OligopolyMarket structurewhere there arefew producers,High barriers toentryShortagewhen there isnot enough ortoo few goods tomeet thedemand of theconsumers.EquilibriumThe economiccondition wheremarket demandand market supplyare equal to eachotherSubstituteGoodsproduct thatsatisfies thesame basicwant asanother productPerfectCompetitionMarket Structurewhere there areMany producers,competition ishigh, but there areno/ few barriers toenterMonopolisticCompetitionMarket structurewhere there aremany producers,Similar productsBUT variety ispresent, little controlover pricePrivateownershipOwned by anindividual ororganization,rather than bythe governmentMarketCompetitionRivalry betweenproducers/sellers ofgoods or servicesresults in betterquality goods andservices at a lowerprice CooperativeOrganization owned andoperated by people whouse its services; they aredesignated as members, oruser-owners. Profits andearnings are distributedamong the members EntrepreneurPerson who takes arisk to produce goodsand services insearch of profit- theycombine the otherfactors of productionIncentivesThings thatchangeeconomicbehavior andchoicesMarketAny place where twoor more parties canmeet to engage in aneconomic transaction(buying/selling ofgoods/services)MicroeconomicsThe branch ofeconomics that looksat studying thebehavior of anindividual economicunit such as individualconsumers,households, andbusinesses.PriceThe amountof moneyexchangedfor a good orserviceCircularFlowModel thatdemonstrates howmoney moves fromproducers tohouseholds and backagain in an endlessloopMonopolyMarket Structurewhere there are highbarriers to enter, buttotal control overprice because thereis only one producer"InvisibleHand"Metaphor for howunseen forces movethe free market byself-interestedindividuals operatingthrough a system ofmutualinterdependenceConsumerPerson whobuys goodsor servicesfor their ownUSEDemandAmount of agood or servicethat consumersare willing andable to buy at acertain priceProfitEarningsafter allexpenseshave beenpaidSupplyHow much of theproduct isavailable forpurchase at agiven price by abusiness orsupplier.CorporationA type of businessowned by manypeople but treatedby law as though itwere a person.ProducerPerson whocreates economicvalue, or MAKESgoods andprovides servicesComplementaryGoodsproduct that isconsumed alongwith some otherproduct- a productor service that addsvalue to anotherConsumerSovereigntyPeople determinethroughpurchases, whatgoods andservices will beproduced.SoleProprietorUnincorporatedbusiness with onlyone owner whopays personalincome tax onprofits earned. AdamSmithThe "Father" ofModernEconomics -proposed theidea of the"Invisible Hand"FranchiseBusiness wherebythe owner licenses itsoperations—alongwith its products,branding, andknowledge—inexchange for a fee.PartnershipForm of abusiness withtwo or moreowners whoshare the risksand profitSurplusWhen supplyis greaterthan thedemand fora productOligopolyMarket structurewhere there arefew producers,High barriers toentryShortagewhen there isnot enough ortoo few goods tomeet thedemand of theconsumers.EquilibriumThe economiccondition wheremarket demandand market supplyare equal to eachotherSubstituteGoodsproduct thatsatisfies thesame basicwant asanother productPerfectCompetitionMarket Structurewhere there areMany producers,competition ishigh, but there areno/ few barriers toenterMonopolisticCompetitionMarket structurewhere there aremany producers,Similar productsBUT variety ispresent, little controlover pricePrivateownershipOwned by anindividual ororganization,rather than bythe governmentMarketCompetitionRivalry betweenproducers/sellers ofgoods or servicesresults in betterquality goods andservices at a lowerprice CooperativeOrganization owned andoperated by people whouse its services; they aredesignated as members, oruser-owners. Profits andearnings are distributedamong the members EntrepreneurPerson who takes arisk to produce goodsand services insearch of profit- theycombine the otherfactors of productionIncentivesThings thatchangeeconomicbehavior andchoicesMarketAny place where twoor more parties canmeet to engage in aneconomic transaction(buying/selling ofgoods/services)MicroeconomicsThe branch ofeconomics that looksat studying thebehavior of anindividual economicunit such as individualconsumers,households, andbusinesses.PriceThe amountof moneyexchangedfor a good orserviceCircularFlowModel thatdemonstrates howmoney moves fromproducers tohouseholds and backagain in an endlessloopMonopolyMarket Structurewhere there are highbarriers to enter, buttotal control overprice because thereis only one producer"InvisibleHand"Metaphor for howunseen forces movethe free market byself-interestedindividuals operatingthrough a system ofmutualinterdependenceConsumerPerson whobuys goodsor servicesfor their ownUSEDemandAmount of agood or servicethat consumersare willing andable to buy at acertain priceProfitEarningsafter allexpenseshave beenpaidSupplyHow much of theproduct isavailable forpurchase at agiven price by abusiness orsupplier.CorporationA type of businessowned by manypeople but treatedby law as though itwere a person.ProducerPerson whocreates economicvalue, or MAKESgoods andprovides servicesComplementaryGoodsproduct that isconsumed alongwith some otherproduct- a productor service that addsvalue to anotherConsumerSovereigntyPeople determinethroughpurchases, whatgoods andservices will beproduced.SoleProprietorUnincorporatedbusiness with onlyone owner whopays personalincome tax onprofits earned. AdamSmithThe "Father" ofModernEconomics -proposed theidea of the"Invisible Hand"FranchiseBusiness wherebythe owner licenses itsoperations—alongwith its products,branding, andknowledge—inexchange for a fee.PartnershipForm of abusiness withtwo or moreowners whoshare the risksand profitSurplusWhen supplyis greaterthan thedemand fora product

Microeconomics! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Market structure where there are few producers, High barriers to entry
  2. when there is not enough or too few goods to meet the demand of the consumers.
  3. The economic condition where market demand and market supply are equal to each other
  4. product that satisfies the same basic want as another product
    Substitute Goods
  5. Market Structure where there are Many producers, competition is high, but there are no/ few barriers to enter
    Perfect Competition
  6. Market structure where there are many producers, Similar products BUT variety is present, little control over price
    Monopolistic Competition
  7. Owned by an individual or organization, rather than by the government
    Private ownership
  8. Rivalry between producers/sellers of goods or services results in better quality goods and services at a lower price
    Market Competition
  9. Organization owned and operated by people who use its services; they are designated as members, or user-owners. Profits and earnings are distributed among the members
  10. Person who takes a risk to produce goods and services in search of profit- they combine the other factors of production
  11. Things that change economic behavior and choices
  12. Any place where two or more parties can meet to engage in an economic transaction (buying/selling of goods/services)
  13. The branch of economics that looks at studying the behavior of an individual economic unit such as individual consumers, households, and businesses.
  14. The amount of money exchanged for a good or service
  15. Model that demonstrates how money moves from producers to households and back again in an endless loop
    Circular Flow
  16. Market Structure where there are high barriers to enter, but total control over price because there is only one producer
  17. Metaphor for how unseen forces move the free market by self-interested individuals operating through a system of mutual interdependence
    "Invisible Hand"
  18. Person who buys goods or services for their own USE
  19. Amount of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a certain price
  20. Earnings after all expenses have been paid
  21. How much of the product is available for purchase at a given price by a business or supplier.
  22. A type of business owned by many people but treated by law as though it were a person.
  23. Person who creates economic value, or MAKES goods and provides services
  24. product that is consumed along with some other product- a product or service that adds value to another
    Complementary Goods
  25. People determine through purchases, what goods and services will be produced.
    Consumer Sovereignty
  26. Unincorporated business with only one owner who pays personal income tax on profits earned.
    Sole Proprietor
  27. The "Father" of Modern Economics - proposed the idea of the "Invisible Hand"
    Adam Smith
  28. Business whereby the owner licenses its operations—along with its products, branding, and knowledge—in exchange for a fee.
  29. Form of a business with two or more owners who share the risks and profit
  30. When supply is greater than the demand for a product