in which soldiers are located in trenches dug into the ground.
    Trench Warefare
  4. Pres. Wilson's policy of condemning imperialism spreading Democracy and promoting peace.
    Moral Diplomacy
  5. An 1854 treaty between Japan and the US that opened up ports to American trade in Japan
    Treaty of Kanagawa
  6. A British passenger ship that was torpedoed by a German U-boat, 1200 people died
  7. The military alliance between France, Britain, Russia, Italy, etc. during WW I
    Allied Powers
  8. The spreading of ideas to help a cause or hurt an opposing cause
  9. A type of news reporting, often biased or untrue that relies on sensational headlines and headlines.
    Yellow Journalism
  10. One who deliberately uses violence to spread fear and achieve political goals
  11. devotion to one's own nation and it's interests
  12. Pres. Taft's policy of building strong economic ties to Latin America
    Dollar diplomacy
  13. Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism
    M.A.I.N. causes of WW I
  14. a type of submarine used by Germany during WW I
  15. A statement by Roosevelt that US had the right to intervene in Latin America to preserve law and order
    Roosevelt Corollary
  16. A policy issued by sec. of state John Hay, that allowed all nations to trade in each other's sphere of influence in China
    Open Door Policy
  17. A nation whose independence is limited by the control of a more powerful country
  18. The name for the steam powered ships of Roosevelt's navy that he touted around the world to show might
    The Great White Fleet
  19. Not taking sides in a conflict
  20. The war between Spain and the US in 1898
    Spanish American War
  21. An amendment to the 1902 Cuban Constitution that allowed the US to intervene in Cuba
    Platt Amendment
  22. The policy of building up strong armed forces to prepare for war.
  23. a policy of powerful countries seeking to control the economic or political affairs of weaker countries
  24. The military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria during WW I
    Central Powers