MissingNois taughtThunderWaveThe playermentions howfast MissingNolevels up in themid and lategameThe playerspeculates thatthe Bird-typebecame theFlying-typeTheplayer isdefeatedby BrockMissingNohas troubleagainst therivalMissingNodefeats the firstPokemon it hitswith MegaPunch in onehitMissingNohas troubleagainst aKadabraMega Punchis the firstTM used onMissingNoSomeone usingthe badge boostglitch hasMissingNo levelup and break itMissingNois taughtEarthquakeThe playermentions howslowlyMissingNolevels up inearly gameThe player hasto catchMissingNotwice due to theRhydon failsafeMissingNo KO'sitself fromconfusiondamage fromfull healthThe playercomments onhow MissingNocan't learn WaterGun by TMMissingNo istrained againsta Kakuna orMetapod inearly gameWater Gundoes very littledamageagainst aRock/GroundPokemonMissingNois taughtTri AttackThe playerstruggles witha Trainer theysay is usuallyeasy to beatThe playerbrings upMissingNo'shigh AttackThe playerbrings upMissingNo'slow SpeedMissingNo isknocked outwhilecharging upSky AttackMissingNo istaught a newmove to dealwith aGastly.MissingNo isdefeated byan Elite FourmemberMissingNois taughtFlyMissingNo hasproblemsagainst anotherphysicalNormal-typeBubblebeamreplaces oneof the WaterGunsMissingNois taughtSwordsDanceMissingNo'slow Specialstat isbrought upMissingNo'sbase 0Defense isemphasizedMissingNois taughtThunderWaveThe playermentions howfast MissingNolevels up in themid and lategameThe playerspeculates thatthe Bird-typebecame theFlying-typeTheplayer isdefeatedby BrockMissingNohas troubleagainst therivalMissingNodefeats the firstPokemon it hitswith MegaPunch in onehitMissingNohas troubleagainst aKadabraMega Punchis the firstTM used onMissingNoSomeone usingthe badge boostglitch hasMissingNo levelup and break itMissingNois taughtEarthquakeThe playermentions howslowlyMissingNolevels up inearly gameThe player hasto catchMissingNotwice due to theRhydon failsafeMissingNo KO'sitself fromconfusiondamage fromfull healthThe playercomments onhow MissingNocan't learn WaterGun by TMMissingNo istrained againsta Kakuna orMetapod inearly gameWater Gundoes very littledamageagainst aRock/GroundPokemonMissingNois taughtTri AttackThe playerstruggles witha Trainer theysay is usuallyeasy to beatThe playerbrings upMissingNo'shigh AttackThe playerbrings upMissingNo'slow SpeedMissingNo isknocked outwhilecharging upSky AttackMissingNo istaught a newmove to dealwith aGastly.MissingNo isdefeated byan Elite FourmemberMissingNois taughtFlyMissingNo hasproblemsagainst anotherphysicalNormal-typeBubblebeamreplaces oneof the WaterGunsMissingNois taughtSwordsDanceMissingNo'slow Specialstat isbrought upMissingNo'sbase 0Defense isemphasized

Watching a MissingNo Solo Challenge Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. MissingNo is taught Thunder Wave
  2. The player mentions how fast MissingNo levels up in the mid and late game
  3. The player speculates that the Bird-type became the Flying-type
  4. The player is defeated by Brock
  5. MissingNo has trouble against the rival
  6. MissingNo defeats the first Pokemon it hits with Mega Punch in one hit
  7. MissingNo has trouble against a Kadabra
  8. Mega Punch is the first TM used on MissingNo
  9. Someone using the badge boost glitch has MissingNo level up and break it
  10. MissingNo is taught Earthquake
  11. The player mentions how slowly MissingNo levels up in early game
  12. The player has to catch MissingNo twice due to the Rhydon failsafe
  13. MissingNo KO's itself from confusion damage from full health
  14. The player comments on how MissingNo can't learn Water Gun by TM
  15. MissingNo is trained against a Kakuna or Metapod in early game
  16. Water Gun does very little damage against a Rock/Ground Pokemon
  17. MissingNo is taught Tri Attack
  18. The player struggles with a Trainer they say is usually easy to beat
  19. The player brings up MissingNo's high Attack
  20. The player brings up MissingNo's low Speed
  21. MissingNo is knocked out while charging up Sky Attack
  22. MissingNo is taught a new move to deal with a Gastly.
  23. MissingNo is defeated by an Elite Four member
  24. MissingNo is taught Fly
  25. MissingNo has problems against another physical Normal-type
  26. Bubblebeam replaces one of the Water Guns
  27. MissingNo is taught Swords Dance
  28. MissingNo's low Special stat is brought up
  29. MissingNo's base 0 Defense is emphasized