the point wheresupply & demandmeet; where mostbuyers & sellerswant to buy andsell atbanks, creditunions,savings &loans, securitybrokeragesprivate financialinstitutions thatprovide capitalto businessesand individualsgovt. agencythatregulatesradio, tv, &internetself-assessmentthe firststep inplanning acareeentrepreneura personwho riskstheir capitalto start abusinessgovt. agencythe enforcesanti-trustlawsFreeMarketan economic systemcharacterized by:private property, profitmotive, competition,consumer sovereignty,choice, & minimumgovt. interreferencecorporationbusiness organizationthat is authorized bylaw to act as a legalentity regardless of thenumber of owners.Owners share theprofits. Owner liabilityis limited to the amountof their investmentsalestaxstate or localtax paidwhen apurchase ismadepropertytaxcounty taxon land,buildings,boats, cars,trailers, etc.this protectsconsumers fromdangerousproductscoins,currency,& bankdepositstypes ofmoneyused inthe U.S.humancapitala.k.a. "labor" thework or theworkers skills,education,talent, or trainingscarcitythe inability to satisfyall wants at the sametime. All resourcesand goods arelimited. Limitedgoods and resourcesrequire that choicesbe madeanti-trustlawsexamples are theSherman &Clayton Acts aredesigned to stopmonopolies &promotecompetitioncompetitioncharacteristic of freemarket economies:where multiple firmsand producers in thesame industry fightfor the samecustomersproprietorshipform of businessorganization withone owner whotakes all the risksand all the profitsMixedEconomythe most commoneconomic system, govt.involvement in theeconomy is greater than afree market but less than acommand economy, thegovt. is the decision makerin the public sector of theeconomy.CommandEconomyan economicsystemcharacterized by:govt. ownership ofproperty, centralplanning, & lack ofchoiceglobaleconomyWorldwide markets inwhich the buying andselling of goods andservices by allindividuals, nations,and businesses takesplacegovt agencythatregulatespollution positiveattitude &good workethicattitudes &behaviors thatemployersseek inemployeesincometax16thAmendmentResources, goods andservices, and money flowcontinuously amonghouseholds, businesses,and markets; resources,goods, & services flow inone direction & moneygoes in the oppositedirectionthe point wheresupply & demandmeet; where mostbuyers & sellerswant to buy andsell atbanks, creditunions,savings &loans, securitybrokeragesprivate financialinstitutions thatprovide capitalto businessesand individualsgovt. agencythatregulatesradio, tv, &internetself-assessmentthe firststep inplanning acareeentrepreneura personwho riskstheir capitalto start abusinessgovt. agencythe enforcesanti-trustlawsFreeMarketan economic systemcharacterized by:private property, profitmotive, competition,consumer sovereignty,choice, & minimumgovt. interreferencecorporationbusiness organizationthat is authorized bylaw to act as a legalentity regardless of thenumber of owners.Owners share theprofits. Owner liabilityis limited to the amountof their investmentsalestaxstate or localtax paidwhen apurchase ismadepropertytaxcounty taxon land,buildings,boats, cars,trailers, etc.this protectsconsumers fromdangerousproductscoins,currency,& bankdepositstypes ofmoneyused inthe U.S.humancapitala.k.a. "labor" thework or theworkers skills,education,talent, or trainingscarcitythe inability to satisfyall wants at the sametime. All resourcesand goods arelimited. Limitedgoods and resourcesrequire that choicesbe madeanti-trustlawsexamples are theSherman &Clayton Acts aredesigned to stopmonopolies &promotecompetitioncompetitioncharacteristic of freemarket economies:where multiple firmsand producers in thesame industry fightfor the samecustomersproprietorshipform of businessorganization withone owner whotakes all the risksand all the profitsMixedEconomythe most commoneconomic system, govt.involvement in theeconomy is greater than afree market but less than acommand economy, thegovt. is the decision makerin the public sector of theeconomy.CommandEconomyan economicsystemcharacterized by:govt. ownership ofproperty, centralplanning, & lack ofchoiceglobaleconomyWorldwide markets inwhich the buying andselling of goods andservices by allindividuals, nations,and businesses takesplacegovt agencythatregulatespollutionpositiveattitude &good workethicattitudes &behaviors thatemployersseek inemployeesincometax16thAmendmentResources, goods andservices, and money flowcontinuously amonghouseholds, businesses,and markets; resources,goods, & services flow inone direction & moneygoes in the oppositedirection

Economics SOL Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. the point where supply & demand meet; where most buyers & sellers want to buy and sell at
  2. private financial institutions that provide capital to businesses and individuals
    banks, credit unions, savings & loans, security brokerages
  3. govt. agency that regulates radio, tv, & internet
  4. the first step in planning a caree
  5. a person who risks their capital to start a business
  6. govt. agency the enforces anti-trust laws
  7. an economic system characterized by: private property, profit motive, competition, consumer sovereignty, choice, & minimum govt. interreference
    Free Market
  8. business organization that is authorized by law to act as a legal entity regardless of the number of owners. Owners share the profits. Owner liability is limited to the amount of their investment
  9. state or local tax paid when a purchase is made
    sales tax
  10. county tax on land, buildings, boats, cars, trailers, etc.
    property tax
  11. this govt. agency protects consumers from dangerous products
  12. types of money used in the U.S.
    coins, currency, & bank deposits
  13. a.k.a. "labor" the work or the workers skills, education, talent, or training
    human capital
  14. the inability to satisfy all wants at the same time. All resources and goods are limited. Limited goods and resources require that choices be made
  15. examples are the Sherman & Clayton Acts are designed to stop monopolies & promote competition
    anti-trust laws
  16. characteristic of free market economies: where multiple firms and producers in the same industry fight for the same customers
  17. form of business organization with one owner who takes all the risks and all the profits
  18. the most common economic system, govt. involvement in the economy is greater than a free market but less than a command economy, the govt. is the decision maker in the public sector of the economy.
    Mixed Economy
  19. an economic system characterized by: govt. ownership of property, central planning, & lack of choice
    Command Economy
  20. Worldwide markets in which the buying and selling of goods and services by all individuals, nations, and businesses takes place
    global economy
  21. govt agency that regulates pollution
  22. attitudes & behaviors that employers seek in employees
    positive attitude & good work ethic
  23. 16th Amendment
    income tax
  24. Resources, goods and services, and money flow continuously among households, businesses, and markets; resources, goods, & services flow in one direction & money goes in the opposite direction