Catalyst church wasthe 812th church plantthrough ARC.       In 2023, we’ve seen183 decisions to followJesus since theinception of Catalyst      During COVID, thechurch held onlineservices only for 13months but continuedoutreach into thecommunity throughoutthe pandemic.   Pastor Jeremyreceived 6 “NO’s” tomeeting spaces beforethe cinema      25 people dedicatedtheir heart to Jesus onlaunch Sunday       Our mission is thatevery person will knowGod, find freedom,discover purpose andmake a difference     In the early days of thenext generation, weasked kids NOT to eatpopcorn or gum off thefloor     The first launchrehearsal snowed thetrailer in at theBurroughs home      Pastors Jeremy andKristina started thechurch plantingprocess in 2017 with aword from God.     The catalyst churchfamily has grown 30%since 2022       While praying whereto launch church, theBurroughs heardBethesda     The first dream teamparty took place in thisvery ballroom February2020 at TheBethesdan.     Pastor Jeremy’s phonewas broken on launchday because pipe anddrape crushed it      100 people came outto the first launch partyat Pike and Rose      A month beforelaunching the church,we still didn’t haveenough finance topurchase the soundsystem. We literallyprayed and Jeremy gota call that day to coverthe sound systemIn 2023, we’ve served197 new guestslooking for a churchhome      In the first year ofCatalyst Church, wesaw 347 people makea commitment to followChrist     The incredible launchteam loaded andunloaded the truck forfirst real rehearsal inthe freezing cold     Catalyst Church existsto follow the ways ofJesus, leading to therenewal of our world     485 people came outon launch Sunday        Catalyst Launched inJanuary 2019 at theBethesda Row Cinema      Our first pre-launchwas a rainy day atPinstripes in Sept2018.      With all thepreparation, we did notprepare for a completefire evacuation duringone of the earlierservices    Since the church’sinception we have donated$236,239 to missionslocally, church planting, andglobally.     Pastors Kristina andJeremy wereexpecting their 3rdchild as Catalyst wasbeing launched    Catalyst church wasthe 812th church plantthrough ARC.       In 2023, we’ve seen183 decisions to followJesus since theinception of Catalyst      During COVID, thechurch held onlineservices only for 13months but continuedoutreach into thecommunity throughoutthe pandemic.   Pastor Jeremyreceived 6 “NO’s” tomeeting spaces beforethe cinema      25 people dedicatedtheir heart to Jesus onlaunch Sunday       Our mission is thatevery person will knowGod, find freedom,discover purpose andmake a difference     In the early days of thenext generation, weasked kids NOT to eatpopcorn or gum off thefloor     The first launchrehearsal snowed thetrailer in at theBurroughs home      Pastors Jeremy andKristina started thechurch plantingprocess in 2017 with aword from God.     The catalyst churchfamily has grown 30%since 2022       While praying whereto launch church, theBurroughs heardBethesda     The first dream teamparty took place in thisvery ballroom February2020 at TheBethesdan.     Pastor Jeremy’s phonewas broken on launchday because pipe anddrape crushed it      100 people came outto the first launch partyat Pike and Rose      A month beforelaunching the church,we still didn’t haveenough finance topurchase the soundsystem. We literallyprayed and Jeremy gota call that day to coverthe sound systemIn 2023, we’ve served197 new guestslooking for a churchhome      In the first year ofCatalyst Church, wesaw 347 people makea commitment to followChrist     The incredible launchteam loaded andunloaded the truck forfirst real rehearsal inthe freezing cold     Catalyst Church existsto follow the ways ofJesus, leading to therenewal of our world     485 people came outon launch Sunday        Catalyst Launched inJanuary 2019 at theBethesda Row Cinema      Our first pre-launchwas a rainy day atPinstripes in Sept2018.      With all thepreparation, we did notprepare for a completefire evacuation duringone of the earlierservices    Since the church’sinception we have donated$236,239 to missionslocally, church planting, andglobally.     Pastors Kristina andJeremy wereexpecting their 3rdchild as Catalyst wasbeing launched    

Dream Team Party - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Catalyst church was the 812th church plant through ARC.
  2. In 2023, we’ve seen 183 decisions to follow Jesus since the inception of Catalyst
  3. During COVID, the church held online services only for 13 months but continued outreach into the community throughout the pandemic.
  4. Pastor Jeremy received 6 “NO’s” to meeting spaces before the cinema
  5. 25 people dedicated their heart to Jesus on launch Sunday
  6. Our mission is that every person will know God, find freedom, discover purpose and make a difference
  7. In the early days of the next generation, we asked kids NOT to eat popcorn or gum off the floor
  8. The first launch rehearsal snowed the trailer in at the Burroughs home
  9. Pastors Jeremy and Kristina started the church planting process in 2017 with a word from God.
  10. The catalyst church family has grown 30% since 2022
  11. While praying where to launch church, the Burroughs heard Bethesda
  12. The first dream team party took place in this very ballroom February 2020 at The Bethesdan.
  13. Pastor Jeremy’s phone was broken on launch day because pipe and drape crushed it
  14. 100 people came out to the first launch party at Pike and Rose
  15. A month before launching the church, we still didn’t have enough finance to purchase the sound system. We literally prayed and Jeremy got a call that day to cover the sound system
  16. In 2023, we’ve served 197 new guests looking for a church home
  17. In the first year of Catalyst Church, we saw 347 people make a commitment to follow Christ
  18. The incredible launch team loaded and unloaded the truck for first real rehearsal in the freezing cold
  19. Catalyst Church exists to follow the ways of Jesus, leading to the renewal of our world
  20. 485 people came out on launch Sunday
  21. Catalyst Launched in January 2019 at the Bethesda Row Cinema
  22. Our first pre-launch was a rainy day at Pinstripes in Sept 2018.
  23. With all the preparation, we did not prepare for a complete fire evacuation during one of the earlier services
  24. Since the church’s inception we have donated $236,239 to missions locally, church planting, and globally.
  25. Pastors Kristina and Jeremy were expecting their 3rd child as Catalyst was being launched