newmooncometA loose collectionof ice and dustthat orbits the sun,typically in a long,narrow orbit.gibbousmooncause ofday andnighttherotation ofearth onits axisdwarfplanetAn object thatorbits the sun andis spherical, buthas not clearedthe area of itsorbit.gravityA force ofattraction betweenobjects that is dueto their masses,and distancebetween them.asteroidOne of the rockyobjects revolvingaround the sun thatare too small andnumerous to beconsidered planets. fullmoonAU(astronomicalunit) A unit of distanceequal to the averagedistance betweenEarth and the sun;about 140 millionkilometers.  ReasonforSeasons the tilt of theearth's axis &the revolutionaround the sun  galaxya system of millionsor billions of stars,together with gas anddust, held together bygravitationalattraction.crescentmoonlunareclipsethe Earth is in themiddle of the sunand moon, andEarth casts ashadow on themoonsolareclipsethe moon is in themiddle between thesun and Earth. Itcovers the sun andcasts a shadow onEarthfirstquartermoonSunA large,gaseousbody at thecenter of thesolar system.meteoroidA chunk of rockor dust inspace,generallysmaller than anasteroid.solarsystemThe systemconsisting of thesun and theplanets and otherobjects thatrevolve around it.moonA naturalsatellitethat orbitsa planetnebulaA cloud in outerspace consistingof gas or dustthat forms aftera star explodes.waningmoonThe moonappearsto getsmallerspringtideCauses high,high tides andlow, low tidesduring new andfull moonphasesuniverseAll ofspace andeverythingin itlightyearthe distancelight travelsin one yearthirdquartermoonneaptidecauses higherlow tides andlower high tidesduring 1st and3rd quartersplanetAn object that orbitsa star, is largeenough to havebecome rounded byits own gravity, andhas cleared the areaof its orbit.waxingmoonthe moonappearsto getlargernewmooncometA loose collectionof ice and dustthat orbits the sun,typically in a long,narrow orbit.gibbousmooncause ofday andnighttherotation ofearth onits axisdwarfplanetAn object thatorbits the sun andis spherical, buthas not clearedthe area of itsorbit.gravityA force ofattraction betweenobjects that is dueto their masses,and distancebetween them.asteroidOne of the rockyobjects revolvingaround the sun thatare too small andnumerous to beconsidered planets. fullmoonAU(astronomicalunit) A unit of distanceequal to the averagedistance betweenEarth and the sun;about 140 millionkilometers.  ReasonforSeasons the tilt of theearth's axis &the revolutionaround the sun  galaxya system of millionsor billions of stars,together with gas anddust, held together bygravitationalattraction.crescentmoonlunareclipsethe Earth is in themiddle of the sunand moon, andEarth casts ashadow on themoonsolareclipsethe moon is in themiddle between thesun and Earth. Itcovers the sun andcasts a shadow onEarthfirstquartermoonSunA large,gaseousbody at thecenter of thesolar system.meteoroidA chunk of rockor dust inspace,generallysmaller than anasteroid.solarsystemThe systemconsisting of thesun and theplanets and otherobjects thatrevolve around it.moonA naturalsatellitethat orbitsa planetnebulaA cloud in outerspace consistingof gas or dustthat forms aftera star explodes.waningmoonThe moonappearsto getsmallerspringtideCauses high,high tides andlow, low tidesduring new andfull moonphasesuniverseAll ofspace andeverythingin itlightyearthe distancelight travelsin one yearthirdquartermoonneaptidecauses higherlow tides andlower high tidesduring 1st and3rd quartersplanetAn object that orbitsa star, is largeenough to havebecome rounded byits own gravity, andhas cleared the areaof its orbit.waxingmoonthe moonappearsto getlarger

IG 15: Vastness of Space - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. new moon
  2. A loose collection of ice and dust that orbits the sun, typically in a long, narrow orbit.
  3. gibbous moon
  4. the rotation of earth on its axis
    cause of day and night
  5. An object that orbits the sun and is spherical, but has not cleared the area of its orbit.
    dwarf planet
  6. A force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses, and distance between them.
  7. One of the rocky objects revolving around the sun that are too small and numerous to be considered planets.
  8. full moon
  9. A unit of distance equal to the average distance between Earth and the sun; about 140 million kilometers.
    AU (astronomical unit)
  10. the tilt of the earth's axis & the revolution around the sun
    Reason for Seasons
  11. a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.
  12. crescent moon
  13. the Earth is in the middle of the sun and moon, and Earth casts a shadow on the moon
    lunar eclipse
  14. the moon is in the middle between the sun and Earth. It covers the sun and casts a shadow on Earth
    solar eclipse
  15. first quarter moon
  16. A large, gaseous body at the center of the solar system.
  17. A chunk of rock or dust in space, generally smaller than an asteroid.
  18. The system consisting of the sun and the planets and other objects that revolve around it.
    solar system
  19. A natural satellite that orbits a planet
  20. A cloud in outer space consisting of gas or dust that forms after a star explodes.
  21. The moon appears to get smaller
    waning moon
  22. Causes high, high tides and low, low tides during new and full moon phases
    spring tide
  23. All of space and everything in it
  24. the distance light travels in one year
    light year
  25. third quarter moon
  26. causes higher low tides and lower high tides during 1st and 3rd quarters
    neap tide
  27. An object that orbits a star, is large enough to have become rounded by its own gravity, and has cleared the area of its orbit.
  28. the moon appears to get larger
    waxing moon